
The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

author:Sauce sauce readings
The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

On an ordinary weekend, a large shopping mall in a certain city is full of people. A middle-aged man with long hair is standing on a makeshift stage and singing for the opening ceremony of a real estate company.

The audience may not know that this seemingly ordinary singer was once a rock star in the Chinese music scene - Dick Cowboy.

Twenty years ago, he conquered the hearts of countless fans with songs such as "30,000 Feet" and "Let Go to Love." Today, however, at the age of 61, he is making a living in various business activities.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

Faced with fans' questions, he responded indifferently: "I just don't want to be popular." This remark sparked a lot of speculation and discussion. What is the reason why this former rock star chose such a low-key life? What ups and downs has his music career been through? Let's step into the world of Dick Cowboy and uncover the mystery of this legendary singer.

In 1959, Dick Cowboy was born into a poor family. Despite the hardships of life, the seeds of music had already taken root in his young mind. However, his family's financial situation prevented him from receiving a formal music education like other children.

This dream seems unattainable, but it always burns in his heart.

As an adult, Dick Cowboy began his part-time career. From a cement worker to a ticket inspector to a delivery man for a record company, he tried a variety of jobs. Every job is about getting one step closer to your musical dreams.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

Eventually, he saved enough money to buy his first guitar.

From then on, Dick Cowboy began a path of assiduous self-study. Every day after work, he would hold his beloved guitar and practice late into the night in a dimly lit room.

His fingers are cocooned by the strings, but it doesn't diminish his love for music. It was as if the guitar had become his closest friend, accompanying him through countless lonely nights.

At the age of 30, Dick Cowboy formed his own resident band. Because of his age, the team affectionately refers to him as "Daddy". This title not only reflects his status in the band, but also bears witness to his persistence and dedication to music over the years.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

However, fate always seems to favor those who don't give up. In 1998, the 39-year-old Dick Cowboy finally ushered in a turnaround. His talent was appreciated by the record company with the release of the cover album "Roar".

His unique husky voice and passionate interpretation have breathed new life into classic songs. Among them, the cover version of "When I Wake Up" even surpassed the original song and became a new classic.

Dick Cowboy's musical style blends European and American rock and Taiwanese elements to form a unique "lyrical rock" style. His vocals have both rock and roll power and lyrical delicacy, and this unique charm quickly attracted a large number of loyal fans.

This arduous musical journey not only shaped Dick Cowboy's unique musical style, but also forged his tenacious character. From a poor teenager to a rock singer who only emerged at the age of 40, Dick Cowboy used his own experience to interpret the true meaning of "late bloomer".

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

This experience also laid a solid foundation for him to insist on himself in the ever-changing entertainment industry in the future.

1999 was a turning point in the career of Dick Cowboy at the age of 40. The title song "30,000 Feet" from his album "Forget Me or Forget Him" swept across the Taiwan Strait and three places like a whirlwind.

With its unique melody and soulful lyrics, this song has captured the hearts of countless listeners in a short period of time.

Dick Cowboy's magnetic voice seems to pierce the clouds and reach an altitude of 30,000 feet, leading the listener into a world full of dreams and emotions.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

Whether it's on the streets or at a family gathering, people can hear the name "Dick Cowboy", and his popularity can be said to be known to everyone.

Fame came a little late, but it came at the right time. With years of accumulation and precipitation, Dick Cowboy welcomes this hard-won success with a mature attitude.

His eyes flashed with joy, but with a hint of calmness. He knew that this was just the beginning.

In 2007, Dick's cowboy career reached new heights. The theme song "Let Go and Love" he sang for the TV series "Landing, Please Turn on the Phone" once again ignited the Chinese music scene.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

With its touching melody and profound lyrics, this song expresses the inner struggles and feelings of many people. When he sang affectionately on stage, the audience was all moved, as if everyone could find their own shadow in the song.

An overwhelming number of invitations followed. Major variety shows, Asian tours, and media interviews followed. Dick Cowboy's schedule is packed, and every day is spent on the go and busy.

From small bar performances to large stadium concerts, the Dick Cowboy stage is getting bigger and bigger, with more and more audiences.

However, success didn't make Dick Cowboy lose himself. On the contrary, he devoted himself more down-to-earth to music. In addition to his busy schedule, he continues to create and practice.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

He knows that only by constantly refining his music can he continue to touch the hearts of his audiences.

During this glorious period, Dick Cowboy realized his long-standing musical dream. He stands at the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene and enjoys the glory of all people's attention. But he knew in his heart that the real challenge had just begun.

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, how to maintain oneself and how to stick to the essence of music began to sprout in his heart.

From a resident singer in a small bar to a rock star in the Chinese music scene, Dick Cowboy has conquered countless fans with his music. His success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those who hold on to their dreams.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

However, as time passed, the winds in the entertainment industry began to quietly change. The rise of a new generation of singers, the lowering of the threshold for music creation, and the changing tastes of the audience have all brought new challenges to Dick Cowboy.

Faced with these changes, Dick Cowboy began to think about his own musical path. Should he go with the flow, or stick to his musical philosophy? This question will become a theme that he will continue to think about and explore in the years to come.

With the passage of time, the wind direction of the Chinese-speaking music industry has quietly changed. With the rise of the new generation of "little fresh meat" culture, the threshold for music creation is constantly lowering, and the audience's tastes are also changing rapidly.

Dick Cowboy finds that the music scene he once knew is changing dramatically.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

Faced with this transformation, Dick Cowboy chose to assert himself. He politely declined invitations to many singing competitions, and was unwilling to participate in some commercial entertainment activities with the crowd.

In his view, music should not be just a game or a gimmick, but a true expression of the artist's soul.

However, this persistence also brings its own challenges. Gradually, Dick Cowboy found that his exposure was declining, and it was difficult for new works to get the attention they had before.

Sometimes, he would stand in front of the mirror, look at his slightly tired face, and wonder if he had made the right choice. But every time he picks up the guitar and hears the sound of the strings vibrating, he finds his strength again.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

He firmly believes that true music will not lose its value because of the changes of the times.

In a rare interview, Dick Cowboy was outspoken about his views on the current atmosphere in the entertainment industry. His brows were furrowed, and his tone was full of concern about the nature of music: "Today's entertainment industry is really difficult for people like me to adapt to, and it's really tireary."

The whole society is mercenary, ridiculing poverty and turning a blind eye to obscenity, and life in this environment is really boring.

This kind of persistence and criticism undoubtedly makes Dick Cowboy seem a little out of place in the mainstream entertainment industry. But he didn't care, but was even more determined in his choice.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

There was a gritty glint in his eyes, as if to say: I would rather keep myself than get lost in the glitz.

Still, Dick Cowboy is not completely isolated from the world. He still attends commercial gigs, such as the opening ceremony of real estate or the ribbon-cutting event of Furniture City. While the stage equipment may be rudimentary, with developers' advertisements printed on backdrops, and even the occasional acoustic howl, Dick Cowboy still puts his heart and soul into every performance.

At these shows, Dick Cowboy often walks off the stage and interacts with the audience up close. When he sings "How Much Love Can Come Again" affectionately, the atmosphere of the scene will always reach a climax.

Although the audience who can sing along in full may no longer be young, that sincere emotion can still touch everyone's heartstrings.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

This balance between persistence and compromise is the epitome of Dick Cowboy's search for a self-orientation in a changing music scene. In his own way, he interprets the persistence and compromise of a true musician.

Dick Cowboy isn't the only veteran singer facing this dilemma. His contemporaries, such as the Power Train band, were going through a similar struggle. This phenomenon reflects the changes in the Chinese music scene as a whole, as well as the common challenges faced by the older generation of musicians.

By chance, Dick Cowboy sees how the power train will perform in The Voice of God. On the screen, they are trying to adapt to the rules of the show, trying to regain the recognition of the audience.

This scene made Dick Cowboy fall into deep thought.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

This choice may make him remembered by more people and make it easy to earn an income. But on second thought, he shook his head again. He knew that this was not his ideal life as a musician.

Dick Cowboy faces a difficult choice: either compromise with the current rules of the entertainment industry or insist on being self-conscious but potentially marginalized. This is a choice with no standard answer, and everyone has their own considerations.

In the face of this choice, Dick Cowboy is unusually determined. He chose the latter, even if it meant more difficulties and challenges. There was a kind of firmness and calmness in his eyes, as if to say: I would rather go my own way than go with the flow.

The results of this choice were also quickly felt. Compared with the singers of the same period who frequently appear in various programs, the exposure of Dick Cowboy has decreased significantly. He has less than 200,000 followers on Weibo, far less than many new-generation singers.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

The data did not shake his resolve.

Dick Cowboy's choice reflects the dilemma faced by many veteran singers in the new era. They need to find a balance between asserting themselves and catering to the market, which is a serious challenge that will test the original intention of musicians.

And Dick Cowboy uses his own way to interpret what is the true spirit of a musician.

Today's Dick Cowboy has chosen a different path from the mainstream entertainment industry. He would rather run around for commercial gigs than blindly follow trends.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

In his opinion, this is the last line of defense to maintain the purity of music.

Every time he stood on the humble stage and faced a diverse audience, he would remember his original intention. The boy who used to be obsessed with music in a small bar is still alive in his heart.

Even in commercial activities such as the opening ceremony of real estate or the ribbon-cutting of the furniture city, he has always maintained his love and focus on music.

Through his actions, the 61-year-old Cowboy is sending an important message to the younger generation: don't be foolish in the age of entertainment. He hopes that more people can insist on themselves and pursue authentic artistic expression.

The legendary rock singer now makes a living from walking holes, and the 61-year-old bluntly said: I just don't want to be famous

As he said: "I just don't want to be popular", behind this sentence is the insistence on the essence of music.

In this era of rapid change, Dick Cowboy is like a stubborn night watchman, guarding the essence and purity of music. There was a determined glint in his eyes, as if to say: no matter how the world changes, I will stick to my musical beliefs.

This is Dick Cowboy, a musician who would rather be unknown than stick to his heart. His story is not only a personal music career, but also a reflection and inspiration for the entire era.

In the impetuous entertainment industry, he used his own way to interpret what is the true spirit of an artist.

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