
Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

author:Flower Kitchen

Last autumn dried a lot of dried vegetables are now almost all eaten, now it is when a large number of cucumbers are on the market, I bought 8 catties at a time in the vegetable market for only 12 yuan, compared with summer vegetables, the price of cucumbers is relatively cheap, decisively dried cucumbers to eat,

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

The dried cucumbers are special to rice, crisp and chewy, and fragrant, so let's take a look at the specific production steps!

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious
Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious
Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious
Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

[Ingredients]: 8 pounds of cucumber

[Seasoning]: carrots, red peppers, coriander, chicken essence, spicy fresh, soy sauce, two tablespoons of oil and chili, a little sugar, vinegar, pepper oil, cooked vegetable oil

Step 1: I bought 8 catties of cucumbers, after buying them back, rinse the dirt and impurities on the surface with running water, and then put a small spoon of salt on each cucumber to scrub and scrub one by one, and then put it in a basin and let it stand for 10 minutes, so that the salt can fully dissolve the residual pesticides on the surface, and then rinse it with running water;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 2: Remove the head and tail of the cucumber, and then divide a cucumber into 3 sections,

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Then cut it in half and cut it into three small pieces, just like the size of my pot, I didn't remove the melon pulp, and it tasted more fragrant when pickled after drying;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 3: Then add twice as much salt as usual, I found a larger basin to mix the salt evenly, and I can stir it several times halfway;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 4: After about 30 minutes, a lot of water has been salted.

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

I have consumed a lot of it when I pour it into the pot again, and the cucumber strips at this time are very tough;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 5: Next, you can pour it into the dustpan and take it to the sun to dry, stand the thicker cucumber strips around the dustpan for a circle, spread evenly in the middle, you can turn it over once in half a day, and dry it evenly after heating;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Day 1

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Day 3

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 6: 3 consecutive suns have become like this, 8 catties of fresh sun-dried only such a little, some people will definitely say that eating fresh is not fragrant, why toss so much, it must be that you have not tasted how delicious the dried cucumber strips are, haha;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 7: Take the dried cucumber strips back and wash them twice with water, then soak them for 30 minutes, then squeeze them dry and let them go.

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 8: Then prepare the side dishes, shred half a carrot, shred one red pepper, and cut the coriander into sections; Mix another bowl of sauce: a spoonful of chicken essence, a spoonful of spicy fresh, a spoonful of soy sauce, two tablespoons of oil and chili, a little sugar, vinegar, a small spoon of Sichuan pepper oil, and a tablespoon of cooked rapeseed oil;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Step 9: Pour all the side dishes into the cucumber strips, then pour the adjusted sauce, wear disposable gloves, and fully grasp the side dishes and the sauce, so that each cucumber strip is evenly coated with sauce.

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

I couldn't help but taste it halfway, it was too crispy, the noodles were too fragrant, the dishes could be saved, and it was a proper artifact for eating;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

So I didn't dry much, so I pickled it all at once.

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Just filled with two cans, put in the refrigerator and take it as you go, there is no problem with storing it for a week, if you dry it more, you can use a bag to pack it, and when you eat, take some soaked fried meat is also particularly delicious, crisp and chewy;

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

If you have a cucumber field at home and can't eat it all at once, or if you want to try cucumber strips, you can hurry up and try it!

Before and after the summer heat, if you don't know how to eat this dish, you will lose! Buy 8 catties at a time to dry, marinated and fried meat are delicious

Flower Kitchen Tips:

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