
Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents


Speaking of the couple Li Yong and Harvin, their love story is really talkative. I remember the first time they met, it was on the campus of the university. At that time, Li Yong was a personable young man, and Ha Wen was a gentle and lovely girl. The encounter between the two was like a fateful encounter, and each other's eyes met in the crowd, as if there was an irresistible force that drew them tightly together.

Their acquaintance is like a beautiful music, which slowly kicked off. Li Yong's liking for Harvin is the kind of love at first sight, and Hawen's feelings for Li Yong are also the kind of tacit understanding that is self-evident. When they are together, there are always endless words and jokes, as if the whole world has made way for them, just so that they can be closer to each other.

As time went on, their feelings grew deeper. Li Yong is a romantic person, and he can always come up with all kinds of ideas to surprise Harvin. I remember that once, in order to give Harvin a special marriage proposal, Li Yong carefully planned a marriage proposal battle. That day, he took Haven to the place where they first met, where there was a small tree they had planted together. Li Yong asked Ha Wen to close his eyes, and then he took out a ring, knelt on one knee, and said to Ha Wen affectionately: "Ha Wen, are you willing to marry me?" Would you like to walk with me through this life? At that moment, Harvin was moved to tears, and she nodded and agreed to Li Yong's proposal.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

Since then, they have become the most important people in each other's lives. They have experienced many ups and downs together, whether it is the pressure at work or the small frictions in life, they are able to hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, and face together. Their love is like a seed that takes root in the soil of life and blossoms into beautiful flowers.

The story of Li Yong and Ha Wen tells us that true love is not only the heartbeat of love at first sight, but also the companionship of long-term love. With their own actions, they interpret what it means to be in harmony with each other and what it means to grow old together. Their love is like an eternal poem, which makes people yearn for it.

In their world, every day is new and every moment is worth cherishing. In their own way, they write their own love story. Whether in the bustling city or in the quiet countryside, they can find a little luck that belongs to each other. Their story continues, like a book that can never be turned over, and every page is full of love and warmth.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

Marriage is like an impromptu performance without rehearsals, and each couple is the protagonist of their own life script. The story of Li Yong and Harvin is no exception. At first, their marriage was not fully supported by both parents, which undoubtedly added a bit of twists and turns to their love path. But the power of love is great, it can allow two people to hold hands in the face of difficulties, shoulder to shoulder, and face unknown challenges together.

I remember one time, Ha Wen and Li Yong were in trouble because of the incomprehension of their parents. They sat on the couch in the living room and were silent for a long time. Harvin suddenly said, "Yong, I know that our road is not easy, but I believe in our love, and I believe that we can overcome everything together. Li Yong held Ha Wen's hand tightly, his eyes were firm: "Ha Wen, you are right, nothing can stop us." ”

Their love was sublimated in this way. Harvin was a staunch Dinkist who enjoyed the two-person world and did not want to be tied down to children. But as time went on, watching his friends around him become parents one by one, Harvin's heart began to waver. She began to think about whether she should reconsider her choice for the sake of the integrity of her family and Li Yong's wishes.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

This decision was not easy, and Ha Wen and Li Yong experienced a long period of communication and thinking. They discussed the impact of children on their lives and the difficulties and challenges they may face in the future. Eventually, with mutual understanding and support, Haven decided to put aside his persistence and welcome the arrival of a new life. This decision not only represents her love for Li Yong, but also her sense of responsibility to her family.

The birth of a child has brought new challenges and new joys to their marriage. They learn how to balance work and family, how to find time to spend with their children in their busy lives. Whenever I see the innocent smile of my child, all the tiredness and stress disappear. Children have become the crystallization of their love and a testimony to their overcoming difficulties together.

The difficulties and challenges in marriage are issues that every couple must face. But as Ha Wen and Li Yong showed, as long as they love each other and support each other, there is nothing that cannot be overcome. Their story tells us that marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the union of two hearts, a journey of growing together in the midst of storms.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

The story of Ha Wen and Li Yong is a microcosm of how many modern couples seek a balance between career and family. Their lives are full of enthusiasm for work and a sense of responsibility for their families, and how to find a balance between the two has become a common topic for them.

Harvin's work at CCTV is her pride and the starting point of her career. She always brings her passion to her work, whether it's planning shows or handling day-to-day tasks, she strives to be the best she can be. However, no matter how busy she is at work, she has not forgotten the importance of family. Whenever night falls, she will put down the fatigue of work, return home, and share the bits and pieces of life with Li Yong.

Li Yong's career started was also full of challenges. With his talent and hard work, he gradually emerged in the hosting industry. But as fame grew, so did the pressure of work. He often had to travel around the country, record shows, and attend various events. Despite this, he never forgot his responsibility to his family. No matter how busy he is, he will find time to share the burden of the family with Harvin.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

They take care of both parents together, which is their commitment to the family and their filial piety to their elders. Whenever parents are sick or in need of help, they are always the first to arrive and give the most intimate care. They know that the warmth and support of their families is the driving force for them to keep moving forward in their careers.

In balancing family and career, Ha Wen and Li Yong learned to understand and support each other. They will give each other encouragement and comfort when they are busy. When each other is tired, give each other support and strength. They know that only when the family is in harmony can their careers be smoother.

Their lives, although there are not too many earth-shattering events, are full of warmth and sweetness in the ordinary. On weekends, they will do housework together, cook together, and enjoy the warmth of the family; After the child falls asleep, they will go for a walk, talk together, and share each other's thoughts. These seemingly ordinary little things are an important way for them to maintain family harmony.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

The story of Ha Wen and Li Yong allows us to see how to run a family with heart and how to find that balance between career and family in a busy life. They use their actions to tell us that no matter how busy life is, as long as we are willing to give and work hard, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness and satisfaction.

Li Yong, this name has left a deep impression in the hearts of countless audiences. His humor, wit and unique hosting style have made him a shining star on Chinese TV screens. However, life is always full of unpredictable turns, and when Li Yong was diagnosed with cancer, the news undoubtedly shocked all those who cared about him 111415161718.

In the face of such a challenge, Harvin, as his wife and strong backing, showed incredible courage and determination. She not only gave him infinite support and love during Li Yong's treatment, but also decided with him to hide his illness from the outside world in order to protect his privacy and dignity. They chose a low-key and strong way to face this battle against the disease together.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

In the United States, Li Yong began 17 months of anti-cancer treatment. During this time, Haven was always by his side and became his most solid support. Their lives are filled with the smell of disinfectant water in hospitals, the hardships of treatment, and uncertainty about the future. However, during these difficult days, they also felt a deep love and support from their families, friends, and fans.

Li Yong's death was in the early morning of October 25, 2018, a quiet moment. Haven announced the heartbreaking news on social media, expressing her deep grief and reluctance with the words "Never lose my love". The news quickly spread all over the Internet, and countless people were moved and mourned.

Li Yong's death is not only a personal loss for Harvin, but also a loss for the entire society and all the viewers who love him. Although his life was short, what he left us with is those unforgettable laughter and touches, as well as the deep and sincere love between him and Harvin.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

During the period of Li Yong's illness and death, Harvin and Li Yong's family showed a high sense of privacy protection. They did not let the hustle and bustle of the outside world disturb Li Yong's treatment and rest, nor did they let the public's sympathy become a burden. They have chosen to experience every moment of this journey in the most authentic and human way possible.

Li Yong's life is a life full of struggle and challenges. With his talent and hard work, he has won the respect and love of countless people. Even at the end of his life, he remained optimistic and strong, inspiring everyone who struggled with difficulties with his smile and courage. His story will always be etched in our hearts.

Li Yong's death is undoubtedly the heaviest blow in Havin's life. However, this strong woman did not let her grief crush and chose to deal with the aftermath and maintain family relationships in the strongest and most responsible way possible.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

After Li Yong's death, the first thing Ha Wen faced was how to communicate the bad news with his in-laws. She knew that this news would be a huge blow to her elderly in-laws. Haven chose a quiet moment and, in the most gentle and firm language, conveyed the sad news to his in-laws. She told them that although Li Yong was gone, his spirit and love would always remain in their hearts. Harvin promised that she would continue to take care of them, as Li Yong had done when she was alive, and that their old age would be filled with warmth and dignity.19

When dealing with Li Yong's funeral, Harvin showed great courage and wisdom. She carefully arranged Li Yong's funeral, so that every family and friend had the opportunity to pay their last respects to Li Yong. In this process, Harvin has always remained calm and strong, and she knows that this is the best farewell to Li Yong.

In addition to dealing with the aftermath, Haven also faced the problem of how to continue to maintain his family relationship with Li Yong. She knows that as the daughter-in-law of the Li family, she has the responsibility to continue to inherit the love and warmth of this family. She often talks to her in-laws on the phone, asks them about their physical condition and life needs, and does her best to meet them. On holidays, Haven returns to Xinjiang with her daughter Fatumah to reunite with her in-laws, so that they can feel the warmth and care of the family.19

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents

For the upbringing of his daughter Fatoumah, Haven devoted all his efforts to it. She knew that Li Yong had high hopes for her daughter before her death, and she couldn't let Li Yong down. Harvin not only focuses on his daughter's academics, but also on cultivating her character and emotions. She taught Fatoumah how to love, how to care for others, and how to face life's difficulties and challenges. Under Havin's careful education, Fatumah grew up to be a smart, kind, and strong girl.

With her actions, Harvin proved her love for Li Yong and her responsibility to this family. Instead of being crushed by her grief, she chose to stand up strong and move on. Her story is an inspiration and motivation to all those who face difficulties and challenges. She shows us that even in the darkest moments, as long as we have love, responsibility, and courage, we can find the strength to move forward.

Harvin: Three years ago, I tearfully refused to attend Li Yong's funeral for my in-laws, but now I treat them like parents