
【Guangrao Literature and History, Le'an Spring and Autumn】Hero Flower on the Yuhua Platform (I)

author:Love Guangrao
【Guangrao Literature and History, Le'an Spring and Autumn】Hero Flower on the Yuhua Platform (I)

Yuhuatai in the south of Nanjing is solemn and magnificent. In front of the martyr's monument, the pine flowers reflect each other. Over the past few decades, it has aroused the remembrance and nostalgia of many people. Flowers bloom and fall; The green pine has the sun and moon forced by severe frost; But the heroic righteousness of the heroes will last forever and will last for centuries. The achievements of heroes are like towering mountains to show future generations. What I want to write about here is Comrade Li Dianlong, the martyr of Nanjing Yuhuatai.


Comrade Li Dianlong, whose name is Yunsheng, used to be known as Li Lizhang and Li Dichen, also known as Lao Zhang. He was born on June 3, 1905 in a well-off family in Xili Village, Southeast Township, Le'an County (now Guangrao). Xili Village is located on the west bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Beiyang River, and faces Liuji Village close to the east bank. The zigzag Yang River is an underground river, known as the "copper gang iron bottom". Although it does not have the roaring and rushing of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, the long-term flowing water is like milk that can never be squeezed, nourishing the flat land on both sides of the bank and feeding the industrious and simple people. Dianlong is here, like a small sapling, bathed in the sunshine and rain of nature, and thriving. In his childhood, China was undergoing a great transformation. Thousands of years of feudal rule are like a tattered lonely boat in the sea, attacked by storms and rain from all directions. The bourgeois trend of democratic revolution is in the ascendant and has swept the whole country. This magnificent social life could not but have a profound impact on the people of that time.

In Dianlong's childhood, there were 13 people in the family, including 4 grandfathers, parents, uncles, brothers, sisters, and 4 uncles and sisters. Among his younger siblings, he is the eldest.

Dianlong has a melon seed face, big eyes, smart and clever, and is very cute. He rarely makes the elderly angry, and he rarely quarrels and fights with his younger brothers and sisters over food and clothing. When he was five or six years old, he had the ability to look at his face and color, and he could see the height of his eyebrows and eyes in everything. One year, it was the busy season for summer harvest and summer planting, and there was no rain for a long time, and the farm work in the slope of the family was very heavy. In the evening, my father and uncle came back from the slope with sad faces and exhausted faces, not wanting to talk or drink water, and sitting on stools and smoking one bag after another. The younger brothers and sisters were noisy and yelling, and the adults were upset. Seeing this scene, Dianlong gathered his younger brothers and sisters together and ordered: "Master and uncle are tired from work, let's not make the old people angry, no one is allowed to grab good food when eating!" Whoever robs it, I won't take him to play. "Sure enough, everyone is well-behaved when eating, and they are vying to give a better meal to the adults, and you push me to let it, which makes the adults laugh haha.

The influence of society, the edification of the family, and the waves of life make the young Dianlong constantly spy on the secrets of life. In the small world where he lives, he judges the true and the false, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the evil, distinguishes between right and wrong, and imitates the adults to do it. Once, he led his younger siblings to play on the street, and somehow, his younger brother Dianao stole a small toy from a neighbor's house and gave it to Dianlong, who asked where the toy came from? Dianao said that it was stolen, and had a complacent look. Dianlong was very angry when he heard this, but he still calmly said to his younger brother, "It's not right for you to steal other people's things. No matter how good other people's things are, you can't ask for them no matter how much you love them, let alone steal them, or send them to others as soon as possible. Dianao did not answer, but still stood still. Dianlong angrily went to take it, where did the younger brother give it, but he didn't give it, and called for help from other brothers and sisters. Dianlong was on fire, pushed Dianao hard, punched a few times, recaptured the toy, and immediately returned it to others. Dianao suffered a loss, so he cried and screamed, and ran home to complain to his grandfather Li Naitian. When the grandfather asked the reason, he said angrily: "Dianao should be beaten!" Who told you to steal from other people's things? He first awarded five apricots to Dianlong, and then divided three to each of the children who supported Dianlong. Sympathizing with Dianao, he didn't catch any of them. This incident has taught the children deeply, and since then, Dianlong's younger brothers and sisters have never stolen other people's things.

Since the age of 7, Dianlong has been studying in the primary school of the village. When he was in elementary school, it was the era of the Xinhai Revolution. His teacher was sympathetic to the revolution, so Dianlong was influenced by the ideas of democratic revolution when he was a teenager. In school, Dianlong studied very hard and was very smart, always got up early every day to read, worked overtime at night, never was late for school, left early, and the homework assigned by the teacher was always completed on the same day. In the 4th year of primary school, every time he took the exam, his grades were among the best, and he was praised by his teachers and envied by his classmates. At the age of 11, he was admitted to Liu Ji Zhenhua Higher Primary School, whether it is "The Book of Songs", "Analects", or Tang and Song poems, whether it is ancient prose, or Yuan songs, novels, in short, he can memorize all the courses taught by the teacher. The teacher often deliberately embarrassed him, from the books and articles he studied, he randomly mentioned a sentence for him to continue reciting, he didn't think about it, and always mentioned where to memorize. Therefore, the teacher also praised his talent. However, he often secretly studied hard all night at home, and the teacher did not know it.

Dianlong has loved to work since he was a child, and when he comes home from school, he either mows the grass or carries the soil to the fence, or helps the adults to do some farm work within his ability. During the holidays, he often led his livestock alone to graze on the banks of the Wauribbon River in the west of the village. While the cattle were grazing leisurely, he sat in the bushes and recited his life. When he was tired, he rode on the cattle and ran away. When he got home, he hurriedly cut a large bundle of grass and carried it back. Sometimes when it rains on a cloudy day, he also enthusiastically invites his companions to go fishing in the Yang River in the east of the village. In early spring and late autumn, he often used a birdcage to shoot birds. Usually Dianlong is always silent, but he has a good voice quality and always likes to sing his favorite songs.

He was very sympathetic to the poor and was happy to make friends with poor children. Elders in the family often teach their children to pay special attention to closing the door to prevent theft when no one is at home. Sometimes, when I saw someone asking for food, I told the children to close the door quickly. When Dianlong saw this, he said to the adults, "Beggars and thieves are not one family. It's right to close the door to prevent theft, it's not good to avoid beggars, beggars are because they are poor, and their lives are good, so you don't invite people to come! Therefore, for the beggars, we should be sympathetic and merciful, and no matter whether they are good or bad, we should always give some charity. The adults listened and admired Xiao Dianlong's insights.

Dianlong had an anti-feudal consciousness when he was a child. As the saying goes, "There is no sick in the house, and there is no belief in ghosts or gods." But when the adults and children in the family are sick or have a long disaster or encounter something unpleasant, they often ask God to ask for divination, burn incense and prostrate, as if a stick of incense and a few pieces of paper money can turn evil into good fortune and eliminate the three disasters and eight tribulations. Dianlong always felt amused when he saw the old people doing these things religiously, and often advised the elders: There is no such thing as ghosts and gods in the world, and when you are sick, you should seek medical treatment and medicine, and asking God to make ghosts is a complete trick of self-deception, and you must not believe it. He opposed women's foot binding, advocated equality between men and women, and sympathized with the tragic fate of women.

As he grew older, many things that society gave him made him feel injustice and resentment. False and true, beautiful and ugly, good and evil constantly clashed in the depths of his mind. He began to feel the desolation of the world and hated the dark and unjust society. He struggled to find the true meaning of life, but what was the meaning of life? He's wandering, he's thinking, he's seeking answers. In 1919, the May Fourth Movement broke out, and the pioneers of communism in China held high the torch of revolution and illuminated the road of the Chinese people's liberation struggle. "China is the Chinese people," "recovering Shandong's rights," "abolishing the 21st Article," "rejecting the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty," and "punishing traitors." These exciting news spread to Guangrao, and made Dianlong's ears and eyes refreshed; like a lonely boat in the sea seeing the bright lights on the shore, he was in high spirits, fought hard, and bravely threw himself into the arms of this struggle.

in Qingzhou

In 1920, when Dianlong was just 15 years old, he was admitted to Qingzhou No. 10 Middle School in Shandong Province with excellent results. In school, in addition to actively and assiduously studying his homework, he was also full of revolutionary enthusiasm and encouraged his classmates to devote themselves to the fire of saving China's destiny. He is humble, sincere, and convincing. Although young, he seems so precocious and capable, and has already shown the genius of a political activist.

When he returned to his hometown during the winter vacation, he actively mobilized and organized a gathering of dozens of returning students to work hard to propagate the truth of revolution and national salvation. He actively participated in the 10,000-person meeting and demonstrations of people from all walks of life in Qingzhou Prefecture, and in the streets and alleys of Qingzhou Prefecture, he often led groups of students to give propaganda speeches. Every sentence of his speech was full of passion, easy to understand, and very touching to the hearts of the people and fanning the flames of revolution in people's hearts. He, along with his comrades-in-arms and classmates, often appeared near the railway station to check Japanese goods and prevent speculative businessmen from carrying goods to Qingdao to engage in enemy activities. In the school, Comrade Dianlong was introduced by Wang Xiangqian, an early party member and teacher in Shandong, to join the Socialist Youth League, and served as the general secretary of the Qingzhou No. 10 Middle School. He was an active participant in the campaign against Cao Kun's bribery of the presidency. These patriotic activities inside and outside the school enabled Dianlong to embark on a relatively mature revolutionary road step by step.

In 1923, at the invitation of Wang Jinmei, the representative of the "First National Congress" of the Party and the earliest organizer and leader of the Shandong Party organization, he gave up his studies and went to Jinan to engage in revolutionary work. In February of the following year, he was introduced by Wang Jianmei to join the Communist Party of China. From then on, Comrade Dianlong began his career as a professional revolutionary.

The author of this article: Yanshan

Content source: "Guangrao Literature and History Collection"

【Guangrao Literature and History, Le'an Spring and Autumn】Hero Flower on the Yuhua Platform (I)
【Guangrao Literature and History, Le'an Spring and Autumn】Hero Flower on the Yuhua Platform (I)