
Don't be silly! Suffering losses is not a blessing, and hard work does not necessarily pay off

author:Zhao Dafu said

The most bullshitty words

Suffering is a blessing

Zhang Shaohan, who has suffered betrayal, said in "Tucao Conference": "I never thank them, harm is harm, without these injuries, I become very strong!" Not only am I naturally inspirational, I'm also naturally strong. ”

Don't be silly! Suffering losses is not a blessing, and hard work does not necessarily pay off

Justice will be late, but it will not be absent

Is belated justice still justice?

Don't be silly! Suffering losses is not a blessing, and hard work does not necessarily pay off

Hard work pays off

Times have changed, and hard work does not necessarily pay off!

Don't be silly! Suffering losses is not a blessing, and hard work does not necessarily pay off