
How to control soybean red spider?

author:Seed bank app

Damage of red spider mites to soybeans:

Soybean red spider is a cinnabar leaf mite, which can occur in the whole growth period of soybean, and occurs in spots at the beginning, with adult mites and mites clustering on the back of the leaves to form a web and suck the leaf juice. Yellow-white spots appear on the front of the leaves in the early stage of soybean leaf damage, and after 3-5 days, the spots expand and encrypt, and the leaves appear reddish-brown spots, partially or even completely curled, scorched and yellowish or reddish-brown, and the leaves are even stalked, and the whole plant dies in severe cases.

How to control soybean red spider?

Soybean plots with more nitrogen fertilizer are heavy. When food is scarce, there is a habit of migration, and the peak of damage is in July and August, and the plots with many weeds or sparse plants and poor growth are heavier. During the period of continuous drought, it is very beneficial for the reproduction of spider mites, and the damage is the most severe. When the relative humidity exceeds 70%, it is not conducive to the occurrence of red spiders, and low temperature, rainy and windy weather are not conducive to the reproduction of red spiders.

How to control soybean red spider?

Spider mite:

Applying plantar fertilizer, increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, not defertilizing in the later stage, removing weeds in time, irrigating in time for drought, and carrying out water-drought rotation when conditions permit, can reduce the onset of disease.

How to control soybean red spider?

How to prevent and control soybean red spider is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield soybean seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent soybean varieties are available for everyone to choose.

How to control soybean red spider?

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