
It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

author:China Energy News
It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution


There are also a number of colleges and universities

Let's take a look at the new admission letter

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China relies on the admission notice opened by the institution to send college students self-made chips

The cover of the admission letter gift box is a sundial agency

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

After turning on the sundial mechanism, the "Chengdian Ginkgo Biloba Chip" comes into view

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution
It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

Embedded in the middle are 5mm square "silicon chips", each of which originates from the chip prepared by the brothers and sisters of the School of Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering (Demonstration School of Microelectronics), and the chip flows around with ginkgo quicksand

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

Implication of "bringing the sincere heart of students to build the core of science and technology of the country"

South China University of Technology will transform the admission letter by illuminating it with a purple light

The outer box of the admission notice is designed by the school's student entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship team, and the layout is designed by the teacher team

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

The paper used in the admission notice is a high-performance meta-aramid paper developed by the team of the National Engineering Research Center for Papermaking and Pollution Control of South China University of Technology after more than ten years of technical research and breaking the monopoly of foreign core technologies

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

According to the school, the meta-aramid honeycomb paper, meta-aramid insulating paper and other products developed by the team have been applied in batches in the fields of national defense and military industry, aerospace, rail transit, new energy, etc., providing lightweight guarantee for large aircraft and space stations, and providing high-reliability insulation guarantee for high-speed train traction transformers and motors, and wind power generation motors

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

If you illuminate the back of the admission letter with a purple light, it will be gorgeously transformed into a "temple of knowledge" and a "door to the future", along the 100-step staircase, with dazzling fluorescence and brilliant stars on both sides

Along with the notice, new students will also receive custom bookmarks and more

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

When illuminated by a purple light, the bookmark is shining with golden light

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

The admission notice of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University incorporates three intangible cultural heritage crafts, and the names of the new students are hand-embroidered

The new version of the admission notice, titled "Splendid Future", incorporates three intangible cultural heritage crafts: "Song Jin", "Suzhou Embroidery" and "Calligraphy, Painting and Silk Mounting".

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

The notice uses Song Jin as the bottom plate and the border pattern is extracted from

The lying silkworm pattern of the body of the Warring States period lying silkworm pattern collected in the National Museum of China

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution
It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

The names of the new students on the notice were hand-embroidered by the inheritors of Suzhou embroidery

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

Each student's admission letter is "unique".

It's too much of a "core"! The admission notice of colleges and universities depends on the opening of the institution

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Source: China Youth Daily, People's Daily Online


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