
was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

author:Tsing shirt scholar
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the details may be polished, please read it sensibly, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"You ignored me in the past, and you can't envy me now."

She immigrated to the United States at the age of 18, won the title of "Miss International Chinese" at the age of 23, won the "Best New Actor" award at the age of 27, and became a "Hollywood" actress at the age of 37.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

She is the "sexy goddess" named after the musical scale - Chen Fala.

However, she became popular all over Hong Kong, but she was coldly ridiculed and frantically rejected by wealthy families because she "couldn't give birth to children".

In the end, she made a strong comeback after her second marriage, and she had both children and daughters, which made her "ex-husband" sour her big teeth.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows


Although Chen Fala has a high status in the entertainment industry, she is actually a veritable "Sichuan girl".

Born in Chengdu, she has been laid the path to becoming a star in the future since she was a child, why do you say that?

Others were born in a "literary family", but she was really born in a "celebrity family".

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Her grandparents and father are professional musicians, and her mother is a famous "dancer".

Therefore, needless to say, her family art atmosphere should be known.

Since her parents' jobs are abroad, she has lived with her grandparents since she was a child.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Chen Fala has been very lively since he was a child, and he is a "cute bag", so he is very loved by grandparents.

As the saying goes, it is good to "intergenerational relatives", and her grandparents can be described as "treating her as a treasure", and they have never let her suffer at all.

During this time, her grandparents also often trained her to sing and learn music theory, which allowed her to win at the starting line.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

When she was 15 years old, his parents brought him to live with him in the United States, but for a child, such changes made it difficult for her to adjust.

Due to the language barrier, her academic performance plummeted, and she had no friends around her.

Her time in the United States can be said to be the most unhappy time for her.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

But fortunately, with the company of her parents, she did not let herself fall willingly.

As she grows up, her face becomes more and more beautiful, and it is not an exaggeration to describe her as "white-skinned, beautiful and long-legged".

So she participated in the "Chinese Beauty Pageant", and it was this competition that made her embark on the road of star actress.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Although she did not win the championship in this competition, but won the second place, she was still seen by the Hong Kong entertainment "TVB" company as a potential, and then signed her to the company.

In 2006, she released her first "children's work" called "Forensic Pioneer", but because she had not studied acting before, her performance in this film was not brilliant, and she did not receive much attention from the audience.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

But in the same year, Chen Fala staged another romance film that directly became popular in Hong Kong, maybe she felt that the previous movie was not good, so she made up for it in private, but it may also be that this image is more in line with her temperament.

In "Heart Storm", she played the willful and youthful-looking Miss "Tang Zhixin" of the Tang family, because she laughed too charmingly, so she gained a lot of people who loved her.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

And this work also broke the highest ratings in TVB's history.

Since then, she has been well-known to many fans and has become a rising "new star".

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Chen Fala also won the "Best New Actor" award for his excellent acting skills.

But at the peak of her career, she turned her head and chose love.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows


As we all know, the strength of the chaebols in Hong Kong was very strong at the beginning, and almost all the entertainment industry was their "industry", and Chen Fala was a woman valued by wealthy sons.

In 2006, Chen Fala and Xue Shiheng met at an event, and Xue Gongzi was attracted by Chen Fala's charming appearance at a glance.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

So he began to pursue her frantically, giving her gifts and often eating with her.

After the two got along for a long time, Chen Fala finally thought that Xue Shiheng was very compatible with him in terms of "three views" and personality, so he agreed to his pursuit.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

At first, the relationship between the two was very good, and the man's parents also liked Chen Fala very much.

After that, the two chose to get married in 2008.

But what Chen Fala never expected was that the "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship" had become a wall that hindered the relationship between the two.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Because after the two got married, they couldn't have children for a long time, Xue Shiheng's parents changed their "faces".

not only picked on Farah's "thorn" in life, but even began to satirize her career after that, etc....

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

And Xue Shiheng never defended himself, and finally after 5 years of marriage, Chen Fala chose to divorce her husband because she couldn't stand the pressure from his family.

This relationship gave her a heavy blow, and she seriously made her fall into "fear of marriage" for a while.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

So after that, she threw herself into her work.

But she did not choose to continue to stay in TVB, but chose to study abroad and continue to further her education.

However, abroad, she found a man worthy of her life.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows


Chen Fala studied at the Juilliard School in New York, USA, and stayed in New York to work for a period of time after graduation.

Here she meets Sima Nuo, an "Englishman" who looks like a half-breed.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Simano vividly embodied the impression of an "English gentleman", and he had great respect for women.

Therefore, when Chen Fala met him, he opened his heart at once.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Through long-term relationship, the two finally chose a palace that was not as good as marriage.

And not long after getting married, she slapped her "ex-husband's" in the face.

In 2020, Chen Fala is nearly 38 years old and gave birth to a lovely "little daughter".

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

When this news broke out, it is estimated that "Xue Gongzi"'s face is green, maybe he will think, "Is it me who can't do it?" ”

And this is not over, on March 18 this year, 42-year-old Chen Fala gave birth to a child again, and he liked to mention the "youngest son".

Speaking of which, it is estimated that Xue Shiheng will be green again.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

Now Chen Fala and her husband are very happy in their marriage, not only the family is harmonious, but also they have both children.

Her husband is also very powerful, not only can he speak Chinese fluently, but he is also a former French diplomat in Japan.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

And Chen Fala also broke into "Hollywood", and also filmed "Godzilla vs. King Kong 2", its strength goes without saying.

I hope that the life of "Sister Chen" can become happier and happier, and I also hope to create more "excellent works" for the audience to enjoy.

was kicked out of a wealthy family because she couldn't give birth to children, but after her second marriage, she had both children and daughters, and this time she finally raised her eyebrows

So do you like this kind of Chen Falah, you can leave a message in the comment area!

Information sources :

1. Baidu Encyclopedia: Chen Fala, Sima Nuo, Xue Shiheng

2. Beijing News - TVB actress Chen Fala remarried, and the object was her French boyfriend who had been dating for three years