
My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

author:Zhou Gong chatted
My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

In our society, there is often a voice that has an unfair view of stepmothers. People may look at stepmothers more through the stereotypes in TV dramas, often the cold, calculating image. But today, I'm going to tell you a true story, a story of sacrifice, love, and understanding, with the protagonist being an ordinary but great stepmother.

The protagonist of the story is Xiao Li, a boy born in an ordinary family. When Xiao Li was six years old, his mother died of illness, leaving him and his father to depend on each other. In Xiao Li's memory, his father often secretly wiped his tears at night, and he was too young to watch quietly, and his heart was full of unspeakable depression and sadness.

Three years later, Xiao Li's father remarried, and the new mother, who is the heroine of our story, entered Xiao Li's life. Initially, Xiao Li, like many people, was wary of his stepmother, for fear of being abused like in the TV series. But the truth was completely unexpected.

My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

This new mother not only does not have the bad behavior of her stepmother in the TV series, but she is very good to Xiao Li, she will make delicious food for Xiao Li every day, and will patiently tutor him in his studies. Gradually, Xiao Li's wariness disappeared, and he began to truly accept this warm new mother.

When the time came to the year when Xiao Li was in college, the family's financial situation was not optimistic. Faced with high tuition fees, the average family may choose to let their children give up their studies, but Xiao Li's stepmother did not do so. In order to support Xiao Li to complete her studies, she took on the burden of three jobs by herself: she worked as a cleaner during the day, delivered food at night, and worked in a supermarket on weekends. Whenever Xiao Li saw his stepmother's busy back, a complex emotion would emerge in his heart, both grateful and distressed.

Xiao Li knew that in order to reduce the burden on his stepmother, he had to study hard and not let her efforts go in vain. During the four years of college, he saved money, reduced expenses as much as possible, and bought books second-hand, just to make it easier for his stepmother.

The stepmother's efforts and sacrifices made Xiao Li deeply feel the warmth of home and the greatness of maternal love. Every time he comes home for the holidays, he will try his best to express his gratitude and love for his stepmother, so that she can feel that although he is not her biological child, their relationship is better than his own.

My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

However, just when Xiao Li was about to graduate from college and was about to reap the fruits of his studies, an unexpected thing happened, which brought a huge impact on his life. This incident will also be a turning point in our story, and we will continue to explore the story of this great stepmother next time.

In the spring of Xiao Li's last year of college, when he was preparing for his graduation ceremony and planning his future with joy, something suddenly happened that caught him off guard - his stepmother, who had always been a strong backing, suddenly lost contact.

On that day, Xiao Li called his stepmother as usual to report his progress in his studies for the week, but the phone could not get through. At first, he thought it was just a signal problem or that his stepmother was too busy with work to answer, but as time went by, the phone still didn't respond, and this went on for three whole days. Xiao Li's heart began to sink more and more, and uneasiness and anxiety gradually spread in his heart.

Three days later, when Xiao Li was almost desperate, he received a call from his father and learned that his stepmother had been rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack at work. This sudden news made Xiao Li like five thunderbolts, and he immediately put down everything in his hand and rushed home.

My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

In the hospital, seeing his weak stepmother lying on the hospital bed, Xiao Li's heart was like a knife. He held his stepmother's hand, tears streaming uncontrollably. Although the stepmother was extremely weak, when she saw Xiao Li, she still smiled slightly, comforted him with all her might, and told him not to worry.

After a period of treatment, the stepmother's condition improved, but the doctor warned that due to overwork, the stepmother's body had reached its limit and needed complete rest and recuperation. Feeling deeply remorseful, Xiao Li decided to give up the job opportunity after graduation and stay in his hometown to find a job in order to take care of his stepmother.

This incident made Xiao Li deeply understand that the love between family members cannot be measured by money. The stepmother's silent sacrifice and dedication in those years was the greatest love and support for him. He vowed that no matter what the future holds, he would repay his stepmother for her nurturing kindness.

Xiao Li's story is a microcosm of countless ordinary families. In this story, we see a stepmother's deep affection for her non-biological child, and the power of sincere affection and mutual support between family members. This is not just a story about blood relations, but also a story about the brilliance of humanity and the power of love.

My stepmom worked three jobs to support my college education, but she suddenly disappeared just as she was about to graduate

In real life, many stepmothers are also silently taking responsibility and love, and their love is equally worthy of our respect and cherishment. I hope this story can change some of the prejudices against stepmothers in society, so that we can look at the "new mother" in every family with more appreciation and gratitude.

Every family has its own story, and every love deserves to be recorded and sung. In our busy and rushing lives, we might as well have more understanding and care, because there is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no giving for no reason. Home is always our strongest backing.