
In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

author:Rain field view of the sea of history

During the War of Liberation, if you want to say that the local warlords in the national army can wrestle with Lao Jiang, it is none other than the Gui family, and the reason why the Gui family can fight with Lao Jiang is because of their double talkers Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi. But what many people don't know is that at the beginning, the people of the Gui family were not two, but three, and the other person was Huang Shaohong, one of the three giants of "Li Huangbai".

Moreover, the best relationship with Bai Chongxi at the beginning was not Li Zongren, but Huang Shaohong, what is interesting is that Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi know each other, or through Huang Shaohong, according to this logic, Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaohong should be confidants and friends.

What is surprising is that in 1949, when our army was pressing the border and preparing to cross the river, in the face of his friend Huang Shaohong, who came to persuade him to surrender, Bai Chongxi did not remember the old feelings and face, and scolded him for being a shameless speculative politician.

Why is that? What are the unknown grievances and hatreds between Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaohong?

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong

Gui is Li Huangbai, a former close comrade-in-arms

Although Bai Chongxi of Guilin and Huang Shaohong of Wuzhou were born in different places, the two had already known each other when they were young, first as classmates in Lu Primary School in Guangxi, and then they were admitted to the third phase of Baoding Military Academy with excellent results, and became classmates again, and after graduation, they entered the army model battalion (battalion commander) built by Lu Rongting as a company commander.

It can be said that at this time, Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaohong are almost wearing the same pair of pants.

In 1922, after Lu Rongting's defeat in the wilderness, Guangxi fell into a situation of warlord trapping, and with the entry of Chen Jiongming, Li Jishen and Xu Chongzhi of the Guangdong army into Guangxi, there was a great intention of swallowing Guangxi.

In the troubled times, Bai Chongxi and Huang Shaohong also saw the opportunity to rise, they not only overthrew Ma Xiaojun, the leader of the Model Army, but also pulled the troops away.

After half a year of joining forces with the Guangdong army and the Guizhou army in Guangxi, they have become a force that should not be underestimated in Guangxi.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong in Wuzhou

After Huang Shaohong and Bai Chongxi arrived at their hometown in Wuzhou, they openly erected the banner of "Guangxi Thief Army" and organized the "Guangxi Thief Army General Headquarters", with Huang Shaohong as the commander-in-chief, Bai Chongxi as chief of staff, and Hu Zongduo as general counselor. The department has three regiments, namely Yu Zuobai's 1st Regiment, Wu Tingyang's 2nd Regiment, and Xia Wei's 3rd Regiment, most of whom are comrades-in-arms who came out of the model battalion together.

And after arriving in Wuzhou, Huang Shaohong found Li Zongren and Shen Hongying, the same unsatisfactory and in the trough of the "Guangxi Autonomous Army", and the two had some origins, they were Lu Xiao's classmates, and Bai Chongxi himself happened to be Lu Xiao's graduate, so the three of them hit it off at first sight. During their days in Wuzhou, Li Baihuang and the three also reached an alliance.

Under the mediation of Huang Shaohong, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi also met late and formed a friendship of more than 20 years.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi

Through secret development, the Guangdong army Li Jishen solved Shen Hongying, Liu Zhenhuan and Tang Jiyao's department that the Dian army came to intervene, and officially unified Guangxi in 1925, so it was different from the old Gui line of the warlord Lu Rongting, so people also called them the new Gui line.

At that time, Huang Shaohong served as the chief of civil affairs of Guangxi (equivalent to the provincial chairman), Li Zongren served as the commander of the 7th Army of the Gui Army, and Bai Chongxi was the chief of staff.

In this way, the new Gui system officially stepped onto the stage of history.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Gui is a triumvirate

At the end of May 1926, the Seventh Army of Gui Iron and Steel took the lead in entering Hunan to fight, and the Northern Expedition broke out.

After the start of the Northern Expedition, the Gui Department took advantage of the combat power of the 7th Army of Steel in frontal combat, and rose rapidly, not only taking the two lakes and defeating Wu Peifu, but also driving Sun Chuanfang out of Jiangxi after joining forces with the old Jiang Nanchang, and then the Gui army began to expand the army, Bai Chongxi went to Zhejiang to lead the Northern Expeditionary Army, Huang Shaohong stayed in his hometown in Guangxi, and Li Zongren continued to move to Nanjing.

After the end of the First Northern Expedition, Li Zongren used the Battle of Longtan to drive Lao Jiang into the wilderness, took control of the Nationalist Government of Nanjing Port, and defeated Tang Shengzhi and other troops in the Battle of Ninghan.

At its peak, the Gui system was like a long snake formation on the map.

In three places, from north to south, divided into Zhili in North China, Lianghu in Central China and Guangxi in South China, the three local affairs are Bai Chongxi, Li Zongren and Huang Shaohong, before the Jiang-Gui War in 1929, the total strength of the Gui system has reached more than 200,000, second only to Lao Jiang in the Central Army.

And Li Baihuang and the three of them, during this period, it is the honeymoon period of their relationship, and the three of them are even more iron-locked.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

The territory of the Gui family before Jiang Gui's war

But the so-called prosperity and decline, the rapid rise of the Gui system was naturally feared by Lao Jiang.

After the Jiang-Gui War, the Gui family lost North China and the two lakes, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi fled back in embarrassment, but Huang Shaohong, who stayed in his hometown in Guangxi, was driven out of Guangxi by Yu Zuobai, and the three could only flee to Hong Kong and Vietnam, after a short year of subjugation, in 1930, they controlled Guangxi again, and participated in the Central Plains War with Zhang Fakui of the Guangdong Army, forming the Zhang-Gui coalition army.

But he never thought that when he was attacking Hengyang, he was intercepted by two divisions of Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai of Chen Mingshu, another Guangdong army, and suffered heavy losses.

And after this battle, the Gui army from the peak of 200,000 troops, left less than 10,000 remnants, and Guangxi Province, not only that, they are still worried about whether Lao Jiang will annex them at any time.

The so-called, adversity sees the truth, but at the time of the life and death of the Gui family, there was a rift between Huang Shaohong, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi......

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

During the Great War in the Central Plains, the Gui troops

Huang Shaohong betrayed, and only Li Bai was left in the Gui family

In fact, before the Central Plains War, compared to Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, who had to fight to the death with Lao Jiang, Huang Shaohong was opposed.

The reason is also very simple, the old Jiang soldiers are strong and strong, and the Gui family cannot win when it is strong, and at this time there is only one province left, and can you win by talking about peace? So before the war, he actually suggested taking refuge in Lao Chiang, but Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, who were bent on competing with Lao Chiang, were willing to give in easily?

And after the defeat of the Gui family in the bloody battle in southern Hunan, Huang Shaohong also completely lost confidence in the Gui family.

And speaking of Huang Shaohong's insistence on leaving, there is a rumor here.

At the beginning of the bloody battle in southern Hunan, the Zhang Gui coalition army had already blocked the attack of 2 Guangdong army divisions, but because Huang Shaohong of the follow-up troops hesitated to support, the reinforcements were unfavorable. After the war, Bai Chongxi, who had a hot temper, informed Zhang Fakui that Huang Shaohong had retreated privately in this battle, and wanted to shoot him with the heart of the army, completely ignoring the friendship between the two for more than ten years, and also put the responsibility for the defeat on him.

Fortunately, Li Zongren stopped him, which made Huang Shaohong sad and dying, so he could only find another way out and take refuge with Lao Jiang.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong (first from right) and Lao Jiang (second from right)

In 1933, Huang Shaohong found Li Zongren and said

"I'm tired of the constant military struggles, and I want to serve as the central government (Nanjing Nationalist Government), on the one hand, as the Gui faction's forces around Lao Chiang, to ease Lao Chiang's military pressure on Guangxi, and on the other hand, I can also mediate in the center and unite more other factions together so as not to ...... against the Gui faction."

Before Huang left Guangxi, Li and Bai also specially convened a meeting of the cadres of the Gui faction, and in his speech, Li Zongren only euphemistically hoped that Huang would continue to work hard for the new Gui group in the future. At the meeting, Bai Chongxi's old problem of low emotional intelligence was committed again, and he asked Liao Lei, the love general, to give an example to say things like "how Guangxi people are united and how to survive in adversity", in an attempt to kidnap Huang Shaohong with morality.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong and Bai Chongxi took a group photo

Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by Huang Shaohong:

"What are you still blowing, how do you have a few big light poles left to escape back? Weren't Yang Tenghui and Lu Huanyan bribed? ”

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, but fortunately Li Zongren came out to round the scene.

Although, Huang Shaohong verbally denied the request of Li Bai and the others and continued to work for the Gui family. But at that time, he still had feelings for the Gui family, and resolutely said that he would abide by two guidelines after he went out

"First, no longer oppose Lao Chiang, no longer oppose Chiang after going out, and participate in the civil war; Second, we will never betray the group. ”

But there is no doubt that when Bai Chongxi left Huang Shaohong, the relationship between the two had basically broken down......

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong took a group photo with friends

After going out, Huang Shaohong also came to the reuse of Lao Jiang at first, on the one hand, it was done for Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, and on the other hand, he was indeed a good hand in civil affairs. not only served as the chairman of Zhejiang Province in Lao Jiang's hometown, but was also awarded the rank of lieutenant general and general, but it still could not be compared with the first-class generals of Li Bai and the others.

And with the rise of the Huangpu system, Huang Shaohong's position within Lao Jiang is very embarrassing, he is different from a military genius like Liu Fei, although he was born in the Gui department, he has always been reused by Lao Jiang, during the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, he has been ignored by Lao Jiang with basically zero military ability. It was not until April 1948, after Li Zongren ran for vice president, that Huang Shaohong returned to the Gui line.

And this is 15 years since he left the Gui family.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Lee Jong-in ran for vice president

In the past 15 years, although he has often been in contact with Li Zongren, he has always kept a distance from Bai Chongxi.

And on the first major event of Huang Shaohong's return, he had a conflict with Bai Chongxi, Bai Chongxi advocated not to elect vice president, while Huang Shaohong was supportive, but Bai Chongxi did not vote from the perspective of the Gui family, but during Li Zongren's election campaign, Bai Chongxi took the risk of being pushed off as Minister of National Defense, actively canvassed votes, and helped Li Zongren win the northwest vote base, and Huang Shaohong saw that Li Zongren was stopped by Lao Jiang, and wanted to retreat, from the original support to persuasion to give up.

This back and forth made Bai Chongxi look down on Huang Shaohong even more.

When Huang Shaohong, as Li Zongren's representative, went to Beiping to negotiate with our army and brought back our army's conditions for negotiation, the contradiction between the two completely broke out......

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Huang Shaohong angrily reprimanded Bai Chongxi (stills)

On the same day, Huang Shaohong came to Li Zongren and explained the policy of our army, but after Bai Chongxi insisted on not surrendering and wanted to destroy the peace, Huang Shaohong, who was radical for a while, said it

"Bai Jiansheng (Bai Chongxi), you want to destroy peace, don't you even want the morality of a politician and the quality of a soldier?"

Seeing his former friend say this, he directly angered Bai Chongxi, and he didn't care about Li Zongren's presence, so he sneered at Huang Shaohong

"Huang Jikuan (Huang Shaohong), you have morality, you have quality, in the eleventh year of the Republic of China, you carried Degong (Li Zongren) on your back, took the team and left, in the nineteenth year of the people, we lost the war, and you ran away from Guangxi and threw yourself into the arms of Lao Jiang, now the situation is unfavorable, you betrayed the group again, hum, you are a completely immoral speculative politician......"

In fact, judging from this matter, Huang Shaohong was really running for peace, but Bai Chongxi at that time was already a fanatical and stubborn gambler, and he couldn't listen to any advice at all, let alone Huang Shaohong, a former friend, even Li Zongren.

In 1949, the former Gui magnate persuaded Li Zongren to accept peace, but was scolded by Bai Chongxi: a speculative politician

Bai Chongxi (stills)

So when he said that Huang Shaohong was a speculative politician, he couldn't go back to the past, he was already tied to Lao Jiang, and completely stood on the opposite side of our army and the people......