
What is the most important thing in a person's life?

author:Zhang Lijun said management
What is the most important thing in a person's life?

Introduction: I don't want to go to work every day, how to find the working status? The core point is to think clearly about what is most important in your life, and discuss it with you today.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

Everyone will face a lot of performance pressure after work, and you will probably be anxious at this time.

In the field of work, you may also face complex interpersonal relationships, which can be very painful for you.

When you think about it, you don't even want to go to work. So, what do we do about it?

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

Allow yourself to be yourself and allow others to be others

You must have heard this story.

A father and son drove a donkey out of the house. In the beginning, the father rode on the donkey, and the son led the donkey. Someone commented: "What a ruthless father, I don't know how to feel sorry for my child!" ”

So the father came down and led the donkey, and let his son ride on it. As a result, someone pointed at him: "This kid really doesn't know how to be filial to the old man, he rides a donkey by himself, and looks at the old man's tiredness." ”

The son felt embarrassed and got off the donkey, and the father and son led the donkey together. As a result, they were ridiculed by passers-by: "These two men are so stupid, they are really stupid if they don't ride and lead them with a donkey." ”

So, the father and son rode on the donkey together, and who knew that it didn't take long for them to be accused again: "These two people really don't know how to cherish livestock, look at what the donkey has become tired?" ”

Father and son hurriedly jumped off the donkey's back, tied the donkey's four hooves, and carried it away. As a result, the people who saw it laughed and laughed at their stupidity.

It's a ridiculous story, but it teaches us that no matter what, it's impossible to please others. Therefore, it is necessary to do these 2 points well.

1. Act with your own values

A lot of times we feel pain and anxiety, in fact, we are always very concerned about other people's opinions, other people's eyes, but in this way, you live in other people's world.

We have to be a person with a stable core, we don't have to be strict with the understanding of others, we don't have to care about other people's eyes and opinions, we follow our hearts, we don't please, we don't cater to us, but we have to give ourselves the right to choose, and everything is done with our own values.

2. Only screening does not change

In the face of other people's different ideas, different views, and different choices, we must learn to tolerate, respect others' decisions, and do not try to change others and dictate other people's lives.

Especially many managers, when they see some employees perfunctory and fishy at work, they will feel that their subordinates are wasting their talents and lives, and you will be very sad, and then you persuade them to work harder, but it is useless, and they will blame you instead.

In the adult world, there is only screening, no education; There is only a choice, nothing has changed.

You can allow yourself to be yourself and allow others to be someone else. At this time, you will find that your life is much easier.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

Live in the moment

2024 is very difficult, and in the face of difficulties, many people are lying flat mentality. He is always pessimistic, and he is also very perfunctory in his work, and he always gets by. But it's only going to get worse, and there's no turning point at all.

What to do? It's all about focusing on the present.

In psychology, there is a CBT rule. The core idea of the law is that it is your thoughts, not your circumstances, that influence your feelings and behavior.

Let's take a simple example.

For example, your thoughts are: "The leader doesn't like me", "The work is too difficult", "It's not interesting at all".

At this point, you'll hate going to work.

And you hate the job, so you don't have the commitment to do things, and you make mistakes in your work.

If you've been thinking negatively, it will end up in a vicious cycle that will make your work worse and worse.

Mr. Kazuo Inamori mentioned in "The Law of the Heart": "All the misfortunes in life, for no other reason, are attracted by one's own heart, and it is the misfortune of the heart that can't be talked about endlessly and complains constantly." ”

Therefore, change your mind and conceive optimistically. If you have a positive mindset, then you don't find it difficult to work, and then you will think of ways and behave positively.

When you do the right thing and get results, you build confidence, and you have new evidence that you can do it, and your heart is stronger.

Mr. Kazuo Inamori said, "Optimistic vision, pessimistic planning, optimistic execution. This is the attitude that must be used to achieve a career and turn an ideal into a reality. ”

That's right. Thinking influences emotions, and behavior influences outcomes. You have a good mindset and focus on the present moment. Slowly, something good will happen.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

Find your true self

Finally, there is the ultimate question that each of us has to face. What is the meaning of work for you? What is the most important thing in your life?

Rabindranath Tagore once said that there are actually three lives in life.

1. The life of the flesh.

Here I want to tell you a story.

When I was working at Alibaba, my master, Mr. Guan Mingsheng, invited a few of us Top Sales to Shangri-La, the first five-star hotel in Hangzhou at that time, to have dinner.

During the meal, he discussed with us the value of making money. One by one, he asked us: why do we work, and what is the point of making money?

Some people say that making money is to improve their lives; Some people want to give their parents a better environment; Some people say they want to prove their worth.

I didn't have an answer for a moment. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to material things, and my desire to make money was not very strong. Mr. Kwan told us that if the value of money is a number in the bank, then it doesn't make sense. But if money is the embodiment of personal value, it gives another meaning, becoming the freedom of choice.

When you don't have money, you don't have the freedom to choose. There are many things you want to do, and it's hard to achieve. So on the first level, we can make our lives a little more quality through our work.

2. The life of wisdom.

Mr. Kazuo Inamori said, "Work is the 'practice' of improving one's mind and honing one's personality, and it is the most noble, important, and valuable act in life. ”

I very much agree that work itself is the best practice, and Hongchen is the dojo.

You will suffer a lot at work, encounter a lot of difficulties, and even be betrayed by others, someone will stab you in the back, and you will have a deep torture of human nature. But these sufferings sharpen you, make you stronger, and make you wiser.

In the process of solving problems, you will be able to improve your mind and sharpen your personality.

3. The mission of people.

At that time, I had dinner with Mr. Guan, and Mr. Guan also told me: "When you have 1 million, and you don't like the job, then you can quit and do what you like; When you have 10 million, you can start a business; When you have 100 million, you can do charity. ”

On the surface, this passage is an extension of "freedom of choice", but the deeper meaning is to pursue the mission of man.

It was because of this that I worked tirelessly, and later supported me to start my own business, and I wanted to do my best to help others.

So the third life is your mission, which may not have anything to do with money, but it will always motivate you. You have to ask yourself:

What are you passionate about and good at? What kind of meaning in life are you pursuing? What are those dreams that have tormented you for countless nights and kept you awake?

How big is the wish and how long the road is. When you have an answer in your heart, you don't hate going to work at all.

Warren Buffett said at the 2024 Buffett shareholder meeting:

"I suggest that people find things that they are good at and passionate about, and they don't have to be related to money, but they can choose kindness, so that the world will be a better place."

I think so. Love work and live kindly, this is the value of life.


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