
Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

author:Bereavement Net

Known as "the first bridge of Wuhan East Gate", the Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is an important part of the ring highway in Wuhan metropolitan area, after the completion and opening to traffic, the main urban area of Tuanfeng will be shortened from one hour to 15 minutes to Ezhou City, and at the same time drive to Wuhan on the highway to choose more, faster and more convenient.

Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

On June 26, the reporter drove from Tuanfeng City to the construction site of Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge through the Jushui Bridge connecting Xinzhou District of Wuhan City, only to see the construction vehicles shuttling back and forth, and the builders who participated in the construction of the Second Harbor Bureau of the CCCC at each operation point were full of bowstrings, and the construction was carried out in an orderly manner, and was climbing at an average rate of 1 meter per day. The 213.75-meter-high main tower on the north bank of the bridge has been successfully topped out, and the project has entered the superstructure construction stage.

Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

Li Wensong, Safety Director of Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge Project of CCCC Second Harbor Bureau: The north bank of Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is located in Xinzhou District, Wuhan, and the south bank is located in Huarong District, Ezhou. Up to now, the main tower on the Xinzhou side, that is, the main tower on the north bank, has been completed on June 2, and the upper beam construction is underway, and the anchor block is currently undergoing roof construction and loose cable saddle pier construction, and the goal is to achieve opening to traffic by the end of 2025.

Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

As a key construction project in the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Hubei Provincial Expressway, the project is also the widest highway suspension bridge across the Yangtze River. With a main span of 1,430 meters and a width of 50.5 meters, it is designed as a two-way eight-lane road with a design speed of 120 kilometers per hour. After the completion of the Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge, it will further enhance the supply capacity of the cross-river channel and accelerate the integrated development of the Wuhan-Hubei-Huanghuang City Continuous Belt and the Wuhan metropolitan area.

Tuanfeng is the closest county and city in Huanggang adjacent to the bridge, with significant and unique location advantages, and will also open up the fast channel between Tuanfeng and Ezhou Huahu International Airport, Wuhan National Aerospace Industry Base and China Optics Valley, improve and enhance the function of logistics hub, and greatly promote the linkage and integrated development of Tuanfeng, Wuhan and Ezhou.

Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

Li Wensong, Safety Director of Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge Project of CCCC Second Harbor Bureau: There is an aerospace city interchange on the north bank of the bridge, which connects Xinggu Avenue to Tuanfeng through a ramp, and the entrance of the ramp is less than 10 minutes' drive from Tuanfeng County.

Tuanfeng: 1 hour → 15 minutes! The Shuangliu Yangtze River Bridge is speeding up

Tuanfeng is located in the core area of Wuhan metropolitan area, which is the forefront of the development of Huanggang Wuhan and the "bridgehead" connecting Wuhan with eastern Hubei Province. At present, Tuanfeng is seizing the opportunity of the development of the Wuhan metropolitan area with urbanization, planning to further improve the quality and capacity of the central urban area, vigorously promote the construction and docking of transportation projects such as ports, railways, and highways, and accelerate the promotion of industrial transformation and upgrading.

Source: Voices of the Wind