
Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

author:Xiaohua tells the story

Yang Kang in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes": A thousand faces on the screen

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

1. Yang Kang: The Phantom on the Screen

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

In Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts masterpiece "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Yang Kang, a character with a complex background and a changeable personality, has always been the focus of readers and audiences. As the orphan of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiweak, he grew up in the Jin Kingdom and was adopted by Wanyan Honglie, but he still chose to stay in the Jin Kingdom after knowing his life experience, and the entanglements and struggles in it added endless charm to Yang Kang on the screen.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Second, Yang Kang on the screen: peerless, each leading the way

Liang Xiaolong's fierce Yang Kang: In the 70s, Liang Xiaolong interpreted Yang Kang as a tough guy, although the martial arts scenes were wonderful, but because his appearance was far from the original image, he was nicknamed "tough version of Yang Kang" by the audience.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Li Yimin's ordinary Yang Kang: Subsequently, Li Yimin's version of Yang Kang entered the audience's field of vision. His facial features are ordinary and his temperament is mediocre, which is far from the noble temperament of Yang Kang in the original work, and he is nicknamed "Yang Kang next door" by the audience.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Miao Qiaowei's classic Yang Kang: However, in 1983, Miao Qiaowei's version of Yang Kang became a classic on the screen. He is handsome and chic, with superb acting skills, which perfectly interprets Yang Kang's complex heart and noble temperament, and is known as "Yang Kang closest to the original work".

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Pan Hongbin's frivolous Yang Kang: After Miao Qiaowei, Pan Hongbin's version of Yang Kang was controversial. Although his appearance is acceptable, his acting skills are not good, and he played Yang Kang into a frivolous and prodigal image, which shocked the audience.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Luo Jialiang's deep Yang Kang: Entering the 90s, Luo Jialiang's version of Yang Kang brought a new feeling to the audience. Although he is a little older, with his profound acting skills, he has successfully created a deep and complex image of Yang Kang, which moved the audience.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Third, the screen style, each has its own merits

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

These different versions of Yang Kang have their own characteristics and merits. They are either handsome and chic, ordinary, or deep and complex, but they all present us with a vivid image of Yang Kang. It is these different interpretations that give us a deeper understanding of the complexity and multifaceted nature of Yang Kang's character.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Fourth, the details are carved to achieve classics

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

In addition to the actors' performances, Yang Kang on the screen is also inseparable from the carving of details such as shapes, costumes, and scenes. The reason why Miao Qiaowei's version of Yang Kang has become a classic is not only because of his superb acting skills and outstanding appearance, but also because his modeling and costumes in the play perfectly show the dignity and temperament of Yang Kang's character. And the reason why Pan Hongbin's version of Yang Kang is questioned is because his style and costumes in the play are too frivolous and profligate, which is far from the image in the original book.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

V. Conclusion

Yang Kang on the screen has experienced the interpretation and interpretation of different actors, showing different styles and charms. These different versions of Yang Kang present us with a vivid, complex and multi-faceted image of Yang Kang.

Yang Kang's controversy: From the "tough version" to the "deep version", how does the audience choose?

Let us appreciate these classic martial arts works at the same time, but also have a deeper understanding of the unique charm of the character of Yang Kang.