
Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

author:Xiao Jiang said something


Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Pension "deemed contribution" is hotly discussed: how to measure fairness?

Pension, a seemingly simple but complex word, has recently made a lot of waves on the Internet. In particular, the discussion about "deemed payment" made the majority of netizens explode. To put it simply, how can the older generation, who have worked hard but never really paid social security in those years, be reflected in the pension system? Behind this, it is not only the calculation of numbers, but also the in-depth discussion of fairness and justice.


History vs. Reality: Who Owes the Debt?

Back then, our fathers made great efforts for the construction of the country in that era of scarcity of materials. At that time, the fathers had no social security and no provident fund, but every drop of sweat and every contribution created today's prosperity. And now, in the face of the problem of empty pensions, how should we face it?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Professor Yang Yansui of Tsinghua University put forward the idea that empty debts should be repaid by employees, not retired workers with vested interests. As soon as this idea came out, it immediately caused an uproar. Young people in state-owned enterprises feel that they are being burdened with undue responsibilities and feel unfair. After all, he is also working hard and contributing to the construction of the country, but why should he use his salary to fill in those historical voids?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Farmers vs. Workers: Who Pays More?

In this discussion, the voices of farmers cannot be ignored. His parents paid public grain and participated in rural construction, making great contributions to the development of the country. On the issue of pensions, however, they are often overlooked. How can a pension of one or two hundred yuan reflect the lifelong efforts of the older generation of farmers?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Some netizens bluntly pointed out: "It is the biggest unfairness to pay the fee, and it is the biggest unfairness to the farmers who paid silently under the scissors in the decades before the founding of the People's Republic of China." This contrast makes people ponder: in the construction of the country, farmers and workers have made great contributions, but on the issue of pensions, why is there such a huge difference?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Equity and Justice: How to Measure It?

In the face of such controversies and discussions, we can't help but ask: what is fairness in the issue of pensions? What is Justice?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Some people say that pensions should be distributed according to the principle of "pay more, get more". But the question is, how should the older generation who have never really paid social security pay calculated? And those farmers who pay silently, how should the contribution be reflected?

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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In this discussion, we see the pluralism and complexity of a society. Everyone has their own position and point of view, and everyone is speaking up for their own rights. But in any case, we should understand one truth: fairness and justice are the cornerstones of society and the goals we all pursue.

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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The issue of "deemed contributions" of pensions is not only an economic issue, but also a social and moral issue. It involves the vital interests of each and every one of us, as well as the harmony and stability of our society.

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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Therefore, we need to face this problem with a more open and inclusive mind, and seek a more equitable and reasonable solution. Only in this way will we be able to ensure that everyone who contributes to the country can be rewarded and respected as they deserve.

Contradictions! Professor Tsinghua gave methods such as salary cuts in state-owned enterprises to solve the pension gap, and the comment area was noisy

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