
Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

author:Xiangyang market supervision

On the morning of June 28, the 8th market supervision lecture hall in 2024 was carried out in the conference room on the seventh floor of the Municipal Bureau, and the main leaders of the Xiangyang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, members of the leadership team at home, all cadres of the organs, all members of the party committees (branches) of the bureau's units, secretaries of grassroots party branches, and discipline inspection members participated in the study.

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

The activity was presided over by Ren Xu, a fourth-level researcher, and Wan Xiaoqing, member of the party group and deputy director of the Xiangyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, gave a lecture on party discipline learning and education. Through a large number of detailed data and real cases, Wan Xiaoqing profoundly analyzed the current situation of the anti-corruption struggle, interpreted in detail the connotation, essence and specific provisions of the party's six major disciplines, and put forward specific measures for the market supervision department to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and optimize the political ecology in combination with the actual situation.

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall
Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

Wan Xiaoqing emphasized

The study and education of party discipline is not a one-day achievement and cannot be accomplished overnight. We must persevere and unremittingly grasp the study and education of party discipline in daily life and integrate it into the routine, continue to work learning discipline, knowing discipline, understanding discipline, and abiding by discipline, further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, and effectively enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination, and work harder to write a new chapter and achieve new results in promoting the cause of market supervision, and contribute more to promoting the high-quality development of Xiangyang metropolitan area.

After the end of the lesson

Liao Bo, Deputy Director of the Consumer Protection Center and member of the Discipline Inspection Committee,

Li Hongwei of the Personnel Department shared his learning experience

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

Liao Bo, Consumer Protection Center:

Discipline inspection work is a heavy responsibility. We must always stand on the position of the party and the people, enforce the law impartially, and be serious and fair; It is necessary to strengthen discipline and accountability, and dare to be more serious; It is necessary to innovate ways and means, improve work ability, and strive to create a clean and upright political environment, so as to lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of market supervision.

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

Li Hongwei, Personnel Department:

Comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road. As young cadres, they must resolutely obey the management and education of the bureau's party group, learn lessons, abide by principles, abide by law and discipline, and keep the bottom line, and consciously cherish and jointly maintain the good image of the market supervision system.

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

After the sharing, Ren Xu conveyed the requirements of the party group of the Municipal Bureau that all units and all cadres in the system should take this party class as an opportunity to study and comprehend in depth and enhance their sense of discipline; Strictly implement responsibilities and strengthen discipline construction; Give full play to the "head goose" effect, take the lead in strict self-discipline, and form a new wind and righteousness with its own positive, self-clean, and self-hard.

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Source: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Editor: Du Linxue

Editor-in-charge: Liang Long

Audit: Supervisor

Organizer: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Operation: Xiangyang Rong Media Center

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