
A real master, who knows how to be restrained

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

Lao Tzu once said: "The good Jia is deep and empty, and the gentleman is virtuous and foolish." ”

Everyone likes to show their talents, but the strong are not necessarily powerful, and the wise often hide the edge.

A real master, who knows how to be restrained and does not easily reveal his talents, is the wisdom of Taoguang and obscure.

Great wisdom is the strategy of a wise man to protect himself and achieve his career.

A real master, who knows how to be restrained


Throughout the ages, it is easier for those who rule by doing nothing to achieve great things.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was born as a commoner, and his appearance seemed casual and open-minded.

However, when he dominated the country and ascended to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he humbly admitted:

"Strategizing, winning a thousand miles, I am not as good as the ovary; Stabilize the country, appease the people, and ensure that the grain route is unblocked, I am inferior to Xiao He; Commanding a million heroes, the battle must be won, the attack must be taken, I am not the ratio of Han Xin. These three are all world-class talents, and I can make good use of them to achieve my hegemony in the world. On the other hand, Xiang Yu, although Fan Zeng was there, he failed to make good use of it, which is why he was captured by me. ”

Liu Bang's wisdom lies in the fact that he always stays sober, sticks to his original intention, and coexists with wisdom and strategy.

Many people boast that they are wise and foolish, but in fact they are superficial, calculating, accustomed to disguise, showing off their hearts, calculating gains and losses, and being shrewd but unable to hide their inner foolishness.

And those who are really good at controlling talents are good at doing nothing, employing people without suspicion, and suspecting people without using them.

A real master, who knows how to be restrained


Lao Tzu said, "Love the people and govern the country, can be ignorant", at first glance it seems contradictory, but in fact it is profound.

Shouldering the heavy responsibility of governing the country and loving the people, how can we be ignorant and ignorant?

The Yellow Emperor and Yao Shun in history are all known for their martial wisdom and wisdom, and they are born to know it, how can they be ignorant to take on this heavy responsibility?

"If you don't know it, you will be wise; I don't know but I know it, and I'm sick. The reason why the saint is not sick is because he knows that he is sick, so he is not sick. ”

Knowing their own shortcomings, they are superior; claims to know everything, but in fact there are many hidden dangers.

The sage has insight into his own shortcomings, so he can avoid them and achieve an invulnerable state.

Only by knowing the shortcomings can we see the strengths, learn from the strengths and make up for the weaknesses, and strive for self-improvement.

Wise men never use their wisdom lightly, but gather the wisdom of the crowd, draw on the opinions of the people, and then make a choice.

This complements Lao Tzu's concept of "doing nothing", those who know if they don't know, keep the road quietly, and rule by doing nothing, so as to control all opportunities and achieve great things.

Tianzong wise knowers, with their brainstorming wisdom, have achieved thousands of achievements, such as Liu Bei of the Three Kingdoms, excellent wisdom, good management, exemplary.

A real master, who knows how to be restrained


Liu Bei, Yu Dangyang Changban Slope, fell to show his determination, and sighed to Zhao Yun: "The vertical son has damaged one of my generals!" ”

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yun vowed to follow him to the death.

When the White Emperor City was lonely, he cried to Zhuge Liang: "The gentleman is ten times Cao Pi, and the country is stable, and great things can be accomplished." If the heir can be supplemented, he will be supplemented; Otherwise, you can establish yourself as the lord of Chengdu. ”

This remark made Zhuge Liang feel awe, bow to his best, and rest until he died.

Liu Bei has a unique eye and knows people's hearts.

Before dying, he reminded Zhuge Liang: "Ma Yan's words are exaggerated, and they must be used with caution." ”

This statement is based on the insight of long-term cooperation, which is not completely denied, and prevents Zhuge Liang from misjudging due to personal feelings.

However, Zhuge Liang failed to comprehend and finally lost the street pavilion.

Liu Bei is unsuspicious of employing people, treating people with sincerity, seemingly easy-going, but in fact thoughtful.

He is well versed in the way of Taoguang and obscurity, and his great wisdom is foolish, so that the heroes of the world are confused by him.

When cooking wine and talking about heroes, Cao Cao said with a smile: "The only heroes in the world are the king and the ear." ”

However, Cao Cao was conceited and did not know Liu Bei's foresight, and finally let Liu Bei achieve a hegemony.

Although Liu Bei was regarded as weak, he actually overcame rigidity with softness and subdued many arrogant people.

He made good use of talents, and put Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and other powerful generals, as well as Wolong, Feng Xiao and other civil servants in the right position, each showed his talents, and achieved the great cause of Shu.

This is not due to luck, but to the wisdom of people.

A real master, who knows how to be restrained


As the old saying goes: "A wise man has insight into the subtleties of all things and is well versed in the nature of living beings, so his mind is clear, not blinded by dust, and his actions are moral, he does not cultivate his wisdom, he does not publicize his talents, he does not easily judge others, he is not surprised by changes, he is not arrogant or impatient." It looks ordinary on the outside, but in fact it is deeply hidden. ”

Showing off his talents excessively, talking about others in vain, and easily attracting resentment.

A true wise man, restrained and glorious, conceals his inner wisdom with an ordinary posture, seems to be inactive, but in fact he is well versed in management and action.

Therefore, those who are good at doing things, know less to win, have insight into everything, always be sober, stick to the same, and grasp the overall situation with a quiet and incompetent heart, which is enough. #记录我的2024#

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow