
In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

author:Clever pineapple
In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

The finale of "The Story of Roses": The rose bloomed, but Fang Taichu was a big surprise

Are you also a fan of the finale of "The Story of Rose"? Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, this family drama tells the inspirational story of a woman who breaks out of her cocoon and becomes a butterfly, and it brings tears to your eyes from beginning to end.

Especially in the last episode, the inner monologue of the protagonist Rose is about to drive me crazy: "I am on the road with ease and happiness, I am healthy and free, the world is in front of me, pointing to wherever I want to go, from now on, I no longer want to be happy, I myself am happy, I like everything I meet, everything is accepted, from now on I am not restricted, I make myself free." "I can see me slap the table, this is the life that we women yearn for!

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

This ending can be described as perfect, pushing the growth process of the character of Rose to a climax, and making the audience feel an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

But then again, although the finale of the whole show is impressive, there has recently been a wave of discussion on the Internet about the heroine's daughter "Fang Taichu".

Fang Taichu: "Image Change" from Cute to "Rustic"

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

If you want to talk about Fang Taichu, everyone must still remember what she looked like when she was a child, right? The round little face, bright and smart big eyes, is simply a copy of Liu Yifei and Lin Gengxin! At that time, netizens unanimously praised: "This is the child that Liu Yifei and Lin Gengxin can give birth to, it's really beautiful!" “

It seems that Liu Yifei and Lin Gengxin's genes for the golden CP are really strong, and they actually gave birth to such a cute little sesame official. Many viewers couldn't help but fantasize that if it was really Liu Yifei's child, it would probably look like this.

But what people didn't expect was that when Fang Taichu appeared on the screen when he grew up, the reactions of netizens were very different. The little beauty who was expected to be full of fairy spirit turned out to be an "ordinary girl" who was unbearable "rustic".

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

Some netizens shouted directly: "When he grows up, Fang Taichu is neither beautiful nor cute!" Others complained unceremoniously: "When Fang Taichu grew up, it was more like capital stuffed in." “

This kind of "image change" from "cute" to "rustic" can be said to have surprised many audiences. After all, you see, in the entertainment industry, stunning beauties like Liu Yifei are not rare, and beautiful actresses abound. As Liu Yifei's daughter, the audience naturally has higher expectations for Fang Taichu.

But the reality is that when he grew up, although Fang Taichu's facial features were also correct, the overall feeling was a little mediocre, giving people an "ordinary" or even "rustic" feeling. The gap between this and the cute image when I was a child is so big that many netizens feel very "separated".

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

Some netizens sighed: "There is Zhuyu in the front, and Liu Yifei in the back, with the blessing of many aspects, Fang Taichu who grew up gives people the impression that he is like Xiaoxue who was replaced in "Family with Children", which makes people feel divided and uncomfortable. “

For a time, Fang Taichu's "image change" became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet, and many people couldn't help but speculate whether it was some "capital" behind the scenes. After all, in this era of focusing on traffic and topics, sometimes some actors who are not outstanding can successfully enter the entertainment industry with the resource advantages behind them.

However, some viewers have a more objective attitude, thinking that Fang Taichu is not very "ugly" or "rustic" when he grows up, but he is just a little "ordinary" in comparison. As a netizen said: "To be honest, Fang Taichu is not ugly when he grows up, but there is Zhuyu in front and Liu Yifei in the back. “

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

The director is full of confidence: the finale has been sublimated

However, although the audience reacted fiercely to Fang Taichu's "image change", the director of "The Story of Rose" was not frightened by these controversies.

In an interview, the director expressed great confidence in the finale, and he believes that this work has completed the sublimation it should have and lived up to the audience's expectations.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

The director said: "The finale of "The Story of Rose", I think it has been sublimated very well. Unlike what is written in the novel, Fang Xiewen ends up destitute, and Rose eventually marries an old man. On the contrary, the TV series gave everyone a happy ending. Especially the narration of Rose's heart at the end is even more beneficial. “

It can be said that the director is quite confident in the ending of the whole work, and thinks that he has completed the due sublimation, which has left a deep impression on the audience. Especially that inner monologue of Rose, which touched the hearts of countless audiences.

This also makes us understand that in the creation of TV dramas, the director does not completely follow the direction of the original work, but will adapt it appropriately, the purpose is to make the work more sublimated in terms of storyline and character image, and achieve a better artistic presentation effect.

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

Of course, the director did not completely ignore the audience's feedback. Instead, he should pay great attention to the audience's response. After all, the audience's preferences are the most important, and the success of the work also depends on the audience's approval.

It can be seen that in an interview, the director also expressed his concern about Fang Taichu's image. This shows that he not only cares about the artistic value of the work itself, but also cares about the audience's feedback. This attitude is commendable.

Netizens quarreled: How beautiful Liu Yifei's daughter should be

In the finale of "The Story of Rose", Fang Taichu, who grew up, was suspected of bringing capital into the group, and his appearance was too separated

However, for netizens, Fang Taichu's "image change" is undoubtedly a "hard injury".

On social media, Fang Taichu became a hot topic for a while, and everyone expressed their complaints.

Some netizens directly said: "When I grew up, Fang Taichu was neither beautiful nor cute, I was really disappointed." Others bombarded unceremoniously: "When Fang Taichu grew up, it was more like capital stuffed in." From these comments, it is not difficult to see that the audience is strongly dissatisfied with Fang Taichu's image.

The complaints of these netizens also reveal the fact that in the entertainment industry, there is no shortage of beautiful girls, especially for first-line actresses like Liu Yifei, her daughter will definitely receive special attention. The audience will naturally have high expectations for the identity of "Liu Yifei's daughter".

However, the actual results are too far from this expectation. A netizen bluntly said: "There is Zhuyu in the front, and Liu Yifei in the back, with the blessing of many aspects, Fang Taichu who has grown up gives people the impression that he is like Xiaoxue who was replaced in "Family with Children", which makes people feel divided and uncomfortable. “

It can be said that the audience's standards for "Liu Yifei's daughter" are indeed very harsh. In their impression, Fang Taichu should definitely be a fairy-like little beauty, but in fact, her appearance is a little "mediocre". This gap is the main reason why the audience is so dissatisfied.

However, there are also some netizens who have a more objective attitude. They believe that Fang Taichu is not "ugly" or "rustic" when he grows up, but just a little "ordinary" in comparison. As one viewer said: "To be honest, Fang Taichu is not ugly when he grows up, but he has Zhuyu in front and Liu Yifei in the back, and with the blessing of many aspects, he gives people a little disappointing." “

In general, netizens reacted strongly to Fang Taichu's "image change", which reflects the public's sensitivity to the change in the image of celebrities. People tend to be entrenched in the belief that a certain celebrity should be what they should be, and when the reality of the situation falls short of this expectation, it naturally leads to controversy.

This also illustrates a social phenomenon: the public has a very high standard of scrutiny for the image of celebrities. In a way, this scrutiny may be too harsh. After all, everyone's appearance is constantly changing with age and environment, and celebrities are no exception. Perhaps we should focus more on their inner qualities and less on superficial changes.

The finale of "The Story of Rose" was well received

But then again, although Fang Taichu's image sparked heated discussions, on the whole, the finale of "The Story of Rose" was widely praised by the audience.

As the director said, the finale of this work left a deep impression on the audience. Especially the last paragraph of Rose's inner monologue is even more moving. Rose finally got out of the shackles of marriage and faced the future freely, this yearning for a better life gives people a strong positive energy.

Many viewers shouted on social media, "Rose's last words are so exciting!" They believe that this is not only Rose's personal growth, but also represents an independent woman's yearning and pursuit of life. Such an ending undoubtedly gave the audience a strong resonance and touch.

In addition to the plot itself, the overall production level of "The Story of Rose" has also been highly praised by the audience. Some netizens said: "The filming and screenwriting in many places are really good, and the emotional handling is also very good." This undoubtedly adds a lot of weight to the finale of the TV series.

In short, although Fang Taichu's "image change" has caused some controversy, "The Story of the Rose" has received wide acclaim as a complete work. The director's confidence in the finale also reflects their affirmation of the overall artistic value of the work.

This also gives us some enlightenment, that is, in the creative process, we must not only pay attention to the audience's feedback, but also adhere to our own creative concept, so as to achieve both internal and external training. Only in this way can the work be truly successful. After all, a good work should not only cater to the audience's taste, but also touch the audience's heart.

Therefore, although the finale of "The Story of Rose" sparked a discussion about Fang Taichu's image, on the whole, this work is still a successful attempt. Let's look forward to the birth of more such excellent TV series in the future, so that we can enjoy the wonderful stories while also getting inner satisfaction.