
It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

author:Happy Every Day 213 Reviews

The incident of Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

As a doctor, she was temporarily called for help by a student on the way to class, and she decisively chose to put down the textbook in her hand and rush to the rescue.

Although the danger was eventually averted, the school's handling of the situation caused a lot of controversy.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

The three punishments imposed on Dr. Yu Li did not seem to be too harsh, and the school claimed that this was the lightest punishment.

But digging deeper into it, it is not difficult to find some wayward behaviors exposed by some school leaders in the exercise of power.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

Isn't it the duty of doctors to save lives and help the wounded to practice the benevolence of doctors?

But instead of sympathizing with Yu Li's original intention, the school punished her and used administrative power to suppress the doctor's vocation and ethics.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

This raises the question of whether there are some institutional deficiencies that hinder the effective realization of medical ethics.

When a doctor saves people at a critical moment, he or she still takes care of teaching first, in fact, it points to the value orientation that medical schools need to re-clarify.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

Life is supreme and love is boundless, but have these beautiful ideals been duly cherished in reality?

If you can't even do basic human respect, and blindly believe in authority and hierarchy, then the direction of medical school education has gone off track?

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

Although Dr. Yu's colleagues have come forward to speak up for her and insist that saving lives is completely correct, their position in the system makes it difficult for their voices to reach the core decision-making level.

At the same time, the school appears to be putting pressure on Yu Li in a series of ways, such as stopping her clinical work.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

This is tantamount to forcing her to a dead end, either bow her head and admit her mistakes, or be forced to leave.

Faced with such a dilemma, Yu Li's helplessness can be imagined.

An experienced and good doctor who should have been praised for saving people in danger should have been reduced to a prisoner.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

The absurdity of this is chilling, and it also reflects the misreading of power by some people in the system.

Is blindly obeying the orders of superiors equivalent to serving the system? I'm afraid I couldn't be more wrong.

What the people yearn for is a management system with warmth and empathy, rather than cold and rigid rules and regulations.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

Embracing flexibility, listening to the voices of the grassroots, and appropriately delegating power is the right way to maintain the authority of the system.

If managers stick to those old ways of thinking and trample on the righteous voices of the grassroots, they will only suffer from their own credibility in the end.

The contradiction between medical ethics and power has been going on for a long time, and this Yu Li incident may be a good time to sort it out.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

Improve the medical education system, use scientific and reasonable system management to eliminate the capricious factor of power, so that the grassroots have enough channels to speak and the right to know, keep up with the pace of mainstream social values, and re-establish the core concept of "life first".

Only in this way can medical schools truly cultivate noble medical ethics and humanistic care, rather than being over-managed and suppressed and distorted in the original intention.

It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed

We hope that Dr. Yu Li can get out of the current predicament smoothly, and we also look forward to the final balance between power and medical ethics, so that management and care can complement each other under the system, and fully reflect the humanistic care of the medical cause.

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It was revealed that Yu Li of Southern Medical University had resigned, from the suspension of diagnosis to the resignation, this result was actually foreshadowed