
"Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening will return to Shougang Park this summer

author:Beiqing hot spot

Four years ago, the "Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening exhibition vividly presented the glorious history and magnificent scenery of the Old Summer Palace in front of the audience through advanced technologies such as 5G+8K high-definition images and AI+AR. This summer, the exhibition will return to the Shougang Park RE Rui International Memory Museum to "reproduce" the former grandeur of the Old Summer Palace for citizens and tourists. It is reported that the exhibition will last until November this year.

"Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening will return to Shougang Park this summer

In order to solve the problem that the ruins of the Old Summer Palace cannot be restored and the architectural ruins are "incomprehensible", the production team of "Return to the Old Summer Palace" has developed and launched the "Return" series of digital products for many years based on the results of nearly 20 years of restoration research. Four years ago, the "Return to the Old Summer Palace" was launched, which was warmly welcomed by everyone. In response to the audience's eagerness to witness the "digital rebirth" of the Old Summer Palace again, the "Return to the Old Summer Palace" Light and Shadow Screening Exhibition will return to the RE Rui International Memory Museum on June 21 and will last until November this year. This re-screening not only retains the original wonderful content, but also incorporates more creative activities and technological innovations to bring a better and more immersive viewing experience to the audience.

"Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening will return to Shougang Park this summer

According to the curator Yang Si, the production team uses advanced technologies such as digital surveying and mapping, three-dimensional modeling, and virtual reality to "reproduce" the Old Summer Palace from multiple perspectives such as garden architecture, plant configuration, and scattered cultural relics.

"Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening will return to Shougang Park this summer

In the three-storey cultural space, the exhibition showcases the results of the digital restoration of the Old Summer Palace, including the detailed restoration of the Haiyantang water conservancy system. The result was a special team of Chinese and foreign experts who traveled across Chinese and European antiquarian libraries to explore missionary letters and lists of books on building water conservancy, and finally revealed the mystery of the water conservancy system in Western buildings. In the knowledge development area of the exhibition, visitors can also learn about the past of the Old Summer Palace by scanning the QR code, such as "where did the emperor study".

"Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening will return to Shougang Park this summer

In the future, RE Rui International Creative Memory Museum will also design and launch a variety of research courses based on the "Return to the Old Summer Palace" light and shadow screening, including glass color restoration, garden design, and patriotic education of the twelve animal heads. These courses will further deepen the audience's understanding of the history and culture of the Old Summer Palace and stimulate the patriotism of the younger generation. Curator Yang Si said: "Our goal is not only to reproduce history, but also to stimulate people's awareness of the protection of cultural heritage and their infinite vision for the future through the re-enactment of history. ”

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Liu Yang

Editor/Tan Weiping