
Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

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Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

Why are retired leading cadres rarely seen outside? So they were here. Have you noticed this phenomenon? It stands to reason that retired leading cadres have high pensions, good benefits, and plenty of time, so they should have more time and energy to enjoy life.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

In the eyes of many, retired cadres seem to live in seclusion in their homes and rarely go out. Why is that? Are they also busy after retirement? With this question, I checked it on the Internet, and some people said that they flew abroad to accompany their families, and some people said that there were too many people who had offended in the unit before, and some people said that when they were in office, they were the stars holding the moon, and no one cared about them after retirement.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

There are many opinions and opinions, curious I found these reasons on the Internet, I used to think that retired cadres don't like to go out because they are too lazy, until recently I didn't know, in fact, they also have a lot of hardships.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

First of all, retired cadres are people who have been officials before.

They are all very powerful during their careers, and they have a lot of work experience and network resources. As a result, their retirement lifestyle and social circle are different from those of the average person, preferring to stay at home or in some luxurious places.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

Second, I used to have a position in the unit.

When I was in the unit, everyone nodded when I saw it, and basically someone would accompany me when I went out, and the car would be sent to the car. But once you retreat, people will quickly not be able to adapt to this gap, and their hearts will feel empty, and it will be difficult to accept this reality for a while. The most feared thing is that no one pays attention to himself when he goes out, so he has to stay at home.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

Third, the social circle is relatively small

When retired cadres are on the job, they need to frequently participate in various meetings, activities and entertainment, so they come into contact with a wide range of people. However, after retirement, they left their previous work environment, and their life circle gradually became fixed, and the circle of contacts was narrowed, basically limited to family, relatives and some old friends, and there were few opportunities to meet new people.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

Fourth, retired cadres are relatively old

During their tenure, many cadres have to work overtime and stay up late often due to their busy work, and their diet is irregular, and their bodies have been in a sub-healthy state for a long time, and may not even be as healthy as young people. They may be more inclined to engage in various recreational activities at home, such as reading, watching TV, playing mahjong, etc., and also pay more attention to taking care of their bodies and doing moderate exercise. However, after retirement, although I no longer need to work as hard as before, my physical condition has not improved significantly, so I am reluctant to go out.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

After retirement, both retired cadres and ordinary people should choose a lifestyle that suits them according to their actual conditions. As long as you are happy and happy, you don't have to care too much about the eyes and opinions of others. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and you might even get some fun out of them.

Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.

After retirement, the most important thing is to maintain good health, at this age, everything else can be put aside, and it is precious enough to be able to enjoy your old age in a healthy way. Thank you all for your interest and we'll see you next time. If you agree with my statement, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss. There is no bad guidance from personal opinions.


Why do we rarely see retired leading cadres outside? Turns out they're here.