
Create your own mountain forest in the city

author:Learnable kite 20N

On June 16th, in the 2024 Blue City Die's new product launch and media conference, Yunlu is writing its own answer to the aesthetic lifestyle of Song Yun's space.

Create your own mountain forest in the city

The luxury of scale and the innovation of space interpret the builder's understanding of the ultimate life.

As Wang Ke, former vice president of Greentown China, chief designer of Greentown China, executive president of Bluetown Group, and founder/general manager of East China Bluetown Group, said, "Danfeng Yunlu has made a lot of breakthroughs and innovations in house design and other aspects, which is the most cutting-edge achievement of the industry in the innovation of high-end residential products. What we want to do is not only an innovative work, but also an in-depth study and practice of the ultimate improvement product of contemporary times. ”

Create your own mountain forest in the city

Innovative space pattern, Suzhou's only super 100-square-floor sky living room, about 11 meters of luxury scale studio, the ultimate luxury. The design of one floor and one living room, LDK integrated large horizontal hall, completely opens up the living room, dining room and kitchen space, realizes the spatial layout of the integrated mode, and constitutes the core area of life functions. Pay attention to the interaction between people and space, and give life a valuable indoor communication space.

Create your own mountain forest in the city
Create your own mountain forest in the city

◎Danfeng Yunlu is about 291 square meters, with five stacked edges and stacked floor plans

Not only big, but also the practice of space philosophy. The design of the whole suite expresses the respect for the owner with the scale of graceful life. About 48 square meters of ultra-luxurious large face width master bedroom, cloakroom, master bathroom, walk-in independent cloakroom, double basin design and other extreme specifications, together create a contemporary top living luxury space. Living here, you can not only enjoy the high-end configuration of the star suite, but also truly feel the intimate enjoyment brought by the ergonomically designed house type to meet the living needs of the family.

Create your own mountain forest in the city

◎Danfeng Yunlu is about 291 square meters, with five stacked edges and stacked floor plans

Create your own mountain forest in the city

Restore the yearning for nature and create the ultimate "priceless" product

"It is worth mentioning that our stacked courtyard, the lower stack has its own courtyard terrace, and the top has a multi-storey terrace, such a space can bring everyone an outdoor experience, like the upper stack should reach a large horizontal screen with a width of more than 10 meters, which is very shocking.

Create your own mountain forest in the city
Create your own mountain forest in the city

◎Danfeng Yunlu is about 291 square meters, with five stacked edges and stacked floor plans

Therefore, if we introduce the traditional humanistic ideas of the Song Dynasty in China, we will find that the architecture is only half of it, and the other half is nature. Through the terrace on the roof, you can see the stars in the sky; Through your own garden, you can see the withering of plants and feel the changes of the four seasons; On a rainy day, stand under the porch and feel the sound of raindrops, we want to create a mountain forest of your own in the city. Chen Binxin, chief architect and senior partner of GOA Elephant Design, and chief architect of Bluetown Danfeng Yunlu Architecture, introduced.

Create your own mountain forest in the city

In order for such a "mountain forest" to be integrated into the interior, the indoor space has been completely debugged. The outdoor space in the north and south gives more possibilities for landscape life; The wide terrace on the second floor creates a sky garden exclusive to the family. In addition to the space, the architecture is extremely attentive. The fifth-generation IMAX Songfeng frame is adopted, with three large landscape windows, and a large window-to-wall ratio design, so that sunlight can enter the interior to a greater extent, and the floor height is about 3.4 meters, extending the width of the field of vision while expanding the indoor lighting and ventilation, and the galaxy seems to be within reach. In order to transcend the previous spatial boundaries, advanced to a luxurious panoramic view.

Create your own mountain forest in the city

Innovate and plan the living scale, conform to and lead the lifestyle of the residents, and reach the ultimate improvement needs of the family. Respect the individual's experience and feelings in the building, so that each family member can find a living space that meets their individual needs. Redefine the luxurious space scale that products should have, and create a comfortable and innovative courtyard life.