
Do two and two mean the same? Guan Yu understood, Zhang Fei was a little confused!

author:Bugs all over the world

In our lives, there are many times when the meaning of two and two is similar, so that many people think that two and two mean the same. However, there are also many times when the meaning of the two words may be different once different units are affixed to the end of the two words.

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So, do two and two mean the same thing?

To understand this problem, we must first look at what suffix is added to the end of these two words.

For example, in the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the smart Liu Bei played such a word game in front of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Do two and two mean the same? Guan Yu understood, Zhang Fei was a little confused!

It is said that when Liu Bei left Cao Cao and came to Xuzhou, it was equivalent to a public break with Cao Cao. But an open break does not mean that he will become Cao Cao's real enemy all of a sudden. Therefore, in the battle with Cao Cao at the beginning, Liu Bei still wanted to turn big things into small things and small things.

Therefore, when Cao Cao sent two unpopular generals to attack Liu Bei, it was equivalent to giving Liu Bei a problem.

Let's fight, in case of killing Cao Cao's general, even if he is an unpopular general, it is equivalent to the relationship between Liu Bei and Cao Cao, and it can no longer be eased.

If you don't fight, you have already broken with Cao Cao, and if you don't fight it, it will seem that you are very cowardly.

In a hurry, Liu Bei said such a sentence, which is written in the book:

Xuande heard that the military horse was coming, and asked Chen Deng to discuss...... Deng said: "There are many tricks, and Hebei must be the most important thing, and he will personally supervise it, but he deliberately does not build a banner, but makes a false flag here: I will not be here." Xuande said: "Who of the two brothers can listen to the truth and the truth?" ”

Do two and two mean the same? Guan Yu understood, Zhang Fei was a little confused!

From the above description, we can see that when Chen Deng said that Cao Cao was not in Xuzhou at all, Liu Bei planned to send someone to find out the truth. At this time, the only generals that Liu Bei could use were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

So, in front of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei said, "Who of the two brothers can listen to the truth and the truth."

If you take it according to the literal meaning of what Liu Bei said, it is obvious that Liu Bei does not know who to send to fight. After all, whether it is Guan Yu or Zhang Fei, they are Liu Bei's sworn brothers, and Liu Bei is not good at favoring one over the other.

At first glance, Liu Bei seemed to be giving Guan Yu and Zhang Fei a multiple-choice question, but the smart Guan Yu understood what Liu Bei meant, while the reckless Zhang Fei was a little confused.

Taken literally, Liu Bei's words were said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, so he was "two brothers", not "second brothers" directly.

However, when the reckless Zhang Fei was a little confused and did not fully understand what Liu Bei meant, he recklessly said that he could fight.

If Liu Bei is really making a multiple-choice question, then when Zhang Fei asks to fight, Liu Bei should agree. But after Zhang Fei took the initiative to ask for help, Liu Bei directly said, "You are irritable, you can't go."

Do two and two mean the same? Guan Yu understood, Zhang Fei was a little confused!

Obviously, in Liu Bei's heart, he wanted Guan Yu to fight, and Guan Yu did not disappoint Liu Bei, he completely understood what Liu Bei meant, not only asked to fight, but also showed Liu Bei's thoughts vividly in the actual combat process.

That is to say, although most of the time, the meaning of two and two is not exactly the same, but at this time in Liu Bei's heart, two is two, two is two, and the meaning of the two words is exactly the same. The so-called "who can listen to the truth and the truth of the two brothers" actually wants to express "whether the second brother can listen to the truth and the truth".

This also shows one thing, by Liu Bei's side, Guan Yu is still relatively smart, and Zhang Fei is a tendon!

Do you think the bugs are right? If not, what do you think is the case? Please leave your comments!

Next preview: In the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", these three people can really form a "football team"!

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