
Happy! The first printing of the desktop version is all sold out!

author:Jay Copywriter
Happy! The first printing of the desktop version is all sold out!

Thanks to the support of Jay copywriting fans, the first printing of the Taiwan version of my new book "1998-2024 Jay Chou's Song Most Dick Interpretation" has been sold out. The second printing has been started by the Taiwanese publishing house, and for cost reasons, the second printing has simplified the process and the price of the new book has been reduced, and the pre-sale can now start (shipping within 10 days).

Happy! The first printing of the desktop version is all sold out!

"1998-2024 Jay Chou's Most Dick Interpretation" second printing pre-sale opens (arrival within 7 days)

Taobao platform The purchase link is as follows (copy to Taobao): HU9196 "Jay Copywriting 1998-2024: Jay Chou's Song Interpretation"

Happy! The first printing of the desktop version is all sold out!

1998-2024 Jay Chou's 392 works are fully interpreted

2000-2024 209 songs sung by Jay Chou himself

1998-2024 180 songs written by Jay Chou for others

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