
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Four Seasons Love Song

Heartbeat Virtuous City

Beacon Youth Dating Script Killing

On the afternoon of June 28th, the "Shout Before Dawn" Beacon Youth Dating Script Killing Activity organized by the Fengxian District Federation of Trade Unions was launched in the Red Theme Pavilion of Yihongju.

, duration 00:48

Workers and friends turned into marching workers, students, patriotic businessmen and concession patrols to go on this red journey together! While exploring the historical context of the Red Revolution, I also made like-minded friends!

Listen to songs and songs, break the ice and warm up the field

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

As the music sounded, everyone guessed the name of the song, and the distance between them quickly narrowed in laughter.

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Historical Instant Search

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Four teams shuttled through the exhibition area, searching for clue cards about "Nanqiao Party History", "Shen Zhiang Incident", "Revolutionary Faith Inheritance" and "Martyrs' List". "Everyone worked together to spare no corner, just to piece together that magnificent historical picture."

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Time memory puzzles

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Four teams worked together in pairs to find the fragments of the times scattered in each exhibition area, and pieced together the century-old history of Nanqiao Town. In this link, everyone gave full play to the spirit of teamwork, cooperated with each other, exchanged clues, and completed this challenging task together.

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Points Competition

The heart of the toe pressure plate has a spiritual rhino

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

The two teams that are behind in the points ranking enter a fierce points competition - the heart of the toe pressure board has a spirit. The tacit challenge on the toe pressure board allowed everyone to experience the power of unity and cooperation in the guessing puzzle, and enhanced the understanding and trust between each other.

Beacon Q&A Challenge

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

Students and workers team up the stairs to explore the history of the party, the history of Nanqiao Town, and the important content of its economic development on the wall of the exhibition hall. Within 7 minutes, they quickly browsed, memorized, and demonstrated excellent knowledge under the moderator's Q&A.

Hide tasks

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

The Merchant and the Patrol successfully triggered the quest "Decrypt the Legacy of the Letterhead and Tracing the True and False Secret Boxes". One group went to find the lockbox, and the other group went to the "Seeing Letters Like Meeting" area to find the correct original sentence of Shen Zhiang's family letter. After a lot of hardship, the merchant and the patrol team finally found the lockbox and the password clues, successfully obtained and protected the list, and disrupted the Kuomintang's plan.

Award Ceremony

Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here
Super immersive! When "making friends" meets "script killing", interesting souls meet → here

On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, we specially planned this script killing activity, and we established a deep friendship between completing tasks together, sharing clues and communicating and negotiating. Pay tribute to the martyrs with action, touch history with your heart, let the red gene be integrated into the blood, let the revolutionary spirit be passed on from generation to generation, and let the revolutionary friendship become stronger and stronger in the struggle! Through this activity, we will review the glorious history of the party and understand the party's mission!