
If you take the initiative to become "waste", can you escape growth?

author:Simple psychology
If you take the initiative to become "waste", can you escape growth?

In 2022, a domestic documentary called "Waste Story" will come into the audience's field of vision, which is the debut of director Zheng Yifei. As soon as the film was released, it won the West Lake International Documentary Festival, the Tokyo International Documentary Festival, and the 16th FIRST "Amazing Debut" promotion and "Audience Choice Award".

If you take the initiative to become "waste", can you escape growth?

▷ "Waste Story" won an award at the FIRST Film Festival

I don't know if it fits the crux of the times, or depicts the voices of many contemporary people, "Waste Story" has gained a lot of attention.


What is the life of "waste"?

"Waste Story" tells the story of a young man who has been outside the mainstream of the social era: the big sponge.

In Longxi County, Gansu Province, the big sponge broke away from institutional education in junior high school and lived alone from his parents. He likes to wander the streets, spending night after night aimlessly. Because he likes rap culture, he sometimes broadcasts live online.

A room full of old things, an occasional out-of-control emotion, and a never-ending loneliness......

Haimian has a lot of thoughts about the education system and social rules, and there are many games between individuals and the times in the songs he writes. He had a good talent for music, and once passed the best high school in Longxi County through his status as an art student, and once he asked his teacher, "What's the point of going to college?" The teacher said, "You'll know when you're up," and he asked, "Then why can't I know now?" The teacher couldn't answer, so he dropped out of school and went home.

His life is undoubtedly the most classic negative teaching material of success: no education, no job, poor life, and no advantage in social material resources.

If you take the initiative to become "waste", can you escape growth?

Image source: "Waste Story"

He was often alone at home, there were a lot of old things in the house, his mother threw them away, he picked them up again, he didn't understand why these things had been in the house for decades, and his mother threw them away. Sometimes the clothes he wears are also left over from his childhood, and he cherishes everything that once existed, even if it was a kitchen knife that had been rusted for more than ten years, he had to pick it up, which reminded me of the story of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan is a little boy who can fly, does not want to grow up, and will never grow up. He is innocent, jealous, brave and sacrificial, and he also has a Neverland where all the children want to be present and where life is happy and carefree.

"Is your level of childishness high?"

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Never grow up, just a fairytale dream.


We aspire to, but never be the child who doesn't grow up

In addition to showing the big sponge "waste", the documentary is more about the lightness of the "waste": for seven days, in order to write his first album, he kept creating without eating or drinking; During the live broadcast, someone scolded him, and he was desperate to get angry and smash the table; Because the ancient buildings in the county town from childhood to adulthood are going to be demolished, he will do everything to go into the construction site to see; Wherever he goes, happy and sad, he will come to freestyle; He often stood in the drum tower of the county town to "bask in the moon.......

If you take the initiative to become "waste", can you escape growth?

Image source: "Waste Story" Many people say that they can see themselves and the childlike beauty and seriousness of "waste" when they watch "Waste Story", and the free, vigorous, tenacious and fresh vitality is vividly demonstrated in the comparison with reality.

But reality always makes the big sponge "wrestle", and the "waste" also has to grow up. He likes a girl on the internet and rejects him on the grounds that he is fat; Because he wandered the streets and was inadvertently convicted by the court of being involved in theft, he got into a lawsuit...... He ends up trapped in life, trying to change.

It seems that everyone desires to live as casually and innocently as a child forever, but when this mentality develops to the extreme, indulging in their own fantasies, refusing to grow, and refusing to accept reality, it will develop a degree of childishness that does not conform to reality.

Such characteristics will lead to escaping from the fierce competition in society, and it is difficult to accept the law of survival of the fittest, resulting in emotional instability, uncontrollable, fear of choice and responsibility, etc., longing to be a child who is cared for forever, and it is difficult to adapt to the real and cruel society.

"Is your level of childishness high?"

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We'll assess your maturity level across five dimensions to help you fully understand yourself.

At the end of Peter Pan's story, all the children return home from Neverland, and only Peter Pan sees them reunited with their families through the window, which is a metaphor for growing up. Peter Pan had countless joys, but there was one that he would never feel, and that was the joy of growing up.

In real life, the joy of growing up "grows" out with pain and dust in the life of the big sponge. Although he still stumbles, he still thinks desperately and feels desperately, his dream of being a rapper continues, and "waste" is just a kind of self-deprecation outside the mainstream of the times.

At one screening, someone in the audience shouted, "Let's do a freestyle!" After thinking about it seriously, he began to improvise and sing. Finally, he sang, "When I say life, you say it's like a dream, I say hold on, you say foolish. Hey, life-" The audience echoed: "Like a dream-", "Hold on-", "Fool-"

This may also be the reason why "Waste Story" has attracted so much attention: in an almost solidified social narrative, we hear the flow of the big sponge and see the possibility of abundant life.

Bibliography ———————— 1. Documentary: "Waste Story". 2. Southern People Weekly: "Waste Story": Two "Waste" Wandering Together, September 19, 2022. 3. Bump Mirror DOC: FIRST Hit "Waste Story" Chengdu Premiere: It's late at night, I hear "Waste" singing, March 16, 2023. 4. Wang Xiaolan, "The Metaphor of Child Growth in Peter Pan", Nanchang Institute of Technology Daily, October 31, 2016.

Author: Lianzi Editor: kk*This assessment is a paid assessment in the APP