
The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

author:Witty groundhog

Chinese football dream, the headwind reversal of the round of 18?

When the drumsticks of the top 18 groups fell, the journey of the national football team seemed to be marked with the word "precipitous", competing on the same stage with Japan, Australia, Sabah and India. The hearts of the fans were first stirred up by the cold water, and then slowly warmed up, thinking about the possibility of counterattack.

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

When I first heard the bad news, my heart was half cold

The headline of the media is in full swing, the words "Group of Death" are hyped, and the fan forum is full of wailing, as if the road to the World Cup has been sealed in advance. But in the world of football, who says there are no miracles?

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

Adversity? Turnaround too!

But veteran fan Wang Daming has something to say: "Green Field never believes in tears, only sweat and courage." His words were like a beam of light, illuminating the glimmering path of the national football team. Yes, the duel between the strong is not the best time to sharpen yourself? Every tough battle is the only way to the ranks of strong teams.

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

Strategy is king, step by step

A wise man can always find a way out of a difficult situation. If the national football team wants to break out of the encirclement, it has to work strategy: play steadily against the weak team and strive to win all three points; Against strong opponents, it is necessary to be flexible and strive not to lose points. Every point is the cornerstone of the dream.

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

Netizens are hotly discussed, mixed with joy and sorrow

In the online world, pessimism and optimism fly together, and they look forward to it. Some people are worried, some people are longing, but what remains unchanged is the deep love for Chinese football. Reading between the lines in the comment area, we read the promise of never giving up, and also saw the expectations for the future of Chinese football.

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

Challenges are also opportunities for transformation

For the national football team, this is not only a game, but also a stage for self-challenge and transformation. In the limelight, every step could be a prologue to a legend. This is not only a contest of strength, but also a contest of will, and a testing ground for teamwork.

The top 18 groups of the national football team are reversed! Drop the group of death, but sign up! The first 3 games were all fine to give up

Conclusion: Hope is always there, and dreams are not extinguished

In the journey of coexistence of hope and challenge, every step of the national football team has stepped on the hearts of the people. No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, as long as there is light in your heart, there is a road under your feet. This time, let us witness together how Chinese football blooms in adversity and how to interpret it with actions - "going to the lottery", sometimes not in the draw box, but in every minute and every second of our unremitting pursuit. Come on, national football!