
What is parallel volunteering, you can understand it in seconds after reading it!

author:Journals for Study

At present, most provinces in the ordinary batch of implementation of the parallel volunteer model, in the preparation of the college entrance examination volunteers, we can always see "according to the parallel volunteer file" and other expressions, so, what is "parallel volunteer"?

What is parallel volunteering

Parallel volunteering refers to a number of volunteers with a relatively parallel relationship in the same category and the same pitch of the college entrance examination. That is, when candidates fill in the college entrance examination volunteers, they can fill in several parallel relationship volunteers at the same time in the designated batch. When admitted, in accordance with the principle of "score priority, follow the volunteer, and submit the file once", start with the candidate with the highest score, retrieve and file in turn, and when it is the turn to retrieve a candidate, follow the order of the candidate to fill in the volunteer search, and when the file meets the conditions and the institution has a planned balance, it will be filed.

Understand the rules of application from the admission process of high recruitment

In chronological order, let's take a look at several key links in parallel voluntary pitching and the pitching rules.

What is parallel volunteering, you can understand it in seconds after reading it!
What is parallel volunteering, you can understand it in seconds after reading it!

The above admission process follows the three core principles of parallel volunteering: principle 1, score priority. In the search/submission stage, the system will sort all candidates according to their categories from high to low and search in turn. If the results of the physics candidate Xiao Li are ranked 4000th among the physics candidates in the district, then the candidate can only be retrieved after the previous 3999 people are retrieved. Principle 2: Follow the willingness. For each candidate, the computer system is based on the candidate's choice, from the professional group of college A to B, C, D...... The order of the professional groups of the institutions was searched. When there is the first professional group of the institution that meets the requirements for submission, the system will submit the candidate's file to the professional group of the institution; If the candidate's application cannot meet the application conditions, the file status has not changed, which means that the candidate has slipped the file. Principle three, one pitch. That is, parallel volunteering implements a pitch and does not supplement the pitch. Regardless of whether the candidate gets the submission or slips, the system will end the submission of the candidate and wait for the solicitation of volunteers or the next batch of submission. Even if the candidate is withdrawn for various reasons after submitting to the institution, he can only participate in the solicitation of volunteers or enter the next batch of submission together with the candidate who has slipped the file.

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A short story of a parallel volunteer dossier

You can also take a look at this case shared on the Internet, the following explanation of "parallel volunteering", you will understand it instantly after reading it!

College entrance examination admission station, big station. Hundreds of cars are parked in the parking lot, each representing a university, and the number of seats in each car represents the number of students admitted to the province at that university.

Some of them are minibuses, such as Nanjing Audit College, which have only 9 seats. Some are super buses, such as Sichuan University, with about 1,000 seats.

Provincial science candidates are ranked according to their grades, standing in a column, each with a note in his hand with the names of his five parallel schools (ABCDE) written on it.

Here we go! The entrance to the station opens, first in first, and then the entrance closes.

At this time, there was a parking lot in Nuoda, and there was only one person in the first place. The first place A volunteer is Peking University, so I walked to the front of the minibus of Peking University, and the seats must be completely empty at this time, okay, please get on the bus. After getting on the bus, the small note in my hand was invalidated, so I should burn it, and the BCDE volunteers in the back were useless.

The first place is selected, it's time for the second place, and he is the only one who enters the parking lot, and the third place still has to wait.

The second place A volunteered Tsinghua University, got on the bus, and burned the note.

In order, for example, the 100 students entered the venue, A volunteered Tsinghua University, and when I went to the door of Tsinghua University, I saw that the seats of 80 people were full. Immediately look at B volunteer: Peking University, and see that the seats of 70 people are also full. Let's look at C volunteer: USTC, okay, only 6 people sat in the seat of 50 people, got on the bus, and burned the note.

Now it is the turn of the 1,000 students in the queue to enter the venue, A University of Science and Technology, a look is full, B Beihang, full, C Tongji University, full, D Shanghai Finance and Economics, also full, at this time began to sweat. Hurry up and see E volunteering: Sichuan University, take a look at the door of the super bus of Sichuan University, fortunately, there are still 950 vacant seats in 1000 places, hurry up and get on the bus and burn the note.

Now it's the turn of 5,000 students to enter. A Sichuan University, B Southwest University of Finance and Economics, C Southwest Jiaotong University, D University of Electronic Science and Technology, E Chongqing University. All 5 cars were full and started crying. When I saw that there were still 2 vacant seats at Tianjin University next to me, I wanted to force myself on the bus, but I was stopped by the station security, the note was confiscated, and I was kicked out of the parking lot. Tragedy.

It's time for the last student, the 26,000th to enter.

At this time, most of the cars were full, and some cars were still empty (because there were 1,000 students in front of them who had unfortunately been kicked out of the station). Hurry up and take out the note and see: A Sichuan Nong, B Sichuan Division, C Beijing Industry and Commerce, D South China Agricultural University, oh no, all full. Look at E volunteering again: Tianjin University, there are still 2 positions, thanks to the government, thanks to TV, thanks to grandpa, thanks to dad! Get in the car and leave.

Well, all the personnel have been dealt with, and the station master has given an order, and hundreds of cars have all driven out of the station (all colleges and universities are put into file at the same time). The work of the provincial recruitment office has come to an end for the time being.

On the bus of Sichuan University: the conductor assigns seats (choose a major), if the score is not high enough to choose a good position (each school can fill in 6 professional volunteers), and does not agree with the conductor to arrange seats (does not agree to professional allocation), then you have to get off the bus (retreat). So I went back to the bus terminal and stood with the more than 1,000 people who had just been kicked out of the station, and the parking lot was empty.

The above example illustrates that 5 parallel volunteers generally have to choose to agree to the professional deployment, because you don't know which 'black' car will be there.

Well, in the afternoon, 30 cars that were not full at the beginning drove back (the call for volunteers began), 1,000 students who were kicked out of the station at the beginning, and 500 students who were driven off the bus by the conductor, everyone lined up again and repeated the process in the morning.

There are several rounds of soliciting volunteers, and after 3 rounds, it is basically the same.


1. Why burn paper strips?

Once on the bus, subsequent volunteers are invalid. Suppose that a candidate wishes as follows: A Zhejiang University, B Tianjin University.

His score is estimated to be able to get on the admission line of Zhejiang University, but there is no advantage in choosing a major, but this score has enough advantages to choose a good major in Tianjin University. So he only chose a few good majors of Zhejiang University, and at the same time chose not to agree with the professional allocation. The student's wishful thinking is: first go to the car of Zhejiang University, if you can read these good majors, if you can't study, you will return to Tianjin University to study your favorite major.

This is not right: once you get on the bus of Zhejiang University, the note will be burned, and all the schools filled in the back will be invalidated. At the same time, Zhejiang University and Tianjin University are driving at the same time (the provincial recruitment office sends all students' files to the corresponding universities at the same time), and when the conductor of Zhejiang University is assigning seats, the conductor of Tianjin University is also assigning seats on their trains. Therefore, the wishful thinking of the student will be in vain.

This kind of thinking does exist among students and parents. Every year, there is such a situation, the voluntary application has been closed before learning about the situation, parents and students are very anxious, immediately call the school recruitment office, so that it is possible to be recorded. In case the enrollment is over, it will be too late

2 Does the order of ABCDEs matter?

Very important. If the first place is aspired: A Sichuan University B Peking University..... Then he will go to the car of Sichuan University, but he can't get on the car of Peking University. Unless, unless.... When he entered the venue, the car of Sichuan University was already full, and the car of Peking University still had empty seats. Impossible things. Therefore, although parallel volunteering is parallel, it must also be in order.

It can be seen that in the parallel volunteer mode, there is a risk of slipping or being deregistered.

There is a risk of slipping and backshifting

The main reason for the slippage is that the positioning of the volunteers is inaccurate and the volunteers are too high.

In the new college entrance examination, the distribution of admission scores in the professional groups of various colleges and universities may change greatly. If the candidate does not correctly position himself according to his or her own results, and fills in a batch all the professional groups of colleges and universities with a higher level than his or her own test score, and when the candidate is retrieved, the candidates who fill in the preferences have been filled by the candidates with higher rankings, the candidate will not be successful in this round of submission. Or candidates insist on only filling in the professional group of a certain type of dream college, and are unwilling to consider the professional group of other colleges, and it is easy to have an unsuccessful application. According to the principle of "one-time submission", candidates will lose the opportunity to be submitted and can only enter the solicitation of volunteers or participate in the next batch of competition. The successful submission of the candidate's file to the university does not mean that everything is fine, and there is still the possibility of being withdrawn. There are two main reasons for the withdrawal: 1. Candidates only apply for the more popular majors in the professional group of colleges and universities, and when the professional volunteers crash and do not obey the adjustment, the possibility of the candidates who are ranked behind will be greatly increased. 2. Because the candidate's own conditions do not meet the admission requirements of colleges and universities, the school cannot admit and withdraw from the file.

How do I avoid slipping? It is necessary to make the voluntary positioning of stability and protection accurate, and ensure that the number is large enough to ensure that it can be kept; In addition, it is necessary to have enough college professional group volunteers, and ensure the gradient between college professional groups.

How can I avoid backshifting? It is necessary to combine the admission rules of the major, comprehensively consider the level of admission scores in previous years, and fill in the preference of each major; It is best to obey the adjustment; And it is necessary to understand the requirements of the major, the requirements of the industry, and the requirements of the school, and avoid the withdrawal due to non-compliance with the enrollment rules and professional conditions.

For specific countermeasures, please click on the reference article: Fill in the volunteer for fear of "slipping" and "retreating"? : Remember this method!

Interpretation of common misunderstandings of parallel volunteering

There are several common misconceptions about parallel volunteering. The following interpretation will be helpful for candidates and parents to correctly understand parallel volunteering, and then fill in the volunteer.

Myth 1: When implementing parallel volunteering, A, B, C, and D...... Volunteering is absolutely parallel and in no order. When candidates meet all the conditions of the colleges and universities in the same batch, they will be voted to the best college professional group.


In fact, there is still an order in which the individual candidates wish. The computer system will sort the candidates in advance, from high to low, and then search in the order of individual preferences, and when the candidates meet the requirements of the professional groups of multiple institutions, they will only be ranked A, B, C, and D...... , the candidate's file will be submitted to the professional group of the institution that meets the conditions first. Once an eligible volunteer is found, no subsequent volunteers will be searched.

Myth 2: When submitting a file, a candidate's file is submitted to A, B, C, and D at the same time...... Volunteer, and then admitted by the university, the candidate chooses one of the universities to study.


The college entrance examination is strictly carried out according to the enrollment plan, and the candidates' files do not do one file and more votes, but only one file and one vote. Although parallel volunteers can fill in more than one college professional group, each batch of candidates will only have one chance to be submitted, and will only be submitted to the A, B, C, D...... One of the parallel volunteers, even if it is withdrawn, has no chance to apply to other filled in volunteers, that is, once the candidate's file is voted to the professional group of a college filled in by himself, it means that the application is over.

Myth 3: A, B, C, D, ...... When you are withdrawn from the professional group of college A, you can also submit to the professional group of college B.


Each batch is a "one-time submission", and all the files retrieved and classified in the batch are cast out at the same time, and the admission of each school is also carried out at the same time. When the candidate is withdrawn, he can only enter the call for volunteers.

Key points: In order to avoid the risk of being withdrawn or slipped, and grasp the initiative of voluntary filling as much as possible, according to the principle of parallel voluntary submission, we have the following three suggestions for candidates to fill in their volunteers. First, it is best to fill in all the volunteers, and there should be a gradient between the professional groups of the colleges, among which the stable volunteers should match their scores. Second, it is best to fill in the majors recruited under each institution (or professional group of the college), and the majors should be hot and cold. Third, it is recommended to obey the adjustment.

For more knowledge and skills of voluntary filling in the college entrance examination, please refer to the "2024 Guangxi New College Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Special Issue".

Don't know how to choose a college major? Article source: Selected from the "2024 Guangxi New College Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Special Issue", with changes WeChat Editor: Study Wang Yanqin We respect the original, if there is any infringement, please contact us

What is parallel volunteering, you can understand it in seconds after reading it!
What is parallel volunteering, you can understand it in seconds after reading it!