
Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.

author:Huli nonsense

Today I would like to bring you an article about how poor people are this year. How poor is everyone? The answers of netizens are really heart-wrenching, but they are also quite hilarious and boring, let's take a look!

Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.

Description: This year, everyone's wallets deflated like balloons have been punctured one by one. Under the double pressure of life and the shyness of our pockets, we had to use our ingenuity to create a series of recipes that would make you laugh and cry. Don't say you can't cook, now teach you the first poor man's dish that is both affordable and delicious!

Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.


As we all know, the economic situation is indeed grim this year, and many people have felt the pain of shyness in their pockets. However, in the face of life's pressures, people are always able to use their ingenuity and create a series of recipes that make people cry and laugh with limited resources. Today, let's take a look at the hottest poor dishes of 2024 revealed by netizens, and maybe you can find some fun and inspiration from them!

Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.

**1. Saliva chicken noodle stall scenery**

This dish has almost become the representative of this year, although it is simple in ingredients, but it is particularly enjoyable to eat. All you need is a bowl of boiled noodles with a chicken leg and a few drops of soy sauce, and a sprinkle of chopped green onions and chili powder, and you're a delicious saliva chicken noodle! Simple and affordable, it not only satisfies the taste buds after eating, but also saves a lot of silver.

**2. Pear blossoms bring rain, a family's rice bowl**

Donburi has always been a good way to deal with leftovers, and this year it is even more popular. Netizens gave this dish a playful name - "pear blossoms with rain". All you need to do is stir-fry leftovers, add an omelette, and top with a few drops of soy sauce to make a fragrant, budget-friendly rice bowl. Not only do you eat well, but you also save money, which is really a double win.

Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.

**3. I know you're poor, so I'll enjoy stinky tofu alone**

This year's stinky tofu has also undergone new changes, because everyone's wallets are not bulging enough, netizens simply developed the traditional stinky tofu into a single-person version. All you need to do is cut the tofu into small pieces, put it in a sealed bag, add a special smelly liquid, seal it and leave it for a while, and you can enjoy your own stinky tofu. Stinky tofu for one person not only solves the financial problem, but also avoids the embarrassment when sharing it with others.

**4. The poor man's version of "green beans" is coming**

Green beans, as a home-cooked dish, also have their own "poor man's version" this year. Netizens call it "Six Seasons Beans" because it is minced green beans, mixed with flour, eggs, and spices to form a paste, and then put in a pan to fry. The "six seasons beans" produced in this way have a crispy taste, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and are full of happiness in one bite.

Miserable poor! How poor have you been this year? The netizen's answer pierced the heart.

**5. Love radish skin, you deserve it**

In the face of poverty, people are still able to use their love and creativity to make a variety of delicacies. Among them, "love radish skin" has become the most popular dish. All you need to do is cut the chili peppers and carrots into small pieces, stir-fry them together, add seasonings, thicken them with eggs and starch, and finally sprinkle some chopped green onions to make a love radish skin with good color and flavor.


This year's lack of money may have forced us to change our lifestyle and eating habits, but it is also in the midst of this difficult situation that we have used our ingenuity to make up for our material deprivation with creativity and love. These laughable poor people's dishes not only satisfy everyone's taste buds, but also let us experience the infinite joy of life.

The above is the hottest poor dish in 2024 revealed by netizens, I hope to bring you some relief and resonance. Let's face the challenges of life with a humorous attitude and believe that the future will be better!