
Luo Xinghan betrayed the Yang family and took sole power

author:Only for a lifetime

In the dry season of 1961, the remnants of the Kuomintang began to evacuate the Golden Triangle to Taiwan in large numbers. The Yang family's forces, under the banner of the remnant army, lost their backers. Luo Xinghan stepped up the purchase of guns and ammunition, expanded his armed forces, and prepared to deal with the encirclement and suppression of the Burmese army, so he organized a larger horse gang to Thailand.

After walking for several days, the two dart players suddenly returned, and reported to the captain that the drug-trafficking caravan had walked to the Tachili Mountains and was forcibly detained by the mobile police.

Luo Xinghan felt that this matter was strange. The police chief of Dachili is an old friend of his, who has piled up his money. The horse gang has never had any trouble coming and going in his jurisdiction, why did he suddenly detain his own people, is there something wrong with the police department?

Luo Xinghan knew that when dealing with such things, he could only use money to open the way. So, he decided to go to the police chief in person to find out the inside story before making a plan.

Luo Xinghan hurried to Daqili with dozens of gold bars and two retinues.

At the house of the police chief Mao Suwen, Luo Xinghan took out ten gold bars and put them on the table as if he had seen an old friend who had been absent for a long time, and said:

"Hello, Director, are you short of money to spend? Just say hello to me, I'm a friend of Luo Xinghan, why detain my people? ”

Mao Suwen smiled: "Brother misunderstood." It's just that a few friends want to meet you. That's how I'm going to get you down. ”

Luo Xinghan got into the police chief's car and went straight to the part, and as soon as he stepped into the threshold, several officers and soldiers suddenly came up, put down his weapons, and pushed him and his two entourages into the prisoner car. When Luo Xinghan found that his captor was wearing a Wehrmacht uniform, he turned his head back to the police chief with hatred.

"Goodbye, Mr. Luo." The police chief was still smiling.

Luo Xinghan was so angry that he scolded: "You bastard of the dog's day! ”

In a temporary cell, Luo Xinghan was held for three days in a row, without arraignment or questioning, and was treated with good food and wine every time. Luo Xinghan wondered, every day like an ant on a hot pot was uneasy.

Just when he was distraught, the cell door opened. He walked into the interrogation room dejectedly, looked up, and never expected that among the six interrogators, there were two of them he was very familiar with, one was his younger brother, Luo Xingmin, a second lieutenant of the government military intelligence bureau, and the other was Su Wenlong, a classmate of his Kokang County primary school and a second lieutenant of the government army.

At this time, Luo Xinghan remembered the secret smile of the police chief, it seemed that all this was a trap planned by them together, and there was no great malice, but I don't know what they were going to do.

The official presiding over the interrogation asked very serious questions, saying that Luo Xinghan's participation in the independence activities of Shan State and the aggressive activities of the remnants of the Kuomintang army was an act of rebellion hostile to the government, and that the crime was serious and that he would be punished with the most severe punishment.

Luo Xinghan shouted that he had been wronged, claiming that he had always been loyal to the government, opposed separatism, and had never participated in the rebellion against the secession of the country, and the judge must have listened to the villain's false accusations.

"Then how do you explain your relationship with the Yang family?" The presiding judge asked with a smile.

"That's just a business cooperation, selling mountain goods."

"The government army encircled and suppressed the old nest of the Yang family, and you are also doing business with the Yang family in partnership with the government army in the forward position?" The presiding judge pressed up.

"Eating under other people's hands, some things are forced to be helpless." Luo Xinghan quibbled.

"Breaking into the Dachili Prison at night and shooting and killing the guards was also forced to do so?" The presiding judge said coldly.

Luo Xinghan was speechless for a while. When he was about to defend himself again, the presiding judge declared the interrogation temporarily over.

The interrogation ended hastily, and Luo Xinghan was escorted back to his cell.

The next day, Luo Xingmin and Su Wenlong came to the cell to see Luo Xinghan.

Luo Xinghan hurriedly pulled them and said with tears in his eyes: "Don't you two save you two when you see death?" Hurry up and figure it out for me. ”

"How can I save you? The Yang family is a rebel, you are the son-in-law of the Yang family, and you are in an important position in the rebel army. The above is going to kill you first, cut off the right arm of the Yang family, and then the Burmese army will enter the Yang family. We are both small lieutenants, how can we stop the government's military action? ”

"If you two try to find a way, you can't watch me die." Luo Xinghan said angrily.

At this time, Su Wenlong spoke: "I have a way," he glanced at Luo Xinghan and continued, "As long as you insist that Yang Zhencai forced you to do everything in the past, now you completely draw a line with the Yang family and ask the government to give you a chance to make meritorious atonements, maybe the government will reconsider." ”

"Then go and talk to them." Luo Xinghan immediately agreed to do so.

Before Luo Xingmin and Su Wenlong left, they repeatedly told Luo Xinghan that in order to get out alive, there was only one way to do it, cooperate with the government, and strive for meritorious service and atonement.

The next day, Luo Xinghan continued to be interrogated.

Luo Xinghan really put all the blame on Yang Zhencai, and patted his chest to say that he was loyal to the government and was willing to serve the government army to suppress the rebels.

The presiding judge had a smile on his face.

In the afternoon, Luo Xinghan was ushered into a living room where several Wehrmacht officers were waiting. After discussing with Luo Xinghan, they decided that Luo Xinghan would contact his cronies and backbones to launch a military mutiny and suppress Yang Zhencai and the rebel bandits. Military support was given by government forces. In return for this action, Luo Xinghan could retrieve the seized opium, establish a popular self-defense force, and assume the position of chairman of the Kokang County People's Government.

Although he thought that doing so would destroy the Yang family that had been carrying him for many years, in the face of such generous conditions, Luo Xinghan was completely moved. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as soon as the Yang family is destroyed, he will become the number one overlord of the courage, and for several years, Luo Xinghan has been looking forward to this day.

A few days later, Luo Xinghan returned to Kokang with two letters of appointment and a gang of drug traffickers.

When he met the Yang brothers, he lied that the police chief and a few friends in the military were short of money to spend and intended to cause trouble.

Twenty days later, the caravan returned from Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Su Wenlong took seven or eight military intelligence officers to the team, claiming that he was in the medicinal materials business, and that he wanted to ask Luo Xinghan to help escort a batch of goods.

When Luo Xinghan and Su Wenlong met, Yang Zhencai and everyone did not have the slightest suspicion.

Late that night, in a secluded hut, Luo Xinghan took Wang Tianba and more than a dozen confidants to meet with Su Wenlong and seven or eight other intelligence agents.

Luo Xinghan glanced around at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Tianba. He asked, "Brother Tianba, how do I treat you on weekdays?" ”

"Deputy head of the regiment, what kind of illness did you make today, you made such a mysterious thing, if you have something to say, being the deputy head of the regiment is to go up the knife mountain and go down to the sea of fire, and I will never give up."

"I have defected to the government army, and the government has appointed me as the chairman of the Kokang County Government and the head of the Self-Defense Forces, and tonight, we will capture Yang Zhencai alive, integrate his team, and reorganize a Self-Defense Force under the direct jurisdiction of the government."

Maybe it came too suddenly, and most people, including Wang Tianba, were silent for a while. Su Wenlong and his entourage were a little breathless, and secretly held the gun in their hands.

Wang Tianba broke the silence and said loudly: "Deputy head of the regiment, we have decided with you, how to act, you can give orders." ”

Everyone echoed in unison, saying that they swore to follow Luo Xinghan to the death.

"Okay, thank you, brothers," Luo Xinghan pointed to Su Wenlong and introduced, "This is Su Wenlong, a second lieutenant in the army, and they will help us capture Yang Zhencai alive." ”

Su Wenlong said: "It's not captured alive, we want to cut off Yang Zhencai's head." ”

When Luo Xinghan heard this, he said angrily: "Whoever dares to touch a single hair of the Yang family, Lao Tzu will kill him." ”

Su Wenlong didn't dare to say anything again.

At more than 3 o'clock in the morning, Su Wenlong took out dozens of submachine guns from his daytime cargo bag. Luo Xinghan's cronies each got a brand-new submachine gun, and they were naturally so excited that they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

So, more than 40 team members with submachine guns in their hands, under the personal leadership of Luo Xinghan, rode the dark night and went straight to Yang Zhencai's residence.

Luo Xinghan came to the gate of the Great Tusi Mansion, the sentry saw that it was Luo Xinghan, and hurriedly raised his head to salute, but before the two of them put down their hands, they were killed by Su Wenlong and his subordinates.

More than forty people immediately poured into the Tusi Mansion compound.

Su Wenlong led the people to quickly rush into each room.

Luo Xinghan took Wang Tianba and broke into Yang Zhencai's bedroom.

Yang Zhencai was awakened by a rush of footsteps, and just raised his hand to turn on the horse lamp at the head of the bed, Luo Xinghan and they rushed in.

Under the dim horse lamp, Yang Zhencai saw more than a dozen jet-black submachine guns, so he stared at Luo Xinghan's face.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Zhencai asked fiercely.

"I'm sorry, the deputy of our regiment has defected to the government, and now I am ordered to arrest you," Wang Tianba saw that Luo Xinghan lowered his head and said quietly, and said loudly, "Deputy Commander Luo has been promoted to the chairman of the Kokang County Government, you should quickly surrender your guns, lest we use our hands to hurt the peace." ”

"Luo Xinghan, you betrayed Lao Tzu," Yang Zhencai trembled with anger, snorted at Luo Xinghan's face, spit on his face, and scolded loudly, "You ungrateful brute, pigs and dogs are not as good." ”

Luo Xinghan has been silent, and Yang Zhencai scolded angrily. He waved his hand at Wang Tianba, and several people pounced on him and tied up Yang Zhencai.

Luo Xinghan sighed, as if out of helplessness, and said sincerely: "I won't hurt you and your family." You'd better go to Taiwan. ”

"Lao Tzu is not going anywhere, Luo Xinghan, if you have a kind, shoot me."

At this time, his subordinates came to report that there were fourteen members of the Yang family in the courtyard waiting for the fate.

Luo Xinghan turned around and walked out.

Wang Tianba said to his subordinates: "Take it away!" ”

In order to prevent Su Wenlong and others from killing Yang Zhencai's family, Luo Xinghan ordered that all sixteen members of the Yang family be brought to his mansion, and Wang Tianba personally took care of them, and no one could approach the Yang family without his order.

Luo Xinghan rushed home one step ahead of Wang Tianba. Miss Yang Er had already slept, her black hair was scattered on the snow-white pillow like a waterfall, her white arms stretched out of the quilt and hung on the edge of the brown bed, and her wife slept very sweetly. Luo Xinghan silently looked at his beautiful wife, and unspeakable pain welled up in his heart. He sat for a long time, and he knew that if he told the second lady about it, it would provoke her volcanic anger.

There was a noise at the gate, and Wang Tianba escorted Yang Zhencai into the compound.

Luo Xinghan woke up Miss Yang Er and told Miss Yang before and after what happened.

Miss Yang Er's head was suddenly clouded, and she couldn't turn around, she thought she was dreaming.

It wasn't until she heard the noisy footsteps in the yard and Yang Zhencai's angry shouting and scolding that she woke up from her shock.

She pounced on Luo Xinghan: "You jackal in sheep's clothing, you are so vicious. He raised his hand and slapped Luo Xinghan with a loud slap.

Luo Xinghan grabbed the second lady's hand, smiled on his face, and said, "I'm doing this for your good." ”

"You, that's how you repay our family? What point is our Yang family sorry for you? ”

Luo Xinghan knelt on the ground, his face was heavy, his eyes were desolate, and he said sadly: "I just ask you to understand my suffering." If I don't do this, not only will I not be able to save my life, but the government army brigade will also be moving here, and everyone's lives will not be saved. ”

He climbed up to his wife, lifted her shoulders, and said, "You and your eldest brother should go to Taiwan, the eldest brother is also old, and he is spending his old age on that island." I'm a man, I have the ability to break into a bigger world, I can't be an errand boy under your eldest brother for the rest of my life. ”

"What about me? You brute, for your own ambitions, even your own wife is a sacrifice," Miss Yang Er became more and more angry the more she spoke, she suddenly jumped up and pounced on the box gun hanging at the head of the bed, "I'll kill you!" ”

Luo Xinghan hurriedly stepped forward to hug her, and saw that she was still screaming and struggling like crazy, so he had to tie her up himself.

On the morning of the next day, Luo Xinghan summoned more than 1,000 armed people from the Yang family to give a lecture on the playground of the primary school in the county seat.

Su Wenlong, with a submachine gun team of more than 40 people, stood around the venue, pointing his guns at the officers and soldiers of the Yang family.

When Luo Xinghan announced to everyone that Yang Zhencai had been imprisoned, that the team had been officially reorganized into the Kokang Self-Defense Force, and that he had been appointed by the government as the chairman of the Kokang County Government and the head of the Self-Defense Force, the audience immediately exploded.

The Yang family has been in business for decades, and many of the more than 1,000 people under his command are loyal guards of the Yang family, they are all fierce and brutal gunmen, when they heard that Yang Zhencai was imprisoned, they made a fuss below, and some people scolded Luo Xinghan for being ungrateful.

Luo Xinghan took out the letter of appointment and announced loudly: "This is the government's decision, no one can disobey it, as long as everyone follows me Luo, I will definitely not treat everyone badly." ”

No one listened to his explanation, and many people rushed up to fight with Luo Xinghan.

Su Wenlong roared: "Fight!" ”

More than forty submachine guns immediately erupted into the flood of flames. The more than 1,000 people crowded together, and immediately swept down a large area like a straw.

Luo Xinghan was in a hurry when he saw it, and shouted: "Stop shooting!" ”

But no one listened to him, and the submachine gun continued to roar.

He rushed in front of Su Wenlong, slapped him hard, snatched the submachine gun, turned around and shot down one of Su Wenlong's intelligence agents, and the gunfire disappeared.

Luo Xinghan looked at the playground again, only to see that the living people had run out, and more than 100 corpses were lying in a pool of blood. Luo Xinghan covered his face with his hands and cried loudly.

After breakfast the next day, Luo Xinghan personally took Wang Tianba and more than 100 brothers, armed with submachine guns and M16 rifles, like an opium horse team, and escorted the 16 members of the Yang family to the Thai border.

Yang Zhencai walked on the road, looking up to the sky and sighing: "The sky has no eyes, I, Yang Zhencai, have been fighting horses all my life, and the foundation I have laid desperately has let this beast be easily destroyed." ”

Miss Yang Er had no tears at this time, and she didn't cry anymore, and became speechless. She looked indifferent, and the corners of her mouth hung with endless disdain. She loves Luo Xinghan, but she hates him even more and looks down on him even more. Providence is hard to disobey, only resigned to fate.

When he arrived at the Burma-Thailand border, Luo Xinghan untied the ropes on the Yang family and gave them twenty short guns and one hundred gold bars.

Luo Xinghan said to them: "After crossing the border, it is only half a day's road to the 93rd Division of the 'National Army', you can go to Taiwan from there." ”

Luo Xinghan said, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to the Yang family three times: "I'm sorry for you." ”

Luo Xinghan burst into tears, he knew that with this parting, he would never see his wife again in this life. He looked at his departing wife sadly, wishing that his wife would look back at him, however, Miss Yang Er kept striding forward.

When Luo Xinghan returned to Kokang, officials such as the special commissioner of the Shan State Government, the intelligence chief of the Northeast Military Region, and Luo Xingmin had already arrived in the city. The Commissioner praised Luo Xinghan for keeping his promise and solving the Yang rebels who had been entrenched in Kokang for decades in one fell swoop, and hoped that Luo Xinghan would work closely with the military in the future to cooperate with the government forces to further encircle and suppress other rebels and maintain local law and order.

Two days later, under the auspices of the commissioner, a meeting of 10,000 people of the Kokang people was held, and Luo Xinghan was sworn in as the chairman of the Kokang County People's Government.

According to the relevant regulations of the government, as chairman of the county government, the post of head of the self-defense force must be resigned, so Su Wenlong took up the post of head of the Kokang People's Self-Defense Force.

The next day, the commissioner and several other officials, carrying the three gold bars given by Luo Xinghan, set off to return to the camp, and after returning home, they said good things to Luo Xinghan everywhere.

Luo Xinghan became the chairman of the county government, rarely took care of things, and pushed the power of the county government to Su Wenlong. He himself focused his efforts on opium cultivation, acquisition, and trafficking throughout the county. The roads in the northeast and southeast of Myanmar were unimpeded for his caravan, and business was going well.

Su Wenlong took sole power in Kokang. In the county government, he set up Luo Xinghan's position as chairman of the government, so that the officials of the Self-Defense Forces later obeyed Su Wenlong and ignored Luo Xinghan.

Luo Xinghan couldn't stand it, returned to work in the county government, deprived Su Wenlong of his agency, and deliberately canceled several decisions made by Su Wenlong.

Su Wenlong did not dare to oppose in person, so he instigated officials at all levels to go to the Shan State government to jointly sue Luo Xinghan for embezzlement of public funds and dereliction of duty.

Luo Xinghan was annoyed, so he personally went to the state government, relying on the network developed in the drug trafficking industry for seven or eight years, looking for people everywhere, dredged up the upper level of relations, bribed officials to be generous, and Luo Xinghan's younger brother Luo Xingmin widely spread the news of Su Wenlong's collusion with rebel independence elements in the Northeast Military Region Headquarters and Intelligence Department. Su Wenlong saw that the situation was not good, and knew that he had a hard time arguing, so he was so frightened that he abandoned the official and fled, not knowing where to go.

Luo Xinghan got rid of Su Wenlong, regained his grip on the military and political power, and "flourished" in the drug trafficking business, owning more than 1,000 mules and horses to engage in drug trafficking, building more than 10 heroin refineries and many spacious drug warehouses, trafficking more than 10 tons of drugs every year, and earning millions of dollars a year.

By the mid-60s of the 20th century, his armed forces had grown to more than 2,000 people, swallowed up dozens of drug trafficking forces in the Golden Triangle, and finally targeted the Kunsha group, which was also rising in strength and posed a strong threat to its own supply and market. He decided to use his strong strength and influence in the government to seize the hegemony of the Golden Triangle and enjoy the huge profits of drug trafficking alone.