
463 households are happy to bring up their new homes! The paper house community in Xifu Town, Chengyang District, was successfully relocated

author:Pocket Qingdao

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, June 29 On June 29, the paper house community of Xifu Town Street, Chengyang District, held a housing selection ceremony for the resettlement area, and 463 community residents were happy to mention their new homes. The house selection site was crowded, a lively and joyful scene, and the residents who came to choose the house were full of smiles.

463 households are happy to bring up their new homes! The paper house community in Xifu Town, Chengyang District, was successfully relocated

It is understood that the paper house community is the first community in Chengyang District to realize the relocation in 2024, and it is also the first community in the city to realize the relocation of the newly launched old village transformation community in Qingdao since the three-year urban renewal and urban construction action of Qingdao.

The people take the residence as the safety, and the people's livelihood comes first. The resettlement area construction project is not only a livelihood project to promote urban construction and transformation, but also a people's project to ensure the people's yearning for a better life. The shantytown reconstruction and resettlement area project of the paper house community, located on Tieqishan North Road, Xifu Town Street, has entered the final delivery stage after intensive construction. Resettlement buildings have risen one after another, and a new community has filled residents with expectations, and residents' "dream of living in peace" is within reach.

463 households are happy to bring up their new homes! The paper house community in Xifu Town, Chengyang District, was successfully relocated

The paper house community resettlement area covers an area of 92 acres, with 19 buildings, a total of 958 resettlement houses, a construction area of 166892 square meters, and supporting the construction of commercial outlets and kindergartens. Since the construction of the project, it has adhered to the principle of "inverting the construction period, hanging the chart, and advancing as a whole", and has strived to overcome many difficulties such as tight time and heavy tasks, paid close attention to the quality of the project, and ensured the progress of the project. The project officially started construction on March 1, 2022, and the main body of the resettlement building was capped on November 25, 2022. The project has complete supporting facilities and beautiful environment, which has transformed the paper house community from a dirty and messy bungalow village to a high-quality modern community today, greatly improving the quality of regional urban functions and residents' happiness index, and the project has won two awards including the 2022 Shandong Provincial Engineering Quality Management Standardization Demonstration Project.

463 households are happy to bring up their new homes! The paper house community in Xifu Town, Chengyang District, was successfully relocated

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and the branches and leaves are always related. In order to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of residents, the sub-district of Xifu Town has set up a special class for community relocation work, and the main responsible comrades of the sub-district are responsible for scheduling and promoting, and a leading group for community relocation work has been set up to ensure that the relocation work is carried out in an open, fair and transparent environment. The street adheres to the "sunshine selection", and the staff of the notary office supervises the notarization, so as to truly realize the disclosure of the housing supply, the process and the results, and the whole process is transparent and transparent; Cadres of street dispatch agencies and community staff participated in multiple work fronts such as qualification review, positioning registration, and logistics support, providing "one-stop" services, guiding residents to register, select houses, and fill in forms throughout the process, and the on-site work was carried out in a smooth and orderly manner.

At the house selection site, there was a lively and joyful scene, and the residents' faces were filled with joyful smiles. "Today is the happiest day, our new paper house community has built a good environment, greenery, large spacing between buildings, spacious and bright everywhere, and we are finally moving back, I am so excited! In our local dialect, it means 'joyful, happy, and indulgent'. In recent years, the neighbors live more scattered, usually cultural activities are not easy to organize, do patting exercises have to rush from all directions to the old neighborhood committee compound, very inconvenient, now good, the new community has been built, the big square is like a park, people are gathered, we also have a place to do patting exercises, the community said that the traditional culture training class that has been planned for a long time has also been held, and can get together to do activities as before, the big guys are very happy, and the spirit is different. Wang Hongli, a resident of the paper house community, said.

In the next step, the community will speed up the improvement of the supporting facilities of the resettlement site, simultaneously promote greening, beautification, lighting and property management, comprehensively improve the management level, and continuously improve the quality of service, so as to ensure that the masses can move at ease, live comfortably, and live happily. The community will also take the community relocation as a new starting point, adhere to the guidance of party building, unite and drive all party members and the masses, gather wisdom and strength, work hard, further stimulate the enthusiasm and confidence of party members and the masses to start a business, strive to boost the collective economy, increase the income of community residents, continuously improve the level of community governance and service quality, and strive to build the community into a modern new community, and make new contributions to the construction of a bay area city and a vibrant city. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News reporter Zhou Wei)

(Author: Zhou Wei)