
From 13:40 today, the Zhushuqiao Reservoir has increased the flood discharge flow

author:Liuyang release
From 13:40 today, the Zhushuqiao Reservoir has increased the flood discharge flow
From 13:40 today, the Zhushuqiao Reservoir has increased the flood discharge flow

From 11:40 on June 29, the Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued a dispatch order, according to the forecast of the meteorological and hydrological departments, from June 29 to July 2, there will be a new round of rainfall in our city, with a cumulative rainfall of 100-150 mm, 200-300 mm in the southeast of Liuyang, and the flood process of Liuyang River Langli Station may exceed the guaranteed water level. In order to give full play to the role of Zhushuqiao Reservoir in flood control and peak staggering during the heavy rain and flood, the Municipal Prevention Command has decided: Zhushuqiao Reservoir will be pre-discharged and vacated, and the discharge flow will be increased from 13:40 on June 29, and the total discharge will be controlled by 320 cubic meters per second.

The dispatch order requires that the safety monitoring of the dam and downstream rivers be strengthened, and the dispatch situation will be reported to Changsha City and Liuyang City, Changsha County, Yuhua District, Furong District, and Kaifu District in a timely manner. Liuyang City, Changsha County, Yuhua District, Furong District, and Kaifu District are requested to do a good job in the scheduling of water conservancy projects in the towns (streets) along the Liuyang River downstream of the Zhushuqiao Reservoir to ensure flood control safety.

From 13:40 today, the Zhushuqiao Reservoir has increased the flood discharge flow

Towns (streets) along the Liuyang River downstream of Zhushuqiao Reservoir: Gaoping Town, Guankou Street, Huaichuan Street, Hehua Street, Jili Street, Fangchong Town, Gejia Town, Zhentou Town, Puji Town, Guanqiao Town, Baijia Town The highest level! Hunan issued the first red warning for heavy rain this year!

Source: Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters

Editor: Zhang Yi

Proofreading: Zhang Siyu

Review: Zhong Qiongru, Liu Zhiguang, Shen Xiaomei