
Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

author:Grandpa Niu said something

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Recently, Internet celebrity blogger Ming Mingchan posted his chat record with Wang Sicong again, asking Wang Sicong for milk powder money, Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and asked him to wait, and netizens really laughed crazy after reading the comments below.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Mingming-chan, in order to ask for a salary, it took a lot of effort. After many attempts, the results were fruitless. Who can be willing to change this? In desperation, Ming Mingchan released a big move and released a chat record with Wang Sicong.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

In this chat log, Ming Mingchan offered financial assistance to Wang Sicong. Let's think about it, it's all up to this, she must really have no choice. But Wang Sicong was good, and replied directly, "I have no money." This answer probably made Mingming-chan's heart half cold.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Can Mingming-chan endure it? Of course not! She was so angry that she directly released cruel words, threatening to let Wang Sicong see her good days on the Internet. When Wang Sicong heard this, he asked her: "Are you threatening me?" Ming Mingchan was also resolute enough, shouting: "I'm too hard, I hate the rich!" ”

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Perhaps it was Mingming-chan's resoluteness that touched Wang Sicong, his attitude actually softened, and told Mingming-chan to endure it a little longer, and he would be rich next year.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

It's not over yet! Ming Mingchan's next series of actions are also dizzying. She changed the introduction of her personal homepage and added a sentence "In the future, everyone will be a shining electronic parent!" This means, doesn't she just want netizens to provide her with material support. Not only that, but she also created a new account "Sparkling Sauce" specifically for her daughter, obviously wanting to take advantage of this wave of popularity to increase traffic and attention.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Netizens' reactions to this drama are varied. Some people think this is simply a magical reality drama, which is incredible; Some of them actually feel sorry for Wang Sicong and feel that it is not easy for him; There are also some enthusiastic netizens who gave Mingming-chan ideas and asked her to go directly to Wanda's headquarters to ask for an explanation. But Ming Ming-chan felt that it was too troublesome and was reluctant to go.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Speaking of which, we have to remind Wang Sicong that you have to be cautious in the future, check and inspect the equipment more before doing things, and don't cause such trouble.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

This dispute fully demonstrates the powerful power of online public opinion. The fact that a small salary incident can arouse so much attention and discussion is enough to show that in this Internet era, any wind and grass may be infinitely amplified.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

For Ming Ming-chan, she may be really desperate to take such an extreme way. But anyway, through this incident, she did get a lot of attention. But it's really hard to say what this kind of attention can bring her, whether it will really solve the problem or just be a momentary excitement.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Wang Sicong has always been at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, with his own traffic and topics. His every move may be magnified and interpreted. This dispute with Mingming-chan has undoubtedly added a new layer of color to his image.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Some people may say that Wang Sicong is rich and rich, what is this little turmoil. But don't forget, the public image is like an edifice, and every negative event can be a loose cornerstone. Even if the edifice does not collapse for the time being, its stability will be questioned. In this dispute, his initial tough attitude and subsequent softening will become the basis for the public to evaluate him.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

The shaping of the image is not achieved overnight, but the result of accumulation. If similar disputes continue to emerge, even the strongest background and resources will be able to resist the decline in public reputation. is like some celebrities who used to be infinitely beautiful, but they were finally abandoned by the audience because of inappropriate words and deeds again and again.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

From the perspective of Wang Sicong's business layout, he is involved in many fields, and his brand and corporate reputation are closely linked to his personal image. If the dispute is not handled properly, it may affect the trust of the partner in him and the confidence of investors may be shaken. After all, in the business world, credibility and image are crucial assets.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

For us ordinary people, this dispute is a mirror. It shows us that in the age of the internet, everyone has the potential to be in the spotlight, whether you are a celebrity or an ordinary person.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Think about it, social media is so developed today, a casual message, a impulsive action, can spread quickly, leading to unintended consequences. Maybe you just complained in the circle of friends, but as a result, it was seen by your colleagues, which affected the work relationship; or an excessively radical remark on Weibo, which attracted the siege of netizens.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Therefore, we must always be sober and cautious in our words and deeds. When expressing your views and demands, consider the possible implications. Don't think that the Internet is a virtual world that can be indulged at will, in fact, it is closely connected to real life, and can even directly affect our real life.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

For example, when looking for a job, the employer may look at your social media history; When making friends, the other party may also use your online presence to make a preliminary judgment about your personality and personality.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

We live in an era of freedom of speech but the need for self-discipline. Every time you make a voice on the Internet, it is like throwing a pebble, which may stir up a thousand waves, or sink to the bottom of the water silently. But whatever the outcome, the impact is difficult to predict.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

Take Ming Mingchan as an example, her original intention of asking for salary may be to protect her own rights and interests, but the choice of methods and methods is very important. If it could have been resolved through a more rational and legal way from the beginning, perhaps it would not have caused such a big public opinion storm. As for Wang Sicong, as a public figure, he should be well aware that his words and deeds have an exemplary effect, and he should give more respect and proper handling to the demands of others.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

In the ocean of networking, we are all voyagers. If you are not careful, you may deviate from the correct course. Therefore, we must always remind ourselves not to be swayed by emotions, and not to choose words for the sake of momentary pleasure. Be more understanding, be more tolerant, and face all kinds of voices in the network with a positive attitude.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

We must also learn to distinguish between right and wrong, not blindly follow trends, and not spread unverified news at will. Maintaining the ability to think independently is the only way to stay awake in this complex online world. Only in this way, when we are faced with a similar situation, can we make a wise choice, not only to protect our own rights and interests, but also to respect others, and jointly create a healthy and harmonious online environment. Let's keep this profound lesson in mind and move forward steadily in the online world.

Wang Sicong this time! It's a big deal!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.