
What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

author:Programmer Xiao Yang

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What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

I found that there is a big difference in thinking between people who can drive and people who can't drive, for example, my friend he doesn't have a driver's license, he is not interested in cars, he walks on the road and rides a battery car and never looks in the rearview mirror, once gave me a paragraph, good guy, scared me, he doesn't look at the rearview mirror and loves to take the motorway, I sat in horror, I asked him why he didn't look, his answer shocked me, he said, the driver will see him, will slow down, [what] [what] since then I don't dare to take his car again.

So what are some other things that you don't know until you've been behind the wheel?

Let's take a look at the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect so many people to have problems!

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

[Cool] Thank you for complimenting me.,Basically, I'm on the opposite side of the intersection.,The car behind has just begun to move slowly.。。。

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

When waiting for the red light, the head car is optimistic about the road conditions, and if the road conditions allow, the green light with a big throttle can save a lot of time for the car behind. Especially when there is a traffic jam, the first car passes fast, and there can be a few more cars behind.

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

That left-turn lane may also be on the far right, especially if the old town road is narrow... [Crying] [Crying]

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

And you say, "I'm looking at the road for a while, I'm looking at you for a while."

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

The photos taken with money are not the same in temperament. [Surprise] BYD Hiace SUV, round and joyful [cover face]

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

It's okay to drive, but it's actually the trouble to park

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

Feel the headlights, and stuff toothpicks into the exhaust pipe

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

Sitting in the back row, she thought I was looking at her in the rearview mirror

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

It's really, and the sensitivity to blind spots in the field of vision has been greatly improved, and there has always been a feeling of predicting the ghost probe

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

If the car suddenly breaks down at this point, the sense of security will turn into a sense of fear

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

But whenever the destination is an old road in the downtown area, the discomfort of scratching the hair has increased exponentially, and even before getting in the car and igniting the fire, the cat starts to scratch his heart

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

The road ahead is clear and there are no cars, and some cuties will inexplicably step on the brakes [doge][doge]

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

There are cars overtaking, no cars are speeding, looking at six roads, scolding all directions

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

Trivia: When you drive, you can take a break with your eyes closed as if you didn't drive.

What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it

In the BBA, Mercedes-Benz is the slowest, BMW is the fiercest, and Audi is the most stable

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What's the only thing you know after driving? What points do you need to pay attention to when driving, you will understand after reading it