
It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing

author:Love music bayberry

Text: Love music bayberry

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For the city of Tianjin, I believe many people already have some understanding. Because of its special location, the city is a unique existence. Whether it is the history and culture or the cityscape, it is unique. Among the cities, the place that best represents the local characteristics of Tianjin is none other than Yangliuqing Ancient Town.

It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing

It has a very strong local character, whether it is architecture or customs, it is incomparable to other places. Here, there is another thing that is very famous, that is, Yang Liuqing's New Year paintings. The New Year's painting culture here is very famous, and it can even be called an art. Because the New Year's paintings here are not only famous in China, but also abroad.

Nowadays, in the hot land of Yangliuqing, there is a new way to play, that is, the Haihe River cruise Yangliuqing route. Departing from the Ancient Culture Street Wharf, passing through many iconic attractions in Tianjin, it finally arrives at the Yangliuqing Baitan Temple Wharf. Such a route can not only enjoy the cityscape of Tianjin, but also feel the unique rural style, which is definitely a cultural journey through time and space.

1. The Yangliuqing route of the Haihe River cruise allows you to feel the eye of Tianjin up close

It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing

If you have ever been to Tianjin, then you must be familiar with the Tianjin Eye. This Ferris wheel can be said to be one of the landmark buildings of Tianjin, and it is also the city card of Tianjin.

It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing

Through the Haihe River cruise Yangliuqing route, you can enjoy the whole picture of the Eye of Tianjin up close, and the perspective is very unique. As you can imagine, when the cruise ship approaches the Tianjin Eye, the entire Ferris wheel seems to be suspended in mid-air, which is very shocking.

On the way, you can also enjoy many other city attractions, such as the Liberation Bridge, the Great Turn of the Haihe River, and so on. This kind of voyage is definitely a unique trip to the cityscape.

In order to allow tourists not to get bored in the process of cruise, a traditional cross talk performance in Tianjin was also arranged on the route. It is definitely a unique experience where you can feel the charm of the local culture while enjoying the scenery.

When the cruise passes by the beautiful places on both sides of the river, you can take photos on the cruise to record these beautiful moments. And, for photography enthusiasts, it's definitely a great spot to take photos of the landscape, both day and night.

2. Visit Yangliuqing Manor and feel the original rural style

In addition to enjoying the city scenery up close, another highlight of the Haihe River cruise Yangliuqing route is that you can visit Yangliuqing Manor. Here, you can fully feel the original rural atmosphere, and at the same time, you can also carry out a variety of interesting outdoor activities, such as barbecue, camping, picking, fishing, etc.

It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing

The whole estate covers a very vast area, the greenery is very good, and the scenery of the four seasons is also distinctive, whether it is the flowers in spring or the fruits in autumn, it can bring visitors a very good viewing experience. The barbecue ingredients are fresh and varied, so it is a great memory to enjoy the food and have a barbecue competition with your family and friends.

In this green ocean, you can also take a self-guided tour to feel the tolerance and breadth of nature, and through various forms of interaction, people have a deeper understanding of nature and a new understanding of life.

Here, there will also be a variety of special theatrical performances, such as the drama performance of the military engineering team behind the enemy, you can feel the unique charm of the countryside and learn about the different farming culture in the laughter.

Through a beautiful tour, every tourist who comes here can harvest happiness, feel the beauty of life, and at the same time, have a deeper understanding of protecting the environment and loving life.

It will open tomorrow, and you can take a boat to Yangliuqing


Through the one-day trip of the Yangliuqing route of the Haihe River cruise, you can not only appreciate the unique charm of Tianjin, but also feel the original rural style. This way of traveling can not only enrich your experience, but also broaden your horizons, so that you can have a good time relaxing after your busy life.

If you have the opportunity to come to Tianjin, you must not miss such a play experience, and I hope that more and more people can rediscover the beauty of life and find their own happiness through this way.

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