
Wang Aimin: APS's Tao, Magic, Technique, and Instrument!

author:The Digital Enterprise

The following article comes from the intelligent manufacturing essay, written by Wang Aimin of Beijing Institute of Technology

Source: Intelligent Manufacturing Essay

Summary: We often refer to the word ability. In this article, I would like to talk about the capabilities of APS.

APS is a system, and a complete ability system often includes four parts: Dao, Magic, Technique, and Instrument. In today's terms, those are the four aspects of theory, method, experience, and tools, and let's analyze these four dimensions in detail.

Wang Aimin: APS's Tao, Magic, Technique, and Instrument!

As a typical industrial software, APS provides internal capabilities and external carriers for the optimal allocation of resources and even the implementation of advanced management concepts. But when it comes to APS, in fact, we are talking more about specific software, so if we want to delve into its capabilities, it is necessary to correspond to the business scenarios and positioning of APS in the enterprise, and from a business point of view, the capabilities that APS should have are the truth. This kind of ability is not so much the ability of APS as the ability of business, so we should systematically understand and benchmark from several levels such as Tao, law, technique, and instrument, and we should jump out of the APP and understand APS from the perspective of contribution to the business.

Wang Aimin: APS's Tao, Magic, Technique, and Instrument!

1) Ming Dao: Tao is the basic theory and the underlying logical thinking.

Mingdao is to know the context of APS, or who APS is serving, so as not to lose the purpose of APS.

There are no rules, there are no rules, and there must be rules for the operation of any business of the enterprise, and APS is to set the rules for the enterprise. Therefore, the role of APS in the smooth operation of the business is inevitable.

The operation of any enterprise business is actually to establish the relationship between manufacturing resources and business processes, that is, when and what resources need to be called in the business link? At that time, these resources should be in a usable state, that is, the state after the stroke is resolved, and this is where APS comes into play.

Orderly, coordinated, controllable and efficient is the core content of the pursuit of enterprise operation, and the operation of manufacturing enterprises is actually two main lines, one is the logical main line of time, and the other is the spatial main line of material flow (position or state change). In the spatio-temporal coupling relationship of manufacturing enterprise operation, it is essentially a kind of collaboration, collaboration and coordination, all of which are inseparable from the APS solution.

The TC QS pursued by the business operation of manufacturing enterprises, as well as the related concepts of parallelism and agility, are the most direct business operation indicators and operational efficiency requirements, in which APS plays a core role.

2) Legislation: Law is the specific method and concept guidance.

Legislation is to take a correct view of the concept of APS, which is equivalent to a methodology or system view of APS.

Traditionally, APS is a configuration arrangement of tasks (operations/jobs) in the resource time dimension.

Generally speaking, this is a unilinear arrangement in the time dimension of resources. But in the history of APS. In fact, some software (a well-known APS software in Germany) has the characteristics of linear two-dimensional. That is, the unit of time is slightly magnified. Resources have the concept of superimposed time dimension in terms of longitudinal, and the job scheduling method is similar to "Tetris" or even more complex spatial coupling layout. In fact, this method is of great significance for practice, especially in the current situation of inaccurate basic data and extensive management of the APS application environment, it still has great practical application value. This is the beauty of APS's space-time coupling!

In practice, APS presents a complex nonlinear relationship. Resources have a time dimension, but the actual ability of resources may change with time, if time remains the same, it is a kind of resource space-time dimension under the time distortion, which is a nonlinear relationship. Not to mention the traditional APS, in terms of multi-dimensional resource coordination and conflict coordination under multi-operation simultaneously, it actually presents complex nonlinear relationships that are difficult to analyze and solve. These nonlinearities also constitute the beauty of APS's multi-dimensional space-time coupling!

When we occupy and unlock resources in a linear sequence and deterministic time, it is actually like a kind of "building" or "arrangement" in the dimension of time and event coupling, time is still that time dimension, and events are a dynamically changing spatial set. This is the beauty of quasi-architecture under the spatio-temporal coupling of swarm intelligence presented by APS!

Further, from a more general point of view, the discretization of time is uninterrupted, and the single time dimension of the resource is expanded to multi-line coupling, then the time-point locking setting of the resource is actually a temporary ray-like spatial infinite setting with no beginning and end, and the so-called deterministic time length is actually a special case in the general situation. This APS is a kind of graffiti-like creative beauty that is similar to cutting out or loading the required spatiotemporal coupling state of the group on a grayscale or solid color baseboard!

3) Technique: Technique is a variety of experience and skills.

Usage techniques are specific algorithms for APS.

The following is a reference to some of the statements of others about the APS generation (the other party is divided into four generations, and the fifth generation is added by me).

The first generation: finite capacity algorithm based on constraint theory, mostly embodied in manual analysis.

Second generation: Algorithms based on rules such as priority, linear programming, algorithms based on heuristic rules, expert systems.

Third Generation: Intelligent Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing Algorithms, Ant Colony/Particle Swarm Algorithms, Neural Networks.

Fourth-generation: Static scheduling with intelligent algorithms and dynamic adjustment with multi-agent negotiation.

The fifth generation should be artificial intelligence.

4) Borrowing: Tools are tools that need to be used in work and life.

The borrowing means that the development and application of the APS system should be combined with some of the currently available tools or environments.

Although APS is a relatively independent system, it does have to be integrated to be effective. APS has to borrow a boat to go to sea, or borrow the sea for a swim.

The integration and integration of APS and MES is: A form that is currently very common and requires coordination between the two sides. In other words, the MES for APS needs to be transformed, and the APS for the integrated application of MES also needs to be changed accordingly.

At present, the microservice architecture or APP ecology advocated by the industrial Internet platform is actually a way that APS can focus on.

In addition, with the process of enterprise business perspective, such as extending from the enterprise to the supply chain, or the transparent long-arm jurisdiction and control extension of leading enterprises to suppliers, it also provides extension space and contact momentum for the subsequent development of APS.

Of course, the development of APS is also with the help of some advanced software technology. For example, the change from the initial stand-alone machine to C/S to the current mainstream B/S architecture, such as the transformation of the domain application of the General Administration to cloud native.

The development of APS is also enriching with some current advanced concepts, such as the current concepts of MBSE and digital thread, which will also bring about changes in architecture and even configuration mode for APS, including user-oriented application configuration and internal modular organization development configuration.

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