
The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

author:Persistent Breeze A3

Speaking of classic animation images, it really crossed the boundaries of time and became a treasure in the hearts of countless people. is like "Cat and Mouse" that we chased together in those years, the little mouse Jerry in it, that is a mischievous elf, its witty and cute image, which makes countless children crazy. I remember when I was a child, whenever I came home from school, the first thing I did was turn on the TV, tune into that familiar channel, and watch Jerry and Tom battle their wits, it was really the happiest time of the day.

And when it comes to little mice, how can you not mention Disney's Mickey Mouse? The image of Mickey Mouse is a household name, with its big round ears, cute smile, and iconic red shorts and big gloves, which is simply a representative of childhood. Not only does Mickey Mouse shine in animated films, but its various spin-offs, such as toys, clothes, stationery, etc., are also a favorite of children.

I think the reason why these little mouse images can be so deeply rooted in people's hearts is that they have distinct personalities, and every movement and expression is full of vitality. Their stories are simple and educational, and we learn to be brave, wise, and kind through laughter. Moreover, the design of these animated images is very careful, whether it is the matching of colors or the design of movements, it makes people feel a sense of artistic beauty.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

Moreover, the reason why these animated characters can transcend the ages and become classics is because they keep pace with the times and are constantly updated. Take "Cat and Mouse" as an example, although it was originally born in the 1940s, it has also continued to add new elements over time, such as modern music, popular language, etc., so that a new generation of children can also find resonance in it.

Moreover, the popularity of these little mouse images has also led to a cultural phenomenon. For example, Mickey Mouse is not only an animated character, but also a cultural symbol that represents an optimistic attitude towards life. At Disneyland, the image of Mickey Mouse can be seen everywhere, and it has become a symbol of happiness and a source of solace in the hectic life.

In general, the reason why these little mouse images can be so widely welcomed is that they are not only a character in the animation, but also an emotional sustenance and a cultural inheritance. They bring joy to our lives in their own unique ways, and also let us learn more life wisdom on the road of growth.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

When it comes to domestic animation, there is one work that has to be mentioned, and that is "Shuke and Beta". This animation can be said to be the childhood memory of our generation, it is not only a cartoon, but also an emotional sustenance and a cultural inheritance.

The background of the creation of "Shuck and Beta" is truly a legend. It is based on the fairy tale novel of the same name by Zheng Yuanjie, an author who is a heavyweight in Chinese children's literature and whose works are loved by children. The story of "Shuk and Beta" tells the adventures of two little mice, who are smart, brave, kind, and full of positive energy.

In 1989, "Shuke and Beta" was adapted into animation, which was a big deal in the domestic animation industry at that time. At that time, although the animation production technology was not as advanced as it is now, the animators relied on their love for the work and the pursuit of art, and they made the work lively and impressive.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

The position of this animation in the hearts of the audience is not ordinary. I remember that at that time, whenever "Shuke and Beta" was broadcast, the children in the family would sit in front of the TV and watch intently. Every adventure of Shuck and Beta makes us nervous and excited, and the friendship between them also touches us.

The story of "Shuk and Beta" is not only about adventure, but also about the transmission of spirit. Although Shuke and Beta are only two little mice, their courage and wisdom are admirable. They do not flinch in the face of difficulties and do not give up in the face of challenges, and this spirit is exactly what each of us should have.

Moreover, the handling of details in this animation is also very careful. Whether it is the design of the characters or the layout of the scenes, they are full of Chinese elements, and people know at a glance that this is our own animation. This kind of cultural self-confidence is also an important reason why "Shuke and Beta" can occupy a place in domestic animation.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

In general, "Shuke and Beta" is not just an animation, it is a cultural inheritance, a spiritual transmission. It allows us to see the charm of domestic animation, and also allows us to see the hope of Chinese animation. This work will always remain in our memories and become an eternal classic in our hearts.

The remake of the new version of "Shukbeta" is an exciting topic. Do you know that the director of this remake is none other than Zheng Yuanjie's son, Zheng Yaqi. The young director, with a deep respect for his father's work and a love for the art of animation, is determined to bring new life to this classic.

The background of the production of the new version of "Shukbeta" can be said to be a technological innovation. In this era of increasingly mature 3D animation technology, the new version of animation boldly adopts 3D technology, which not only makes the picture more three-dimensional and vivid, but also brings a new visual experience to the audience. The use of 3D technology makes every scene and every action more delicate and realistic, as if Shuk and Beta are living in front of our eyes.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

Moreover, the new version has also made some adjustments to the character image. Although it retains the classic elements of the original, it is more refined in details and more in line with modern aesthetics. The images of Shuk and Beta are more rounded and cute, their expressions are richer, and their movements are more fluid. These subtle changes, although subtle, make the characters more vivid and engaging.

The remake of the new version of "Shuk Beta" is not only a technical upgrade, but also a cultural inheritance. Director Zheng Yaqi said in an interview that during the remake process, he always insisted on respecting the original work and respecting the classics, and also hoped that this work could keep pace with the times and attract more young audiences. This respect for the classics and the pursuit of innovation is an important reason why the new version of "Shuk Beta" has been widely acclaimed.

The launch of the new version of the animation has also triggered a wave of nostalgia. Many of the children of that year have now grown up, but when they see the new version of "Shuke Beta", the memories of that childhood are reawakened. They were pleasantly surprised to find that the new version not only retains the essence of the original, but also adds many fresh elements, allowing them to feel new fun while being nostalgic.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad

Overall, the remake of the new version of "Shukbeta" is a successful attempt. It not only allows us to see the progress of domestic animation, but also allows us to see the vitality of traditional culture in the new era. This work will continue to leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience and become the childhood memory of the new generation of children.

The childhood killing "Shuke Beta" returns, and the 3D painting style is ridiculed as "rats are not rats", but it is not so bad