
A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

author:Wealth and wealth know


Recently, a potentially habitable planet "Ross 508b" was discovered, Ross 508b is 37 light-years away from the Earth, with a mass several times that of the Earth.

Nowadays, with the high development of science and technology, human exploration of outer space has become more and more in-depth, and on the way to exploration, a large number of planets and planets have also been discovered, and it has become possible for human beings to survive in outer space one day.

The newly discovered planet immediately became the center of attention, what is so special about this planet?

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

A newly discovered habitable planet.

Although the earth's various resources are abundant, after all, the environment here is still limited, if the earth's resources can no longer meet the needs of human survival in the future, then where should human beings go?

As a result, many astroscientists are also looking for alternatives to Earth, and Ross 508b is one of the potential "habitable planets".

Ross 508b is a planet located in the red dwarf star Ross 508, and this planet is about 37 light-years away from Earth.

Well, first of all, its fame can be described as great.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

Its fame is mainly due to the fact that it is defined as a so-called "habitable planet", which means that since it bears some resemblance to Earth in some ways, there may be life on this planet.

Throughout the development of the entire planet, scientists also judge which planets are likely to have life through the special properties of each planet, and this method of judgment is also the most scientific way to explore.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

So looking at the development process of the planet, it can be found that life on the earth was born more than 4 billion years ago, that is to say, as long as it is on some planets in the corresponding timeline of the birth of life, then there may be the possibility of life.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

The second star of its main star, Ross 508b, is a red dwarf, with a mass of only 15% of the mass of the Sun and less than half the diameter of the Sun.

According to the calculated data, it is still a young red dwarf.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

So why red dwarfs are thought to have the possibility of life, due to their stellar properties, their hydrogen, helium and other elements will gradually be deposited in the center of the star, which will gradually dim the starlight and gradually weaken the light radiation.

And this feature is precisely to make its stellar light and heat conditions similar to that of the Earth, and at the same time to extend the life of the star.

That is, its star lifespan could last more than hundreds of billions of years, which is also unimaginable for humans.

This also means that in the future, when the earth's resources are gradually depleted, humans are expected to move to the surrounding planets.

So Ross 508b is a planet located in the center of the habitable zone of the red dwarf, so what is the "habitable zone"?

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

Red dwarf habitable zone.

A habitable zone is a type of area known as a "habitable zone", and the existence of such an area is also a scientific basis for human migration to other planets.

And its existence has also made human beings look forward to survival in outer space.

The existence of the habitable zone depends on the suitability of the photothermal conditions of the main star, that is, life is possible in the center of the habitable zone only when the photothermal conditions of the main star are suitable.

And this suitability is directly related to the radius of the planet.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

When the duration of the main star with a small radius is almost equal to the lifetime of the star, it is possible to maintain nearly constant light and heat conditions, which also provides a certain guarantee for the formation of habitable zones.

The "Ross 508b" planet discovered by scientists is a member of the central habitable zone, which has a radius similar to that of the Earth and only takes 11 days to make a revolution, which is one of the similarities with the Earth.

And its short orbital period is also a big advantage, because its seasonal changes will be more stable, whether it is plants or animals, it is a great help for the evolution of organisms.

It is also located in the middle of the habitable zone, which also means that it has suitable light and heat conditions for the birth of life.

It can be seen that under the light of science, the entire starry sky is also a prosperous scene of the growth of all things, and this planet is naturally no exception.

The planet is also rich in water resources, and the abundance of water resources is an important factor in the birth of life.

And another point is a big surprise, that is, the existence of organic matter, and the existence of organic matter also means that the process of the birth of life has begun.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

Although there is no direct evidence of life on this planet, its conditions and characteristics, as well as the presence of organic matter, all lay a solid foundation for the birth of life in the future.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

Scientists look forward to the planet where humans migrate.

Scientists have judged from a variety of evidence that life is possible on this planet.

So can it really exist as a living thing?

This is also a question that is very much to look forward to.

Although there is a lot of data at present, it is still difficult to accurately determine whether life really exists on this planet, after all, large-scale exploration is not an overnight thing.

And even if there is life, there may not be higher organisms, or it may not necessarily be familiar creatures, it may just be some lower creatures.

But scientists are still looking forward to its future, and some believe that the planet is expected to be a new human settlement.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

At present, science and technology are highly advanced, and human exploration of outer space is also making rapid progress, and scientists are increasingly eager to move to other stars in time when humans cannot survive on Earth one day.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

And wormhole technology is definitely a good choice.

Even though it has not yet been directly observed, scientists are working tirelessly to believe that one day its existence will be revealed.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

It can connect two spaces to each other, and it is such a technology that will make it possible for humans to achieve interstellar travel in the future.

Once humans can easily achieve interstellar crossing, the worldview of human beings will also be completely changed.

A newly discovered "habitable planet", 4 times the size of the Earth, with only 11 days in 1 year, may have life

In the era of highly developed science and technology, people will be expected to directly witness the existence of life on other planets, or the existence of wormholes can be directly observed, then human beings can start the era of interstellar travel.

And in this exciting interstellar era, Ross 508b is expected to become another Earth for human life.

This kind of sci-fi future is also gradually approaching in the reverie of countless people.


Although it is currently 37 light-years away from Earth, which is also an unattainable distance for humans today, no one can underestimate the potential of human beings.

After all, a hundred years ago, no one would have thought that the current spacecraft technology was so advanced.

In the future, with the development of science and technology, I believe that human beings will be able to solve the problems of interstellar migration, and it will definitely become the endless pride of mankind.

The hardships and difficulties on the road of exploration show that human curiosity about the unknown world is unfathomable, and at the same time, it is also a great driving force for the future.

It also makes us more aware of the challenges we face and how to better appreciate the earth, nature and life today.