
Babies have a lot of hair, in addition to genetics, it also implies good development, and the sooner you know, the better

author:Xinyan Ma Ma parenting

Hello everyone~ I'm Xinyan Mama

Why are some babies born with thick hair and others with thinning hair?

This has also caused countless parents to fall into anxiety, worrying about the baby's future hair thinning.

In fact, the amount of baby's hair is related to many factors, and it also hints at the baby's development.

A lot of hair naturally implies that the baby's body is rich in nutrients;

Lack of hair may be related to genetics and immature hair follicles.

Therefore, it is a good thing that the baby has more hair, but less hair is not enough to explain what the baby is, and it is necessary to see the growth of the baby's hair the day after tomorrow.

As the age of the month increases, the baby's hair follicles gradually begin to mature, and the baby's hair will become more and more dense, so mothers do not need to worry about this generation.

Babies have a lot of hair, in addition to genetics, it also implies good development, and the sooner you know, the better

After the baby is born, the hair growth of each baby is different, some babies have dense hair, but some babies have thinning hair, which hints that there are many reasons, and mothers should also understand.


Parental genetic inheritance

It is still relatively common for sons to follow their mothers and daughters to follow their fathers.

The amount of hair that parents have will also determine the amount of hair that their children have, which should be paid special attention to.

Parents' genetic inheritance also has a certain impact, if the parents have a lot of hair, there is no need to worry, the baby's hair volume will also be a lot.

If the parent has very little hair, the baby's hair volume will also be affected.

Babies have a lot of hair, in addition to genetics, it also implies good development, and the sooner you know, the better


Poor nutrition during pregnancy

Hair luster, color, and how much or less are all related to nutrition during pregnancy.

If nutrient stores are not good during pregnancy, this can also affect the growth of your baby's hair.

At the beginning of the second trimester, fetal hair follicles will gradually begin to develop, at this time, we should also pay attention to the intake of nutrients to ensure that the body stores protein, vitamins, and you can also eat some seasonal fruits, fruits are more vitamin stores.

Of course, nutrition during pregnancy needs to be balanced, not partial eating, ensuring balanced nutrition is also conducive to the growth of the baby's hair, and it is also helpful for the baby's growth and development.


The hair follicles are not mature enough

After the birth of a young baby, the development of hair follicles is also immature.

The immature development of hair follicles will also affect the baby's hair growth, which should be paid special attention to and not neglected.

Hair follicles will gradually begin to mature with the growth of the month, and at this time they will slowly sprout hair, which should be paid special attention to, mothers should not be negligent.

After the hair follicles mature, it also helps the baby's growth and development to a certain extent, which mothers should pay attention to and not neglect.

Babies have a lot of hair, in addition to genetics, it also implies good development, and the sooner you know, the better


Scalp irritation effects

If your baby's scalp is irritated, it will also affect your baby's hair growth.

Some babies sweat after birth, and sweat irritation of hair follicles can also affect hair growth.

There are also babies with eczema, with a layer of yellow scabs on the head, which is also a manifestation of seborrheic eczema, which will also stimulate the baby to affect the growth of hair, which should also be noted.

Newborn babies may have different hair, but as the hair follicles mature, your baby's hair will start to thicken.

Mothers should not shave their heads frequently, shaving their heads will not be able to promote hair growth, but it is easy to damage the baby's hair follicles and affect the baby.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]