
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

author:Honghuang Technology


The new plot of the TV series "Du Hua Nian" starring Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai can be said to be really exciting, as Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong knew that the other party was reborn, the two finally successfully formed an alliance, and in the previous plot, the two joined forces to defeat the Yang family, and then married under Li Ming's marriage. Li Ming was afraid of the family and didn't want Li Rong, who had the blood of the Shangguan family, to marry another family, so he let her marry Pei Wenxuan, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong still came together because of the current situation, just like in their previous lives.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

It's just that after experiencing the previous life, these two people are completely different, Pei Wenxuan likes Li Rong in his heart, this life is like this, and the same is true in the previous life, but it's a pity that the two were separated in the previous life because of a misunderstanding, and the crux between them is Qin Zhenzhen, Li Rong thought that Pei Wenxuan liked Qin Zhenzhen, and she was the princess, how could she share a man with other women, so this one fell in love with Su Rongqing, but unfortunately the second half of Su Rongqing's life in the previous life was not good.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

Su Rongqing's family actually supported the third prince Li Xin as the crown prince, which angered the emperor Li Chuan, the Su family was originally neutral, but turned to support Li Xin, the fundamental reason is actually related to Su Ronghua, because the third prince Li Xin is Su Ronghua's child with Shangguan Ya, so the Su family will join forces with the Shangguan family to support the third prince Li Xin, which also completely angered Li Chuan, Li Chuan ordered to destroy the Su family, if it were not for Li Rong's intercession, I am afraid that Su Rongqing will definitely die. Of course, although Su Rongqing is alive, it is better to live than to die, because he was tortured by Li Chuan Palace.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

In the previous life, Su Rongqing accompanied Li Rong for 17 years, he did not leave Li Rong, but accompanied the eldest princess as a person who had been tortured by the palace, the purpose was naturally to wait for the opportunity to take revenge, the family was destroyed, and he became a eunuch, it is normal for him to hold a grudge, but Li Rong obviously can't see through people's hearts, and is very relieved of Su Rongqing, and this also led to Su Rongqing calculating Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, and killing two birds with one stone, poisoning Li Rong and killing Pei Wenxuan. Later, Pei Wenxuan speculated the truth, and Li Rong understood how she died in her previous life.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

I have to say that Pei Wenxuan scolded Li Rong right, she really has a princess disease, she doesn't understand people's hearts, let alone manipulate people's hearts, if it wasn't for Pei Wenxuan secretly planning for her and calculating for her in the previous life, I am afraid that this princess who can't be the chief princess of the prison country is so powerful, and in this life, Li Rong still loves Su Rongqing, at least she still has some feelings for Su Rongqing, I don't know if it's love or other feelings, Pei Wenxuan asked Su Rongqing to kiss on the wedding day, and deliberately stimulated Li Rong, so that she could see her heart clearly, Unexpectedly, this person thought that Pei Wenxuan was thinking about her in order to prepare for the future and leave, so she actually "replaced" Pei Wenxuan in the new plot to explain to Qin Zhenzhen that she and Pei Wenxuan were just acting on the spot, and they would be reconciled in the future.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

And what she did made Pei Wenxuan angry directly, and he was jealous, although it was raining heavily, Pei Wenxuan still directly said that in his last life, the people he liked in this life were Li Rong, and he never liked Qin Zhenzhen, it was Li Rong who misunderstood, and he also said that the two sides in the previous life were missed because of Qin Zhenzhen, and he had been silently guarding her for the past seventeen years, and told her that behind the power is the human heart, if she doesn't understand the human heart, then she is destined to lose everything in the future.

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

Pei Wenxuan directly expressed his heart and said that he loved Li Rong for two lives, and this time Li Rong finally knew that she had missed Pei Wenxuan in the previous life, there is no doubt that at the beginning, the eldest princess Li Rong still loved Pei Wenxuan, and later chose to leave because of a misunderstanding, and although she braved the heavy rain to recover Pei Wenxuan, she didn't know that she actually loved Su Rongqing for 17 years, and Li Rong in this life still had illusions about Su Rongqing, and she cared about Su Rongqing very much. It's because she hasn't realized that she loved Su Rongqing wrong for seventeen years in her last life, thinking that Su Rongqing only killed herself because of hatred, he still loves himself, but she didn't think that Su Rongqing might really love her, but she definitely didn't love Su Rongqing, after all, if she really loved Su Rongqing, how could she not understand his heart and not understand his hatred?

Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years
Until Pei Wenxuan expressed his intentions, Li Rong didn't know that she had loved Su Rongqing for 17 years

To put it bluntly, Su Rongqing is just a substitute for Li Rong's empty feelings in her previous life, she doesn't love Su Rongqing, she has loved him wrong for seventeen years, and she and Su Rongqing are no longer possible in this life, because Su Rongqing is also a reborn, and if she wants to prevent Li Chuan from becoming the emperor, they are destined to stand on opposite sides.