
Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

author:Cai Gao Eight Bucket Breeze x8

It's jaw-dropping!

Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that there was a whole wake-up in a middle school somewhere in Guizhou, and it was also listed!

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

The key question is that the date is still very full, and will we have to go to the wake for eight days? The last payment also has the name of the Dejiang No. 1 Middle School Association, which is organized by the school?

In response, the local education bureau responded: The principal has been called and the matter is being handled!

Coincidentally, the local health center was also exposed to the same incident!

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

Coincidentally, it turned out to be the same as the wake schedule in middle school, is this a coincidence, or is it a family thing?

Some local netizens said that this is a local custom, and if one of the descendants of this family works in the system, the unit will arrange a wake!

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

In other words, the descendants of the deceased old man are in the local health center and middle school! That's why it happened that two units were arranged to keep the vigil at the same time!

The netizen said that this reflects the unit's care and care for employees!

The two units involved responded

In this regard, the two units involved responded: It is a local custom, not a mandatory! It is to show respect for the deceased!

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

Since it is a custom, it should be respected! However, if it is a mandatory requirement, it cannot be said!

Netizens are hotly discussed

Netizens said that if the wake is now, will it be buried in the future?

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

Some netizens who have been to the local area said that there is indeed this custom!

Follow-up of all the wakes in a middle school and a health center: the units involved responded, the official intervened, and netizens hotly discussed

Editor's point of view

Xiaobian believes that this is similar to the paper-burning custom in the north! Generally speaking, when the children work in the unit, the unit will send a wreath to show it!

However, this custom is really unheard of! Since it's a custom, don't talk about it casually!