
A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

author:Sister Dimple emotional guidance

Hello everyone, I am Sister Dimples, a 40-year-old second-child working mother.

If you find a deaf baby boy with a healthy, lovely daughter, will you take him home to raise him or send him to an orphanage?

In Heilongjiang, there is such a mother. In order to raise a baby boy, she did not hesitate to divorce her husband. And in order to support the boy's dream of dancing, she sold the house without saying a word!

Just when the boy had succeeded in his studies and began to repay his adoptive mother, his biological mother came to the door to recognize him.

Will a boy choose a birth mother or an adoptive mother? Is it the weight of more than 20 years of nurturing or the weight of childbirth?

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

01 A special fate to become a family

The time has to go back to September 10, 1995, and Heilongjiang in early autumn has gradually cooled. On this day, Zhao Dan and her husband, who were running long-distance passenger transportation, were just about to start their day's work, but they were attracted by the cry of a baby not far away.

Following the cry, Zhao Dan came to a phone booth. I saw a lot of people around it, and they were gossiping and talking.

Zhao Dan squeezed into the crowd and saw a bag on the ground, and a seven or eight-month-old baby boy was lying in the bag. It may be that he has been crying for too long, and the baby boy's breath is a little weak.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

Seeing this, Zhao Dan's motherhood was instantly stimulated. Without hesitation, she took the baby boy into her arms and began to inquire about the situation with the old man next to the telephone hall.

The old man said: More than an hour ago, a woman came to call with a child in her arms. After the fight, she had to go to the toilet, and she asked the old man to help take care of it on the grounds that it was inconvenient to take the child.

It's just that I went to the toilet and never came back.

Zhao Dan listened, while gently comforting the baby, he found a note in the bag, only to see that it was written: "Due to the divorce of his parents, the child is deaf in both ears and is unable to raise it, so I implore the well-wishers in the city to take it in." The child's date of birth is December 30, 1994. On the back of the note is a diagnostic report from Jiamusi Hospital, which determined that the baby was born with binarial deafness.

This made Zhao Dan's heart sink, she felt that this child was too pitiful! Seeing that the child slowly stopped crying in her arms, Zhao Dan didn't think much about it, didn't even get out of the car, and returned home directly with the child. Although at this time she already has a daughter who is more than 3 years old.

Because it was the baby boy picked up in autumn, Zhao Dan named him Shi Qiu.

It's just that Zhao Dan didn't realize at that time that she would divorce her husband because of Qiu Pickup.

02 Differences between husband and wife end in divorce

At first, the husband thought that his wife would send him to an orphanage after bringing him back. Unexpectedly, after a long time, his wife was determined to adopt him.

This made the husband incomprehensible. Because in his opinion, they already have a daughter, and if they want a son, Zhao Dan can have a second child. What is the purpose of adopting a baby boy, especially a disabled boy?

In addition, in order to take care of the baby boy, the wife not only cannot focus entirely on work, but also uses her savings for many years to treat the child. This made their lives difficult for a while.

For this, the couple had a serious quarrel.

In the end, the husband who couldn't bear it anymore let go of his cruel words: either send the child to an orphanage or divorce!

After some careful consideration, Zhao Dan resolutely chose to divorce. And the burden of raising her daughter and Qiu Pick fell on her alone.

During the day, Zhao Dan worked hard to earn money. In the evenings, whenever she has free time, she takes her two children for a walk in the square. It's just that what she didn't expect was that here she actually discovered Qiu Pick's talent.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

03 Love dancing and sell houses to help children realize their dreams

Looking at the dancing crowd in the square, Qiu Xuan will unconsciously twist up.

Zhao Dan didn't react at first. Until one time at home, Zhao Dan was stunned when he saw his son open the cash register sent by his uncle, and jumped up with the rhythm of the music inside!

My son can't hear the music at all, so how did he hit the beat? Qiu picked up his hand and said, I can sense the rhythm by the vibration of the ground.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

When God closes a door for you, He will open a window for you. At this time, Zhao Dan realized that his son was talented in dance.

In order to pick up better teachers for Qiu, Zhao Dan sold his family's house. She came to Beijing with 150,000 yuan to find a dance studio for her son.

However, when the other party heard that Qiu Pick was a deaf and dumb child, they refused to accept it, because they felt that it was difficult for normal people to dance well, let alone a disabled person!

Seeing that there was only one last dance studio left, Zhao Dan did not rush to introduce the child's situation to the teacher, but asked Qiu to pick up the scene and dance for a while.

The beautiful dancing posture and smooth movements conquered the teacher in an instant. In this way, Qiu Zhu finally got his wish and began to learn Latin dance.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

Movements that others can master by practicing 3 times, Qiu Pick has to practice more than a dozen times before they can learn. But he never complained that he was tired, but spent all his time dancing except for eating and sleeping.

Hard work pays off. More than a year later, with the encouragement of his adoptive mother Zhao Dan, Shi Qiuzhu signed up for the 24th China Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.

Later, Qiu picked up and won many heavyweight championships one after another. This also gave him the opportunity to appear on the stage of CCTV's "Dance Out of My Life", "Very 6+1", "Departure to Happiness" and other programs.

Moreover, with the various bonuses obtained, Qiu picked up the payment to his adoptive mother Zhao Dan to buy a house.

This made Zhao Dan burst into tears.

However, just when everything was going in a good direction, Qiu Pick's biological mother called, and they said that they wanted to recognize Qiu Pick.

04 Is such a biological mother worthy of recognition?

When receiving a call from his biological mother, Qiu Pick behaved very resistantly. He hated his parents for abandoning him so much that he refused to recognize him.

But the biological mother said that they were also forced to help themselves back then, and after abandoning him, they divorced. Although they later remarried and gave birth to a healthy son, they always felt guilty in their hearts.

Zhao Dan, who is also a mother, not only understands this very well, but also begins to persuade Qiu Pick, she feels that it is a beautiful thing to have one more person to love Qiu Pick, and after recognizing each other, she will not leave regrets for Qiu Pickup.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

The sensible Qiu picked up and obeyed his adoptive mother's words, but what he didn't expect was that this time he recognized, his biological mother brought him not love, but secondary harm.

1, He asked his biological mother why he abandoned him, and his biological mother said that it was because he had horizontal stripes on his palms, and this represented an ominous person.

2, after a few contacts, the biological mother began to play the idea of picking up the prize money of the autumn picking competition, and asked the autumn pick to buy her an insurance, but the beneficiary was the biological mother's second son.

3, the autumn test biological mother said that she was getting married and needed to buy a house. When the biological mother heard this, she was stunned and sent a message asking Qiu to stop bothering her in the future.

In this regard, Qiu Pick is very confused.

Why does the adoptive mother treat herself as her own, and she does not hesitate to divorce and sell the house for herself, while the biological mother not only does not give her love and warmth, but calculates herself everywhere? Do you still have the obligation to provide for your biological mother in the future?

Now, Qiu Pick and his adoptive mother, sister and grandmother live very happily together, and their relationship is very good.

A mother picked up a deaf and dumb baby boy, and after she did not hesitate to divorce and sell her house to cultivate her talents, her biological mother came to recognize her

Qiu Xuan also said that if he didn't have his adoptive mother, he might not have lived today, let alone become today's "dance prince" from an abandoned baby, and walked on the stage of CCTV from a small place. It was the adoptive mother Zhao Dan's selfless and deep maternal love that paved her own bright future.

In his heart, his adoptive mother Zhao Dan is a well-deserved "most beautiful adoptive mother".

Write at the end:

I have to say that Zhao Dan is really a great mother!

Few people have been able to do her righteous deeds.

And Qiu Pick is also a good child with perseverance and gratitude.

I think it must be a special fate that can make them a family along the way.

I wish them love each other and get better and better in the days to come!