
Before the liberation, the Kuomintang set up a post at the entrance of the village, and a villager persuaded his neighbors: If you don't leave, it will be too late

author:History is like smoke

On November 9, 1946, at noon, the village of Weizhuang, Linhu Township (now Weizhuang, Linhu Township, Xinghua City, Taizhou City) suddenly became lively.

In the morning, a Kuomintang army suddenly came near the village, and then the group began to set up a guard at the entrance of the village to the east, check the passers-by, and drive all the people who had been hiding in the barren fields to the north back to the village.

Sha Hongkuan, a villager, was working on grass in the courtyard when he suddenly heard a sound in the courtyard to the east, and then he walked out of the courtyard and walked to the gate of the courtyard of his neighbor Qu Qitai to the east.

"Lao Qu, why are you back?!" Sha Hongkuan saw that Qu Qitai had returned home and was bending down in the courtyard to pack up farm tools, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

Before the liberation, the Kuomintang set up a post at the entrance of the village, and a villager persuaded his neighbors: If you don't leave, it will be too late

Qu Qitai was the father of Qu Zhonggui, then deputy secretary of the Caofeng District Party Committee. At that time, the Kuomintang arrested people everywhere, and all the revolutionary masses, local cadres, the families of revolutionaries, and the families of military martyrs were arrested and killed. Therefore, he first hid in the barren fields with the villagers.

Later, the Kuomintang army drove the villagers back to the village, and Qu Qitai heard that the Kuomintang was going to set up a sentry at the entrance of the village to check the pedestrians. Therefore, Qu Qitai felt that there should be no danger, so he followed the general stream and quietly returned to the village.

At that time, Qu Qitai was picking up farm tools in the courtyard and preparing to work in the field the next day, but he didn't expect his neighbor Sha Hongkuan to say something to him with a worried face. The other party's analysis made Qu Qitai suddenly fall into an ice cave.

"Lao Qu, you shouldn't go back to the village, there are so many people in the morning, when there are many people and the enemy is not paying attention, they will go into the ditch, don't you escape." Sha Hongkuan walked into the courtyard and approached to persuade, "That group of Kuomintang soldiers is now stationed at the entrance of the village, but if you want to say that he doesn't go into the village to arrest people, who can pack tickets for us?" ”

When Qu Qitai heard this, he pondered carefully, it was indeed the case, at this time, he was driven into the village by the enemy, and if the other party tied up the entrance of the village and wanted to go out later, it was not his own ability to do the master.

"So what now?" Qu Qitai asked worriedly.

"Your son is a local cadre, if someone reveals your identity, the enemy will definitely kill you when they find out!" Sha Hongkuan analyzed, "In my opinion, we have to find a way to leave the village today, and if we don't leave, it will be too late." ”

"Can you go now?" Qu Qitai sighed with a sad face, feeling that the Kuomintang army had already captured the entrance of the village, and it was probably too late to escape.

Before the liberation, the Kuomintang set up a post at the entrance of the village, and a villager persuaded his neighbors: If you don't leave, it will be too late

"I have to try it if it's too late," Sha Hongkuan grabbed Qu Qitai's arm, shook it vigorously, and then told the other party his plan, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity of the villagers going out to water vegetables in the evening, covering Qu Qitai's sneak out of Weizhuang, so as to help the other party get out of danger.

"I estimate that the Kuomintang has only started to set up posts today, and it will not be strictly investigated, and it will be difficult to say tomorrow." Sha Hongkuan analyzed, "Even if they stop us and don't let us out, then tonight, when people calm down in the second half of the night, we will quietly climb out of the trench behind us, and we will have to escape today." ”

Qu Qitai listened to his neighbor Sha Hongkuan's plan, and was deeply moved, but he pursed his lips and didn't say a word. He knew very well that the situation he was in at the moment was very dangerous, and he was also very grateful to Sha Hongkuan for volunteering to cover his evacuation, but Qu Qitai was afraid that Sha Hongkuan would be affected, and the other party would have a large family of people, dragging their families with them, in case they were discovered by the enemy and affected Sha Hongkuan, and their big family would all suffer.

Qu Qitai was a little hesitant for a while. Seeing Qu Qitai's hesitant appearance, Sha Hong Kuanden guessed the other party's scruples, he advised Qu Qitai not to worry too much, and comforted the other party that his method would not be too dangerous.

In the end, Qu Qitai agreed, followed Sha Hongkuan out of the village, and broke through the enemy's sentry.

In the evening, Qu Qitai and Sha Hongkuan each carried a handful of water scoops for watering vegetables, and then left the village from west to east.

On the same day, a Kuomintang sentry stood at the sentry at the entrance of the village, and the other party stopped the two people, and after asking about the situation, they saw that they were both authentic peasants, and they could not find anything suspicious on their bodies.

Before the liberation, the Kuomintang set up a post at the entrance of the village, and a villager persuaded his neighbors: If you don't leave, it will be too late

After the two came to the field, Qu Qitai handed the scoop to Sha Hongkuan, and then quickly left the place along the dirt road at the ridge of the field, under the cover of night.

"For so many years, I have always felt very lucky," after the liberation, Qu Zhonggui, then chairman of the Xinghua County CPPCC, recalled this past, still sighed, "On the second day after my father left Weizhuang, the enemy turned around and blocked the entire village, and then entered the village and began to search for it, and in the following half a month, the enemy killed more than ten people from our cadres and revolutionaries' families, making a rare bloody Weizhuang tragedy in the history of Xinghua." If it weren't for the help of my neighbors, my father would have been hard to escape. ”

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Reference: "Xinghua Cultural and Historical Materials", Qu Zhonggui recalled