
Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

author:Coffee History C

Hello everyone, today I will tell you an interesting story about "well-off". Well-off, as the name suggests, is to live a life of abundance and carefreeness. The pursuit of a well-off life is the dream that the Chinese diligently pursue, and it is also the persistent goal of the Communist Party of China to seek well-being for the people.

Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

In fact, the word well-off has a long history, dating back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The poet of that time once wrote in a psalm: "The people also stop working, and they can be well-off." To explain in modern vernacular, it means that after the people work hard, they can live a somewhat well-off life. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius's disciple Zisi also painted a beautiful picture of a well-off society in the Book of Rites: "Everyone is filial piety, their children are educated, they are hard to get rich, the nobles are hereditary engaged in etiquette and music, build cities to consolidate defenses, attach importance to etiquette and righteousness, and correct themselves...... This is well-off!"

Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

Later, the theory of moderate prosperity was given a new connotation by the Communist Party of China. At a meeting of the Central Committee in 1948, Comrade Liu Shaoqi proposed that only by allowing small producers to live a moderately prosperous life could the party's leadership over them be truly consolidated. It can be seen that achieving a well-off life is not only about having enough food and clothing, but also about political domination. After the victory of the Liberation War, China entered the stage of socialism, but the goal of building a moderately prosperous society was not defeated.

Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

At the end of the 70s of the last century, when Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized the goal of the country, he put forward the concept of a "moderately prosperous society" for the first time. He clearly pointed out that the four modernizations are not the pursuit of extreme and luxurious modernization, but the aim of enabling all 800 million people to live a moderately prosperous life. In 1984, Deng Xiaoping defined a moderately prosperous society as "Chinese-style modernization". As a result, a moderately prosperous society has become the specific goal of China's modernization drive.

Since then, the connotation of well-off has been continuously enriched. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) specifically elaborated on the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society as economic development, democracy and rule of law, progress in science and education, cultural prosperity, social harmony, and people's prosperity. It can be described as an overall well-off in all aspects of politics, economy and culture. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as the current goal, and required that the next development must adhere to innovation-driven, coordinated and sustainable, and enrich the people and the country.

Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

In general, a well-off life is not only a material life with no worries about food and clothing, but also includes all-round development such as democracy, rule of law, civilization, harmony and green. It is the ideal life of the Chinese people and the fundamental purpose of the ruling of the Communist Party of China. Although the road to a well-off life is tortuous, as long as the party and the people work with one heart and one mind, we will eventually welcome a well-off in an all-round way!

Through today's sharing, I believe you have a deeper understanding of the concept of "well-off". The theory of being moderately prosperous originated from the yearning of the ancients, but it was endowed with a richer connotation of the times by the Communist Party of China. From a well-off home, to a well-off society, and then to a well-off society in an all-round way, the concept of well-off has evolved with the development of the times.

Liu Shaoqi proposed a well-off home in 1948

It is not only about the material life of the people, but also contains the grand goal of all-round development. Along the way, our party has united and led the people and made arduous efforts to achieve it. Today, a well-off society in an all-round way is in sight, and we are striding forward towards the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way! Let us unite more closely under the banner of the party, roll up our sleeves and work hard, and write a new chapter in the pursuit of the dream of a well-off life for the people of Chinese#头条首发大赛! #