
After 1 week of dating, the man bought a house for his girlfriend, and his boyfriend disappeared when he repaid the loan

author:View Weihai


According to Xiaoqiang's hotline report: A Ms. Cao in Huzhou has only been dating her boyfriend for a week, but she didn't expect her boyfriend to offer her a suite. The man said that he paid the down payment, and he would pay off the subsequent installments in 3 years.

After 1 week of dating, the man bought a house for his girlfriend, and his boyfriend disappeared when he repaid the loan

Ms. Cao was very happy, so under the guidance of the man, Ms. Cao took out a loan to buy a house with a total price of more than 970,000 yuan. However, in addition to the down payment, the man transferred 180,000 yuan to himself, and the loan was not repaid, and he even lost contact with him.

After 1 week of dating, the man bought a house for his girlfriend, and his boyfriend disappeared when he repaid the loan

Later, it was found that the 180,000 yuan for the down payment was not called by the "boyfriend", but transferred by the developer to the person who sold the house to them. The "boyfriend's" company belongs to their secondary distribution company agent. The real estate company said that the agent salesman told the boss that he wanted to use the "commission" to buy a house for his girlfriend, and they first gave the commission to a third party based on personal relationships.

After 1 week of dating, the man bought a house for his girlfriend, and his boyfriend disappeared when he repaid the loan

Ms. Cao said that she currently has to rent a house and living expenses, and she is no longer able to repay the mortgage. As for Ms. Cao's request to move out, the developer said that it could be negotiated.

After 1 week of dating, the man bought a house for his girlfriend, and his boyfriend disappeared when he repaid the loan

Netizens commented on this:

@Mr-hou_Live: Can pie fall from the sky? Why did it drop for you?

@掐住淡淡色的头左右摇摆: This girl has a better memory! Get acquainted with a house for a week......

@庆临里: Didn't you understand what the man got?

Source: Phoenix Weekly, Star Video