
As the saying goes: "Men are as expensive as gold without hair, and women are half as rich as gold", why do some men not grow hair

author:Medica Media

It is important to understand the factors that affect the growth of body hair, the degree of thickness, and the change of color, and only by maintaining health can hair grow well. Some people have abnormal hair, which is actually an early warning of disease, such as gray hair in some parts or sudden growth of many hairs, which may be abnormal, and it is necessary to pay close attention to prevent some disease signals from being missed.

As the saying goes: "Men are as expensive as gold without hair, and women are half as rich as gold", why do some men not grow hair

Some men have smooth bodies and don't grow hair, what's going on?

1. Hormone level effect

Men have very little hair on their bodies, and if they don't grow hair, it may be an endocrine influence. The growth of hair is related to endocrine, secreting enough male hormones in addition to maintaining normal male sexual performance, but also to promote hair growth.

However, if the level of male hormones is low for a long time and the amount of secretion is insufficient, some people will have thinning hair and slow growth. However, the excessive secretion of male hormones can also lead to hair loss, which can only be seen to maintain normal endocrine and regular secretion of male hormones.

As the saying goes: "Men are as expensive as gold without hair, and women are half as rich as gold", why do some men not grow hair

2. Determined by genetic factors

Genetic factors are related to hair growth, if the parents have very little hair on their bodies, the next generation may have the same characteristics under the influence of genetic factors, mainly manifested as scarce hair and slow growth, but if the parents have strong body hair, more hair than ordinary people, the next generation has the same characteristics, indicating that it is affected by heredity, and genetic factors will not affect health, and you can deal with it calmly, usually after puberty, the genetic characteristics of these hairs are obvious.

3. Trim your hair regularly

In order to keep the skin smooth and avoid these hairs from growing out and affecting the appearance, many men may regularly remove their hair and keep their bodies clean through the use of hair removal products, and with or without regular hair removal, the performance of hair is completely different.

As the saying goes: "Men are as expensive as gold without hair, and women are half as rich as gold", why do some men not grow hair

However, if you often remove hair, you will remove hair regularly, and the hair that grows out will be removed, and the skin of each part is usually smooth and delicate to the touch, and it looks bare, and it is the interference of human factors that makes the hair reduced.

Through the above content, it can be found that some men do not grow hair and the above reasons are related, genetic factors play a decisive role, of course, the level of body hormones will affect the growth of hair, and some people are often hair loss will be manifested as no hair, these hairs are grown normally, but they are removed by human factors, so they look like there is no body hair.

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