
Suddenly realized: [five creative points] on the self-media platform

author:炡圷浬palladium朲 (dot puppet avatar)

Self-media creation is becoming more and more popular nowadays. There are three major benefits: (1) it will definitely be able to let your interest fly; (2) Hope to become famous and become popular; (3) By the way, you can earn some rewards.

However, those who have expectations for (2) and (3) will inevitably become discouraged from time to time. They especially want to grasp some key points of the law in order to "do more with less" to achieve the set goals.

The following is a summary of the five key points summarized from the actual combat for the reference of all interested friends:

Suddenly realized: [five creative points] on the self-media platform

Rings of Discipline:

First of all, you can't violate the rules, and you can't be keen on "rubbing edges" to touch many red lines. Many popular accounts that have attracted tens of thousands of fans were suddenly blocked forever, but it's a pity? Therefore, only by following the rules honestly can we achieve sustainable development.

The Law of Uniform Creation:

I found that most friends are going to two extremes: either they are desperately creating, posting several or even one or twenty works a day; Or three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, sparse and often interrupted.

This is not good, the water can be used to maximize the benefits! In fact, the promotion flow pre-allocated to each author is limited, and a large number of works will be sent in a centralized manner, which will dilute the promotion of each article, making it difficult to heat up; But if you keep breaking and getting downgraded, it will also reduce the promotion.

■■Insist on posting one or two works a day, and spend more time to improve the quality of each article, so as to attract more readers to read your fine articles, so that the platform can judge that you are a high-quality and enthusiastic author, so as to promote your works more and enter a virtuous circle.

Suddenly realized: [five creative points] on the self-media platform

How to bloom at multiple points:

Unless you're a professional (usually applying for a "V" mark in a certain area), there's no need to limit yourself to one area. It's better to be more blooming, that is, to publish your work in several different aspects, which is more conducive to attracting a wide range of readers and more passers-by to become your fans.

The platform has realized this, and has canceled the requirement for "verticality", leaving only those big V authors to remain vertical, and ordinary authors are free to fly. Of course, don't set foot in areas that you are particularly unfamiliar with, and some people hope that "handling" will most likely be self-defeating (especially easy to be punished).

Illustrated and illustrated:

Textual works must be full of pictures and texts, because most people are easily irritated by the pure text. Of course, almost entirely the figure can also feel depressed. The ratio of images to text should be appropriate, and it is best to have one or two illustrations on one screen.

Even if you send a video work, you should fully subtitle it. With image + voice alone, most viewers will still have a sense of depression. Because the spoken words are often difficult to remember, and the video works are difficult to review, the text on the screen plays a key role in information retention.

■■The left and right brains of people actually have their own division of labor: the left brain is responsible for processing text-type abstract information, and the right brain is responsible for processing image-type intuitive information. If both the left and right brains are mobilized, your work will easily penetrate into the hearts of the audience!

Suddenly realized: [five creative points] on the self-media platform

Tips for frequent interactions:

That's a crucial key! In fact, if the works of most ordinary authors (non-Internet celebrities) want to become popular, they must first rely on your "iron fans" to help the fun.

Where does the "iron powder" of ordinary authors come from? It's not a passive waiting, but an active relationship! This is to go out to visit the door, to the works of friends who have followed each other to like + comment, and the right person will return to visit your work...... In this way, the two sides have maintained interaction for a long time and have become each other's "iron fans".

■■This is a virtuous circle: your works generally have a high number of visits, and the platform will judge that your quality is higher, so as to allocate you more promotion traffic, which is prone to more popular products, and the more popular you become...... This is a common "Matthew effect" on self-media platforms!

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Suddenly realized: [five creative points] on the self-media platform

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