
In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

author:Kerr Games said

Glory of KingsS36 season update has been a few days ago,For the new season,From the beginning of the discomfort to the present slowly getting used to,Many players have also figured out some characteristics of the new season,In addition to the changes of various heroes,There are also some changes in the new season that are also worth paying attention to。

For example, the memory of the new season has become smaller, which I believe many players have already experienced, although Honor of Kings has optimized the memory before, but the optimization is not large, and players do not feel any difference. But this season, players can clearly feel that the memory of the new season is indeed much smaller, and the memory of the previous Glory of Kings is basically more than 20G, even if the unused resources are deleted, there are more than a dozen G.

In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

The new season is only about 10 gigabytes, and if you remove some non-essential resources, it can even reach seven or eight gigabytes, which is undoubtedly a very useful optimization for many players who don't have enough memory.

Players who don't play Support may have a question in the new season as to why Support Heroes always like to run around the map alone this season.

In fact, because of the adjustment of auxiliary equipment in the new season, after the auxiliary equipment is released, you can pick up the gold coins dropped by creeps that died naturally from the map, and you can pick up up to 600 gold coins.

In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

This is also the reason why the new season support is always running around alone, and the location of the gold drop will be marked on the minimap, which is really uncomfortable for OCD players to see that the punctuation of these gold coins is not emptied.

I also hope that the follow-up official can make some optimizations to this mechanism, after all, it is still more dangerous to assist a person to run to pick up gold coins, and it is easy to be caught by the enemy. Even if there is no order capture, the absence of assistance will lead to the risk of being forcibly opened and facing the risk of four or five.

In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

In addition, the new season's ranks have ushered in some changes, although the number of ranks is still the same as before, but the requirements for the Glory King rank have become higher. In the past, to reach the King of Glory, you only needed 50 stars for the King Rank, but in this season, you need 75 stars for the King Rank to reach the King of Glory.

In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

The reason why the threshold of the Glory King was raised was also because there were too many players who reached the Glory King rank last season, which led to a decrease in the gold content of the Glory King rank, so this season the official raised the threshold of the Glory King.

As for why the threshold for the Glory King rank was low last season, it was also because of the official season mission. Players can obtain a large number of Ranked Protection Cards and Split Protection Cards during the Seasonal Missions, and complete all the missions to obtain a total of 3 Ranked Protection Cards and 20 Separate Protection Cards. It is precisely because there are too many of these protection cards that the difficulty of reaching the Glory King is greatly reduced, so the official will set the requirement for the Glory King to 75 stars this season.

In the new season, the rank has inherited a mutation and the difficulty of the upper glory has increased, so it is no wonder that 50 stars are positioned as Star Shine III

However, after setting it to 75 stars, the difficulty of reaching the King of Glory is even more difficult than before the Seasonal Missions were changed. Because 50 stars to 75 stars have increased by 25 stars, and the season mission only gives a maximum of 23 protection cards, if you want to get all 23 protection cards, you need to play all 5 positions, and the previous season tasks also send ranked protection cards and star cards.

Therefore, if you can reach the glory king this season, it still has a certain strength, after all, 75 stars is indeed not a low star, you must know that the starting rank of most players is Diamond Star, to reach 75 stars, even if it is a 60% win rate, it will take one or two hundred games, if it is a 50% win rate or a 50% win rate or below, relying on the brave points to play, it is estimated that it will take more than a thousand.