
Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!

author:Micro will be happy
Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!
Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!
Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!


The Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Fujian Provincial Department of Finance issued a notice on the adjustment of the basic pension of retirees in 2024

Let's see the details -

Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!

The people's governments of cities divided into districts and the Management Committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone:

In accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance on Adjusting the Basic Pension of Retirees in 2024 (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2024] No. 48), as well as the approval of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance on the adjustment of the basic pension plan for retirees in our province in 2024, with the consent of the provincial government, it is decided to adjust the basic pension of retirees (hereinafter referred to as retirees) in enterprises, government agencies and institutions from January 1, 2024. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Scope of adjustment

Retirees who have gone through the procedures for retirement (including retirement) in accordance with the regulations before December 31, 2023 and receive a basic pension on a monthly basis.

Second, adjust the level

The overall adjustment level is determined at 3% of the average monthly basic pension of retirees in 2023.

3. Adjustment methods

The current adjustment of the basic pension of retirees adopts the method of combining fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and appropriate tilt, taking into account fairness and efficiency, and the retirees of enterprises, government agencies and institutions will be adjusted in the same way. The monthly increase standard is composed of quota adjustment and peg adjustment, and appropriate preference is given to eligible personnel.

(1) Quota adjustment

Retirees are adjusted and increased by 33 yuan per person per month.

(2) Hook adjustment part

1. The part of the adjustment linked to the basic pension of the retiree. Retirees will be adjusted and increased by 1.29% of their basic pension standard in December 2023.

2. The adjustment part linked to the retiree's own payment period (including the deemed payment period, the same below) will be paid 1 yuan for each full year of the retiree's own payment period.

If the remaining number of months after the accumulation of the payment period is less than 6 months, it will be calculated as half a year and will be paid 0.5 yuan, and if it is more than 7 months but less than 1 year, it will be calculated as 1 year and 1 yuan. The enlistment time of retirees shall be subject to the organization's determination at the time of retirement approval or pension approval.

(3) Appropriately inclined part

1. Retirees who reach the age of 70 between January 1 and December 31, 2023 will receive an additional 40 yuan per person per month on the basis of this quota adjustment and linkage adjustment.

2. For the demobilized cadres of enterprises who have gone through retirement procedures before December 31, 2023, and their basic pension in December 2023 is lower than the monthly per capita basic pension level of enterprise retirees in the province in 2023, they will first make up to the monthly per capita basic pension level of enterprise retirees in the province in 2023, and then participate in this basic pension adjustment.

Fourth, other adjustment policies

(1) Retirees of collective enterprises and national contract workers who have participated in the provincial overall planning of the basic pension insurance for enterprise employees, and who meet the continuous service years stipulated by the state and province before the end of 1990, can be increased by 1 yuan per year in the adjustment of the basic pension. The provisions of this article only apply to the adjustment of the basic pension, and do not involve the determination of the deemed payment period and other treatment issues. For the years of pension insurance premiums that have been paid before the end of 1990, they will not be counted and paid repeatedly.

(2) The pension adjustment of "5.12 retired cadres" and retired workers who participated in revolutionary work before the founding of the People's Republic of China and enjoyed 100% of the retirement allowance in accordance with the provisions of the former Ministry of Labor and Personnel Labor Insurance [1983] No. 3 document shall be adjusted synchronously with the retired personnel in accordance with the previous measures, and shall not be included in the scope of this adjustment.

5. Sources of funds

The funds required for the adjustment of the basic pension, including: the basic pension insurance for employees of the enterprise shall be paid from the basic pension insurance fund of the enterprise, and the local finance shall give a certain subsidy to the new expenditure arrangement funds for the pension of the local adjustment of the pension of the retirees of the enterprise; The basic endowment insurance for the staff of participating organs and institutions shall be paid from the basic endowment insurance fund of the organs and institutions, and shall be allocated separately according to the level of overall planning; For those who have not participated in the basic pension insurance for urban workers and other specific personnel, the funds required for adjustment shall be resolved by the original channels. At the same time, according to the proportion of the personal account pension and basic pension of the insured personnel at the time of retirement to the basic pension, they shall be paid from the balance of their personal accounts and the overall fund; When the balance of the personal account is zero, all of it will be paid from the pooled fund.

The districted cities, the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone and the relevant departments directly under the provincial government should ensure that the basic pension is paid on time and in full by expanding the coverage of the pension insurance, strengthening the collection of funds, adjusting the structure of financial expenditures, and increasing the subsidy to the pension insurance fund.

6. Organization and implementation

The adjustment of the basic pension of retirees is an important measure to ensure and improve the level of people's livelihood, which embodies the cordial concern of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee, and the provincial government for the vast number of retirees, and has a direct bearing on the vital interests of all kinds of retirees. All districted cities, Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone and relevant departments directly under the provincial government shall, in accordance with the measures and requirements stipulated in this notice, earnestly strengthen leadership, carefully organize implementation, and ensure that the newly increased basic pension will be paid in full and on time before July 31, 2024.

For problems encountered in the implementation process, the human resources and social security and financial departments at all levels shall promptly seek instructions from the local government and report to the competent department at a higher level. All districted cities and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone shall submit a summary of the adjustment of the basic pension of retirees in their respective regions to the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Provincial Department of Finance before August 10, 2024.

Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

Fujian Provincial Department of Finance

June 27, 2024

Source: Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security official website Editor: Zheng Junji Preliminary review: Zhang Yinxian Review: Lin Chaoqun Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and crackdown on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!

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Pension raised! It will be distributed by July 31st!
