
The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

author:Lovely Filipino girl

In the book "The Story of Roses", in addition to those relationship problems that are as gorgeous as roses, there is also a character who is still fresh in the reader's memory because of his choices and lifestyle.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

This person is Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend who has never shown up, he and Fang Xiewen have a similar background, but he chose a completely different path.

Recently, as we learn more about the story behind The Story of Rose, we're starting to see more details of the life of this enigmatic character.

His name is Li Hao, and he is an outstanding student at Tsinghua University, he and Bai Xiaohe met and fell in love with each other in college, and spent their youthful and beautiful campus time together.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

Do you know? Li Hao is not an ordinary person. His family background is similar to Fang Xiewen's, they are all middle-class families, and they have enjoyed good educational resources and family environment since they were children.

But you know what? Li Hao was not complacent because of this. He has always been sober, independent thinkers, and does not follow the crowd. In college, he is not only a top student, but also a celebrity on campus! His classmates liked him very much and respected him.

Speaking of the relationship between Li Hao and Bai Xiaohe, it is really enviable! They walked together on the Tsinghua campus, stayed up late in the library to study, and planned their future lives together. That time may be one of the best memories of Li Hao's life.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

But graduation season is approaching, and their relationship has encountered some challenges.

Bai Xiaohe's family is really rich! Billionaire-level families. Her parents have very high expectations for her, so they want her to find the right partner.

Li Hao is a very talented young man, but his family conditions are far worse than Bai Xiaohe's. He knew very well that he couldn't give Bai Xiaohe the kind of life she wanted, and he also knew that there was a gap between the two of them, a little estranged.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

So, one day after graduation, Li Hao made a very difficult decision. He decided to leave Bai Xiaohe and pursue the kind of life he really wanted.

He didn't accept Bai Xiaohe's parents' invitation to travel, and he didn't try to save their relationship. He left silently, wanting Bai Xiaohe to find a partner who was really suitable for her and find her own happiness.

It was really difficult for Li Hao to make this decision. He has a deep affection for Bai Xiaohe, but he knows better what he wants. He doesn't want to lose himself because of love, and he doesn't want to give up his ideals for material things.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

He chose a path that was different from most people, pursuing things that would make him truly satisfied and happy.

After breaking up with Bai Xiaohe, Li Hao was not defeated by the pain of falling out of love. Instead, he worked harder, lived harder, and tried to be the kind of person he wanted to be.

He used his efforts and talents to prove that he could live a full and happy life even without material wealth and status.

With the passage of time, Bai Xiaohe gradually came out of the shadow of broken love. She met Huang Zhenhua, a man who was a close match for her. The two met and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

However, even though Bai Xiaohe, who has a marriage and family, can never forget the man who once loved her deeply - Li Hao.

By chance, Bai Xiaohe learned about Li Hao. She learns that he has become a successful entrepreneur with his own company and team. With his own efforts and talents, he realized his dreams and pursuits.

Bai Xiaohe is pleased and proud of Li Hao's success, but also regrets and regrets his choice.

The story of the rose: Reject Bai Fumei, don't want tens of millions of property, Bai Xiaohe's ex-boyfriend is sober in the world

In this materialistic society, Li Hao's choice and persistence are particularly precious and rare. He proved with his actions that love is not the whole of life, nor is it the only criterion for measuring a person's worth.

For Bai Xiaohe, Li Hao has always been an irreplaceable existence in her heart. His departure made her cherish the happiness and possession in front of her even more, and also made her understand the true meaning and meaning of love better. #头条创作挑战赛#