
Missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing is shown in the heart every day

author:Who understands grass d's worries

Love without being around, you need to suppress the sprout of your heart when you miss, no one knows what kind of patience it is, only you know, what kind of torment those heartaches are!

Not together, thoughts show in my heart every day, and I think about it every day, not because I don't have the ability to live alone, but I can't help but think that this may be what love looks like!

In the vast red dust, missing is also a way of love, that is the fetters in the heart, looking for a way out in the confusion, a wisp of lovesickness, the graceful appointment is beautiful, even if it is ethereal, it is also moving!

As soon as the heart moves, I am intoxicated, unable to speak, and the feeling of faint pain is obviously coming from the heart socket, but it is like all the nerves are anesthetized, so that people can't feel where the pain is!

Missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing is shown in the heart every day

The person who misses is always cranky, that kind of dreamlike beauty, even if it stays in the heart for a short time, it is as intoxicating as a treasure, which is a kind of romance that can soothe the loneliness in the heart!

Love is forever remembered in the heart, no matter when, as long as you think of the person you love in your heart, even if you don't hold hands and don't feel lonely, the throbbing of that love can decompose the warmth that accompanies you!

Moved the true feelings, then understand the preciousness of love, although the throbbing when missing is worrying, but still affectionate, the interpretation of longing, maybe this is so indescribable......

Missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing is shown in the heart every day

In the world of emotion, love is a love without reason, as long as the heart moves, it is crazy, but there are all kinds of excuses for not loving, and the person who wants to leave can't keep it, and the interpretation of longing is natural!

The person who loves is across the mountains and seas, the person who misses, the love is embarrassed, the silent thoughts, so that the heart has no fixed place, and the lonely parting is extremely depressing, it is a kind of intoxication that understands but pretends to be confused!

A love, a lifetime without regrets, when missing, people look into the distance and their hearts are reeling, although the temperature of love continues to soar in the heart, the interpretation of parting sorrow will also make the person who misses more and more quiet!

Missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing is shown in the heart every day

The heart belongs, as long as it is not with you, missing has become a normal state in daily life, and there is no care around you who knows cold and hot, and missing is haunting in your heart, and it can also bring a sense of belonging!

The person I miss, along the way, can be described as the wind and rain, the wind blows the eyes full of tears, the rain pours through the heart, and the gentle impact of love is shattered, and that kind of helplessness makes people so sad......

In the world of emotion, missing is not out of nowhere, nor is it pretending to be affectionate, but a kind of can't help but remember, the loved one is far away, when missing, the heart will bring a warm current!

Missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing is shown in the heart every day

A lifetime of love, that love swaying in the heart, is with sincerity to come to the identification, to a person unforgettable, what is the meaning of missing, there is only one answer, that is a love word!

In the bustling world, all thoughts are born for love, only true love people will have missing, missing is also an expression of love, not together, missing every day in the heart of the heart!

Love is vigorous, keep in mind the original intention, and with deep affection, every time I miss, I silently count the time that has passed, and the sadness is sad, love warms the heart, but the thoughts stir up the emotions......